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Attention Quotes

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Boredom is a sign of satisfied ignorance, blunted apprehension, crass sympathies, dull understanding, feeble powers of attention, and irreclaimable weakness of character  (Attention Quotes) The secret of a good memory is attention, and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it. We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds  (Attention Quotes) Political campaigns are designedly made into emotional orgies which endeavor to distract attention from the real issues involved, and they actually paralyze what slight powers of cerebration man can normally muster  (Attention Quotes) Golf is not, on the whole, a game for realists. By its exactitudes of measurements it invites the attention of perfectionists  (Attention Quotes) While maintaining our nuclear potential at the proper level, we need to devote more attention to developing the entire range of means of information warfare  (Attention Quotes) The music and everything we’re doing on the stage and on television backs itself up. If that’s what gets people’s curiosity going or brings their attention to us, that’s fine  (Attention Quotes) As soon as you get a certain amount of attention, then everybody kinda wants to start taking pot shots at you. All your old friends that supported you don’t support you any more  (Attention Quotes) I’m aware that people see me as a sex symbol, and it’s getting me attention. But I know I can act  (Attention Quotes) Persons who have a strong sense of efficacy deploy their attention and effort to the demands of the situation and are spurred by obstacles to greater effort  (Attention Quotes) Society expresses its sympathy for the geniuses of the past to distract attention from the fact that it has no intention of being sympathetic to the geniuses of the present  (Attention Quotes) Being, belief and reason are pure relations, which cannot be dealt with absolutely, and are not things but pure scholastic concepts, signs for understanding, not for worshipping, aids to awaken our attention, not to fetter it  (Attention Quotes) Suspicion is a virtue as long as its object is the public good, and as long as it stays within proper bounds... Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel  (Attention Quotes) Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life. Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe, the less taste we shall have for destruction  (Attention Quotes) There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story  (Attention Quotes) The fascinating necessarily tends to call a certain attention to itself; the interesting need not. An evening spent with a fascinating person leaves vivid memories; one spent with interesting people has merely a sort of bouquet  (Attention Quotes) Justice is the very last thing of all wherewith the universe concerns itself. It is equilibrium that absorbs its attention  (Attention Quotes) In our culture we make heroes of the men who sit on top of a heap of money, and we pay attention not only to what they say in their field of competence, but to their wisdom on every other question in the world  (Attention Quotes) Privacy, after all, was the most relative of privileges. It was granted us by society under ungenerous conditions, the most fundamental of them that whether for pain or profit, by design or accident, we not call public attention to ourselves  (Attention Quotes) I know that unremitting attention to business is the price of success, but I don’t know what success is  (Attention Quotes) Life is so full of miseries, minor and major; they press so close upon us at every step of the way, that it is hardly worthwhile to call one another’s attention to their presence  (Attention Quotes) I hope there is something worthy in my writings and not merely the novelty of a black face associated with the power to rhyme that has attracted attention  (Attention Quotes) Whenever you look at a piece of work and you think the fellow was crazy, then you want to pay some attention to that. One of you is likely to be, and you had better find out which one it is. It makes an awful lot of difference  (Attention Quotes) Cultivate the habit of attention and try to gain opportunities to hear wise men and women talk. Indifference and inattention are the two most dangerous monsters that you ever meet. Interest and attention will insure to you an education  (Attention Quotes) Great speeches have always had great soundbites. The problem now is that the young technicians who put together speeches are paying attention only to the soundbite, not to the text as a whole, not realizing that all great soundbites happen by accident, which is to say, all great soundbites are yielded up inevitably, as part of the natural expression of the text. They are part of the tapestry, they aren’t a little flower somebody sewed on  (Attention Quotes) Thoughts of themselves have no substance; let them arise and pass away unheeded. Thoughts will not take form of themselves, unless they are grasped by the attention; if they are ignored, there will be no appearing and no disappearing  (Attention Quotes) The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction  (Attention Quotes) By concentrating our attention on the effect rather than the causes, we can avoid the laborious, nearly impossible task of trying to detect and deflect the many psychological influences on liking  (Attention Quotes) I can’t concern myself with what’s going on with the club or what the media is writing. If you pay attention to those things, that’s when you get yourself in trouble  (Attention Quotes) I love attention. I love going to events and photo shoots... I enjoy it all; the clothing, the makeup, the excitement  (Attention Quotes) I learned long ago to focus on things you can control and don’t even pay attention to things you don’t  (Attention Quotes)
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