Attack Quotes

Text Quotes
Whenever you notice your thoughts detour into attack mode, say out loud or to yourself: Happiness is a choice I make (Attack Quotes)
It is an art in itself to compose a starting team, finding the balance between creative players and those with destructive powers, and between defence, construction and attack – never forgetting the quality of the opposition and the specific pressures of each match (Attack Quotes)
We believe in the art of war. We are trying to get our competition to attack us with angry, virulent energy, so we can transform that into larger market share (Attack Quotes)
I’m very scared sometimes that fashion might attack its own magic by the amount of exposure (Attack Quotes)
I tend to attack the challenges that are right in front of me, the ones that I have today (Attack Quotes)
Carving is a source of joy to the artist... To attack the raw material, gradually to extract a shape out of it following one’s own desire, or, sometimes, the inspiration of the material itself: this gives the sculptor great joy (Attack Quotes)
Speak, speak, speak, and remember that whenever anyone’s liberty to speak is denied, your liberty is denied also, and your place is where the attack is (Attack Quotes)
I don’t need to go out there and trick guys, and I don’t need to go out there and be perfect. I’ve just got to attack the strike zone, let my stuff work and get much better results that way (Attack Quotes)
When defeated ask yourself what mistakes invited the attack. This kind of positive thinking any fighter must possess (Attack Quotes)
Christianity has been successfully attacked and marginalized… because those who professed belief were unable to defend the faith from attack, even though its attackers’ arguments were deeply flawed (Attack Quotes)
I take a less gloomy view. A good life means fighting to be human under growing difficulties. A lot of young folk know this and fight very hard, but after a few years life gets easier for them and they think they’ve become completely human when they’ve only stopped trying. I stopped trying, but my life was so full of strenuous routines that I wouldn’t have noticed had it been not for my disease. My whole professional life was a diseased and grandiose attack on my humanity. It is an achievement to know that I am simply a wounded and dying man. Who can be more regal than a dying man? (Attack Quotes)
It was a ludicrous, insane situation in which modern fighting men, possessed all of the highly destructive engines of war, were ordered to attack a medieval fortress using no weapons that would destroy or harm it (Attack Quotes)
In a rook and pawn ending, the rook must be used aggressively. It must either attack enemy pawns, or give active support to the advance of one of its own pawns to the queening square (Attack Quotes)
In a physical contest on the field of battle it is allowable to use tactics and strategy, to retreat as well as advance, to have recourse to a ruse as well as open attack; but in matters of principle there can be no tactics, there is one straight forward course to follow and that course must be found and followed without swerving to the end (Attack Quotes)
At some point, I told myself: the dress doesn’t own you, you own the dress! So act like it and attack (Attack Quotes)
I’m not a historian, and I wouldn’t want to be. I want to change the world. Attack the elite. Overturn the hierarchy. Look at my stories and you’ll notice that the villains are always, always, those in power. The heroes are the little people. I hate the establishment. Always have, always will (Attack Quotes)
I know not how to defeat others, I only know how to win over myself. The real and most dangerous opponents we face in life are fear, anger, confusion, doubt and despair. If we overcome those enemies who attack from within, we can attain a sure victory over any attack from without (Attack Quotes)
It’s not about the budget; it’s about the power... So will the attack on unions succeed? I don’t know. But anyone who cares about retaining government of the people by the people should hope that it doesn’t (Attack Quotes)
The secret principle of martial arts is not vanquishing the attacker, but resolving to avoid an encounter before its occurrence. To become an object of an attack is an indication that there was an opening in one’s guard, and the important thing is to be on guard at all times (Attack Quotes)
After all, I’m religious, and if my mother knew I was performing in the nude, she would have had a heart attack (Attack Quotes)
She smiled, and there it was again, that aching pressure in his chest. Love, or a heart attack. Kind of the same thing (Attack Quotes)
The shortcoming of hanging pawns is that they present a convenient target for attack. As the exchange of men proceeds, their potential strength lessens and during the endgame they turn out, as a rule, to be weak (Attack Quotes)
I had started by imitating a parrot, which is unusual, in that a parrot is supposed to imitate you. By taking the initiative you allow the parrot no alternative but to be itself, which proves again that attack is often the best defence (Attack Quotes)
What is a weak pawn? A pawn that is exposed to attack and also difficult to defend is a weak pawn. There are several varieties: isolated, doubled, too advanced, retarded (Attack Quotes)
One charming characteristic of many flank attacks I could mention is that they do not very often lead to simplification: if the attack is parried, there usually are still opportunities left for initiating action in another sector (Attack Quotes)
Today, much of journalism and politics are in a kind of collusion to oversimplify and personalize issues. No room for ambivalence. Plenty of room for the personal attack (Attack Quotes)
When under attack, it is necessary to evaluate the situation and to decide instantly upon a proper course of action, to be carried out immediately with all the force you can bring to bear. He who hesitates is indeed lost. Do not soliloquize. Do not delay. Be decisive (Attack Quotes)
If you find yourself under lethal attack don’t be kind. Be harsh. Be tough. Be ruthless (Attack Quotes)
Being in attack mode is something I try to bring into every single game, and that’s what’s making me be so successful (Attack Quotes)
If you attack a mathematical problem directly, very often you come to a dead end, nothing you do seems to work and you feel that if only you could peer round the corner there might be an easy solution. There is nothing like having somebody else beside you, because he can usually peer round the corner (Attack Quotes)