Atheism Quotes

Text Quotes
Atheism, a religion dedicated to its own sense of smug superiority (Atheism Quotes)
I oscillate between agnosticism and atheism (Atheism Quotes)
My personal feeling is that understanding evolution led me to atheism (Atheism Quotes)
The equal toleration of all the same as atheism. (Atheism Quotes)
Atheism shows strength of mind, but only to a certain degree (Atheism Quotes)
Atheism is the vice of a few intelligent people (Atheism Quotes)
All worry is atheism, because it is a want of trust in God (Atheism Quotes)
Atheism is rather in the lip, than in the heart of man (Atheism Quotes)
Among the repulsions of atheism for me has been its drastic uninterestingness as an intellectual position. Where was the ingenuity, the ambiguity, the humanity (in the Harvard sense) of saying that the universe just happened to happen and that when we're dead we're dead? (Atheism Quotes)
Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make when in the presence of religious dogma (Atheism Quotes)
Atheism. There is not a single exalting and emancipating influence that does not in turn become inhibitory (Atheism Quotes)
Religion has two principal enemies, fanaticism and infidelity, or that which is called atheism. The first requires to be combated by reason and morality, the other by natural philosophy (Atheism Quotes)
My atheism, like that of Spinoza, is true piety towards the universe and denies only gods fashioned by men in their own image, to be servants of their human interests (Atheism Quotes)
I'm an atheist, but I'm very relaxed about it. I don't preach my atheism, but I have a huge amount of respect for people like Richard Dawkins who do (Atheism Quotes)
A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion (Atheism Quotes)
To be an atheist requires an indefinitely greater measure of faith than to recieve all the great truths which atheism would deny (Atheism Quotes)
The only theism worthy of our respect believes in God not because of the way the world is made but in spite of that. The only theism that is no less profound than the Buddha's atheism is that represented in the Bible by Job and Jeremiah (Atheism Quotes)
To sustain the belief that there is no God, atheism has to demonstrate infinite knowledge. Because their declaration is tantamount to saying, I have infinite knowledge that there is no being in existence with infinite knowledge (Atheism Quotes)
The very idea of carrying my memory into eternity devastated me, and I took refuge in atheism (Atheism Quotes)
There is no being eloquent for atheism. In that exhausted receiver the mind cannot use it's wings, the clearest proof that it is out of it's element (Atheism Quotes)
Atheism, nine times out of ten, is born from the womb of a bad conscience. Disbelief is born of sin, not of reason (Atheism Quotes)
Atheism cheapens everything it touches - look at the results of communism, the most powerful form of atheism on earth (Atheism Quotes)
Atheism is cheap on people, because it snobbishly says nine out of ten people through history have been wrong about God and have had a lie at the core of their hearts (Atheism Quotes)
All theory of modernity in sociology suggests that the more modernity there is, the less religion. In my theory we can realize that this is wrong: atheism is only one belief system among many (Atheism Quotes)
The major obstacle to a religious renewal is the intellectual classes, who are highly influential and tend to view religion as primitive superstition. They believe that science has left atheism as the only respectable intellectual stance (Atheism Quotes)
We aim in the domain of politics at republicanism; in the domain of economics at socialism; in the domain of what is today called religion, at atheism (Atheism Quotes)
Because morality is a social necessity, the moment faith in God is banished, man’s gaze turns from God to man and he becomes socially conscious. Religious belief prevented the growth of a sense of realism. But atheism at once makes man realistic and alive to the needs of morality (Atheism Quotes)
Yes, I do not like people saying that atheism is based on science, because it’s not. It’s an alien invasion of science (Atheism Quotes)
Atheism tells him what he isn’t, and like all of us he yearns to know what he is (Atheism Quotes)
I’ve sworn off agnosticism, which I now call cowardly atheism. I’ve come to the position that in the complete absence of any supporting data whatsover for the persistence of the individual in some spiritual form, it is necessary to operate under the provisional conclusion that there is no afterlife and then be ready to amend that if I find out otherwise (Atheism Quotes)