Attack Quotes

Text Quotes
The skeptic may deny your doctrine or attack your church but he cannot honestly ignore the fact that your life has been changed. (Attack Quotes)
Play is under attack in our nation’s schools - and shrinking recess periods are only part of the problem. Homework is increasing. Cities are building new schools without playgrounds. Safety concerns are prompting bans of tag, soccer, and even running on the schoolyard. (Attack Quotes)
The attack on ObamaCare was that Congress does not have the power under the Commerce Clause to force a private citizen into a private contractual relationship. If such a thing is permitted to stand, the anti-ObamaCare forces argue, there will be no limit to Congress’s power in the future. (Attack Quotes)
What is and isn’t justified by military necessity is, naturally, open to interpretation. One of the key concepts, though, is the law of proportionality. A military attack that results in civilian casualties - ‘collateral damage’ - is acceptable as long as the military benefits outweigh the price that is paid by humanity. (Attack Quotes)
I would attack any squadron blockading a port. Nothing could prevent me from dropping out of the clear blue sky on to a battleship with 400 kilos of explosives in the cockpit. Of course it is true that the pilot would be killed, but everything would blow up, and that’s what counts. (Attack Quotes)
My motive, and I will make it clear and look you in the eyes, is to attack major league baseball. That’s my motive. (Attack Quotes)
The sentence imposed on Abdul Kadir sends a powerful and clear message. We will bring to justice those who plot to attack the United States of America. (Attack Quotes)
The Clinton administration launched an attack on people in Texas because those people were religious nuts with guns. Hell, this country was founded by religious nuts with guns. Who does Bill Clinton think stepped ashore on Plymouth Rock? (Attack Quotes)
My parents, particularly my father, had been used by commentators, political journalists and political commentators, to attack me, and the collateral damage was the reputations of my father and my mother. (Attack Quotes)
President Obama has never summarized the Obama Doctrine with such clarity, but here is what it would look like: ‘I will undertake any military attack against our enemies, regardless of the risks and collateral damage, so long as it is over by the time I have to announce it.’ (Attack Quotes)
Britain, along with the U.S.A., is war weary, and after the travesty of Iraq and Afghanistan, has grave misgivings in any future involvement in the Middle East. The ghost of Tony Blair and his single-minded determination to attack Iraq, at any cost, has cast a long shadow over British politics. The British public have a long collective memory. (Attack Quotes)
You think they could stop putting these experts on the news with their doomsday scenarios of how the terrorists might attack us? Because you get the sense they’re coming up with ideas that these people haven’t thought of themselves. (Attack Quotes)
Really, of all the important mission responsibilities assigned to United States Strategic Command by the president, none is more important than our responsibility to deter a strategic attack on the United States and our allies and partners. (Attack Quotes)
I was competing for attention in a four-piece band that was phenomenal, and I was trying to attack the blues from a kind of white English viewpoint as a singer. (Attack Quotes)
U.S. computer networks and databases are under daily cyber attack by nation states, international crime organizations, subnational groups, and individual hackers. (Attack Quotes)
While many hackers have the knowledge, skills, and tools to attack computer systems, they generally lack the motivation to cause violence or severe economic or social harm. (Attack Quotes)
The true reason of Ms. Rice’s attack against Russia is very simple. Condoleezza Rice is a very cruel, offended woman who lacks men’s attention. (Attack Quotes)
Before an attack, the platoon pools all its available cash and the survivors divide it up afterwards. Those who are killed can’t complain, the wounded would have given far more than that to escape as they have, and the unwounded regard the money as a consolation prize for still being here. (Attack Quotes)
We’re looking at a president [Barack Obama] who’s engaged in double-speak where he doesn’t call radical Islamic terrorism by its name. Indeed, he gives a speech after the San Bernardino attack where his approach is to try to go after the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens rather than to keep us safe. (Attack Quotes)
The truth is our country, our people, our liberties, and our way of life are under attack by radical Islamic terrorists who kill and destroy in the name of religion. (Attack Quotes)
Despite fearful rhetoric to the contrary, terrorism is not a transcendent threat. A terrorist attack cannot possibly destroy our country’s way of life; it’s only our reaction to that attack that can do that kind of damage. (Attack Quotes)
The most fundamental attack on freedom is the attack on critical thinking skills. Comments display our universal failure to teach and value critical thinking, leaving the possibility open that both everything and nothing could be true. (Attack Quotes)
Love is a crocodile just above the water line waiting to attack the innocent herbivore of my freedom. (Attack Quotes)
Governors normally have jurisdiction over public health emergencies, but a widespread biological attack would cross state boundaries. (Attack Quotes)
Stereotypes, they’re sensual, cultural weapons. That’s the way that we attack people. At an artistic level, stereotypes are terrible writing. (Attack Quotes)
In whose interest is it to hype up the collapse of the Internet from a DDoS attack? Why, the people who provide cyber security services, of course. (Attack Quotes)
I’m learning that human pressure on wildlife is becoming increasingly dangerous. You’ve got to be more alert because more animals have been pushed around, wounded, subjected to human harassment, ambushed, all kinds of stress. When they attack, it’s totally predictable. (Attack Quotes)
The idea that a war can be won by standing on the defensive and waiting for the enemy to attack is a dangerous fallacy, which owes its inception to the desire to evade the price of victory. (Attack Quotes)
[Arabs are] a people, whom it is dangerous to provoke, and fruitless to attack (Attack Quotes)
We face paired dangers. The first is that our networks are successfully attacked. The second is that our fear of attack will cause us to destroy what makes the Internet special. (Attack Quotes)