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Attention Quotes

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I won’t go to places where you’re going to find more attention. I go to the opposite  (Attention Quotes) Like the child, the creative writing student is posited as a centre of vulnerable creativity, needful of attention and authority  (Attention Quotes) Considering the importance of resentment in our lives, and the damage it does, it receives scant attention from psychiatrists and psychologists. Resentment is a great rationalizer: it presents us with selected versions of our own past, so that we do not recognize our own mistakes and avoid the necessity to make painful choices  (Attention Quotes) I have always had a need for attention but didn’t plan to be a comic  (Attention Quotes) You know, motherhood is my favourite topic in my personal life and I won’t shut up about it, but it’s not something I want to discuss publicly just because of the amount of attention it draws to a small person who didn’t choose to be exposed  (Attention Quotes) Rock guitarists usually do not wish to think trains of thought about anything but their own guitar playing during a long solo, and I could not play this way if I were not able to divide my attention between my ever changing musical environment and my instrument itself  (Attention Quotes) I’m afraid the parenting advice to come out of developmental psychology is very boring: pay attention to your kids and love them  (Attention Quotes) I hadn’t even released my first proper single when I started to feel the strain of attention. But I don’t believe that it was the attention that was giving me panic attacks. I think it was everything in my life colliding at the same time. It really did get to a serious point where I couldn’t even walk down the street without getting the pain  (Attention Quotes) I think that we all have within us the potential for almost anything. If we play close attention to our lives, then we can get at it somehow  (Attention Quotes) If I put my name on something, I’m going to be involved. I’m not just going to put my name on it and not pay attention  (Attention Quotes) You have to expect spiritual warfare whenever you stand up for righteousness or call attention to basic values. It’s just a matter of light battling the darkness. But the light wins every time. You can’t throw enough darkness on light to put it out  (Attention Quotes) I get scared of a lot of attention. I get scared of the spotlight. And I’m not talking about on the basketball court  (Attention Quotes) It’s really difficult to navigate attention and stardom and celebrity status and still try to maintain yourself and hold onto your intelligence and integrity. It’s really challenging  (Attention Quotes) When you have good friends you’ve been around, every time they talk, you don’t give them your full attention. You don’t look them in the eye and stop. Half the time, you’re listening, half the time, you are ignoring them  (Attention Quotes) And I was mischievous. I was always into something. So when I got good attention from the singing, I knew that was probably where I needed to land  (Attention Quotes) I don’t pay much attention to career or what other people think. I’ve always been quite arrogant  (Attention Quotes) I’m very shy. I know it’s weird for a person who models lingerie and swimsuits, but I don’t like to be the center of attention!  (Attention Quotes) Honestly, I don’t believe in menswear. I focus on what pieces are most timeless, transcendent, match my lifestyle, remain remarkable, and command intriguing attention across the room at an art gallery  (Attention Quotes) It’s really annoying when you’re trying to get to know someone and she doesn’t pay attention to you because she’s obsessed with her phone  (Attention Quotes) I was a guy who wanted to become famous. There was steam coming out of my ears, I wanted to be famous so badly. You want the attention, you want the bucks, and you want the best seat in the restaurant. I didn’t think what the repercussions would be  (Attention Quotes) An obsessive attention to the news, I’ve realized, only serves to paint a picture of the world as a throbbing blob of dysfunction, most news falling somewhere on a scale from disappointing to calamitous  (Attention Quotes) I’m really specific in the way that I shoot. I’ve always had a very good sense of what I need in the editing room. I used to shoot in a way that drew more attention to the camera and I’ve tried, in each film, to draw less and less attention to the camera. I think when you pay attention to the shots, you’re aware of the fact that there’s a director  (Attention Quotes) Particularly when you’re dealing with very high ranking people, you know, you have to get their attention, they are used to, by their rank, of having their own way and doing their own thing and when it’s necessary to all work together on something, sometimes you have to hit the mule between the eyes of the two by four to get its attention  (Attention Quotes) I try not to pay any attention to clothes fascism and I’d rather be thought of as someone who has his own sense of style  (Attention Quotes) Humans should always exercise and watch what they eat. So with your pet, make sure they get enough exercise, make sure they’re getting fed at the same time every day and getting the nutrition they need. And make sure they get a lot of love and attention you both need. That’s why you have them!  (Attention Quotes) There are those who think that the private lives of candidates are none of our business. But when those candidates ask us for our attention as they explain their plans for how they will represent us, no one should be surprised at our interest in how they represent themselves  (Attention Quotes) I did not want to raise a genetically compromised child. I did not want my children to have to contend with the massive diversion of parental attention, and the consequences of being compelled to care for their brother after I died. I wanted a genetically perfect baby, and because that was something I could control, I chose to end his life  (Attention Quotes) I wrote three novels in six months, with a clarity of focus and attention to detail that I had never before experienced. This type of sublime creative energy is characteristic of the elevated and productive mood state known as hypomania  (Attention Quotes) I always do get a little bit paranoid when I get a lot of attention. But I get used to it  (Attention Quotes) It is hard to get animals which normally pay little attention to each other to do things together. One can teach dolphins to jump simultaneously out of the water precisely because they show similar behavior spontaneously, but try to make two domestic cats jump together and you will fail  (Attention Quotes)
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