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Attention Quotes

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In one hand I have a dream, and in the other I have an obstacle. Tell me, which one grabs your attention?  (Attention Quotes) And to get the work done that I must do, one has to work in isolation and not be readily disturbed... I don’t have daily newspapers, and I like to feel when I get up in the morning my attention is fixed on the work I am going to do  (Attention Quotes) Pay no attention to what the critics say; no statue has ever been erected to a critic  (Attention Quotes) Cooking demands attention, patience, and above all, a respect for the gifts of the earth. It is a form of worship, a way of giving thanks  (Attention Quotes) Of true knowledge at any time, a good part is merely convenient, necessary indeed to the worker, but not to an understanding of his subject: One can judge a building without knowing where to buy the bricks; one can understand a violin sonata without knowing how to score for the instrument. The work may in fact be better understood without a knowledge of the details of its manufacture, of attention to these tends to distract from meaning and effect  (Attention Quotes) One’s concentration as a performer must remain centered on the action of which one is a part. For it is in truth only one’s own concentration on the imagined reality of the role that can force the audience’s attention to that same place  (Attention Quotes) We are developing the other parts, and we can’t give quite all our attention to the upper part, but soon the lower parts will be developed, and the upper part and the lower part will become partners, that will be wonderful  (Attention Quotes) You never advance without losing something en passant... you lose it because you’re paying so much attention to the new thing  (Attention Quotes) A dance performance is rather like going out into a battlefield. You have to hold the attention of as many as five to 10,000 people a lot of whom do not follow your language  (Attention Quotes) In medical practice, there are few surgical procedures given so little attention and so underrated in its potential hazard as abortion  (Attention Quotes) Learning to see love and to express that love is the purpose of living this life. What’s real has love at its heart; the universe is constructed from love, and that love is very much tied to our power of attention and imagination  (Attention Quotes) Ungrateful people breed negativity. No one gets any pleasure from giving to an ungrateful person. When you show appreciation, the object of your attention blossoms and flourishes  (Attention Quotes) Regard your team as a family. Give the same attention to the bottom guy as you do the top guy. You have a responsibility to all of your players  (Attention Quotes) I’m playing baseball because I love it, not because I need the money or attention. That is why I’ve been so dedicated. I’ve accomplished a lot of things no one ever thought I could, and I’ve done it from hard work  (Attention Quotes) You can have the top stars to bring the attention, you can have the best stadium, you can have the best facilities, you can have the most beautiful project in terms of marketing and all this kind of thing. But if you don’t win... All the work these people are doing is forgotten  (Attention Quotes) Do not worry about the past or the future. This moment needs your attention, for this is where your life exists  (Attention Quotes) Pay attention to the hungry, both in this country and around the world. Pay attention to the poor. Pay attention to our responsibilities for world peace. We are our brother’s keeper  (Attention Quotes) It is important to remember that the ocean’s resources are finite. The commitment these kids are making here today is a clear and compelling call to all of us to pay attention to our ocean  (Attention Quotes) Never listen to a phone call that isn’t meant for you. Never read a letter that isn’t meant for you. Never pay attention to a comment that isn’t meant for you. Never violate people’s privacy. You will save yourself a lot of anguish  (Attention Quotes) I think I’m even more open and more giving as a father now. I pay more attention now because I value it more and I’m less caught up with my career  (Attention Quotes) Your kids need your love and attention, and being able to devote myself to them is very fulfilling. As I get older, spending time with my daughters makes things much easier. You learn to put your ego aside  (Attention Quotes) When people bother you in any way, it is because their souls are trying to get your divine attention and your blessing  (Attention Quotes) To listen is to continually give up all expectation and to give our attention, completely and freshly, to what is before us, not really knowing what we will hear or what that will mean. In the practice of our days, to listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear  (Attention Quotes) People don’t pay much attention to you when you are second best. I wanted to see what it felt like to be number one  (Attention Quotes) One principal reason why men are so often useless is that they neglect their own profession or calling, and divide and shift their attention among a multitude of objects and pursuits  (Attention Quotes) ... the limitations of my endurance were expanded over and over. At times I felt that if I did not sit down I would collapse. Then something would happen to attract my attention... miraculously, the distraction always provided wings, carrying new strength, a second wind  (Attention Quotes) All interpretations made by a scientist are hypotheses, and all hypotheses are tentative. They must forever be tested and they must be revised if found to be unsatisfactory. Hence, a change of mind in a scientist, and particularly in a great scientist, is not only not a sign of weakness but rather evidence for continuing attention to the respective problem and an ability to test the hypothesis again and again  (Attention Quotes) It can hardly be pressed forcibly enough on the attention of the student of nature, that there is scarcely any natural phenomenon which can be fully and completely explained, in all its circumstances, without a union of several, perhaps of all, the sciences  (Attention Quotes) The saddest part about being human is not paying attention. Presence is the gift of life  (Attention Quotes) Yeah, anytime anybody has a kid, you know how you feel when you have a kid, you look at the world differently because your kid’s in the world now. When it’s just you, whatever happens happens but now you pay more attention to political things. You pay more attention to things because your daughter or your son has to deal with these circumstances  (Attention Quotes)
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