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Attention Quotes

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Do not feed your ego and your problems, with your attention... Slowly, surely, the ego will lose weight, until one fine day it will be nothing but a thin ghost of its former self. You will be able to see right through it, to the divine presence that shines in each of us  (Attention Quotes) We name one thing and then another. That’s how time enters poetry. Space, on the other hand, comes into being through the attention we pay to each word. The more intense our attention, the more space, and there’s a lot of space inside words  (Attention Quotes) There’s a right way and a wrong way to do things. If you make a chair, you want to make a nice chair. You want people to admire it. I think doing something well is a form of respect for humanity in general. I have found that all incompetence comes from not paying attention, which comes from people doing something that they don’t want to do. And doing what you don’t want to do means either you have no choice, or you don’t think that the moments of your life are worth fighting for  (Attention Quotes) You’ve got seconds to grab your audience’s attention and only minutes to keep it  (Attention Quotes) You can’t take anything online personally, especially if it is negative. You can have 10 positive comments, but the one negative comment will get to you. I learned you have to stay focused on the people who love and support you... Remember that hate comments can be a cry for help or attention. I recommend not responding at all, but if you do, be kind  (Attention Quotes) I’m not sure that an athlete is prepared to be a role model. He has a lot of attention paid to him that he shouldn’t have, and then the athletes tend to think of themselves as better than they are  (Attention Quotes) A face is a road map of someone’s life. Without any need to amplify that or draw attention to it, there’s a great deal that’s communicated about who this person is and what their life experiences have been  (Attention Quotes) I don’t care what your politics are, but I do suggest you pay attention to the next election and go out and vote. It doesn’t matter; you can believe whatever you want to believe, but this is the time everybody should be paying a lot of attention  (Attention Quotes) Healthy self esteem is paying attention to how others make us feel, and then choosing those with whom we spend time  (Attention Quotes) Criticism is good, you learn from it each time and you know that people are paying attention  (Attention Quotes) Live in constant gratitude. No matter what the condition today, no matter how dark, how dreary, how painful and difficult... to day is merely the passing outcome of yesterday’s nonsense. How you feel today, and what you give your attention to, builds tomorrow  (Attention Quotes) In a sacred moment, when attention is pulled inward, rather than continuing in its usual outward direction, silence is realized  (Attention Quotes) We put our best foot forward, but it’s the other one that needs the attention  (Attention Quotes) Healing opportunities can be disguised as people who really piss you off. Pay attention because they could be your greatest teachers  (Attention Quotes) I caution writers all the time to slow down and pay more attention to the work in front of them than to the end result. I don’t think you write one book and get anywhere. I think you write five books and then maybe you are finally on the right path  (Attention Quotes) Artists know that you can take an advertising sign and make something joyful with it. It’s sometimes hard for people who don’t make things to understand labor and joy and attention and whimsy  (Attention Quotes) It seems to me that we spend an inordinate amount of time and attention on fixing ourselves when we could really be directing that out to serving others  (Attention Quotes) I discovered that this camera was the technical means in photography of communicating what the world looks like in a state of heightened awareness. And it’s that awareness of really looking at the everyday world with clear and focused attention that I’m interested in  (Attention Quotes) Team members have to be focused on the collective good of the team. Too often, they focus their attention on their department, their budget, their career aspirations, their egos  (Attention Quotes) In the planning and designing of new communities, housing projects, and urban renewal, the planners both private and public, need to give explicit consideration to the kind of world that is being created for the children who will be growing up in these settings. Particular attention should be given to the opportunities which the environment presents or precludes for involvement of children both older and younger than themselves  (Attention Quotes) Prayer as focus is not a way of limiting what can be seen; it is a habit of attention brought to bear on all that is  (Attention Quotes) Let’s assume there is some validity in these prophecies. What vision of the future, of the new world, might we see so that we can place our attention upon this vision as a strange attractor to carry us through this critical transition?  (Attention Quotes) Anyone who thinks humans are not capable of so fouling their own nest that the land and the waters can no longer be productive just hasn’t been paying attention  (Attention Quotes) In every human being there is both garbage and gold, it is up to us to choose what we pay attention to  (Attention Quotes) Lately, however, on abandoning the brindled and grey mosquitos and commencing similar work on a new, brown species, of which I have as yet obtained very few individuals, I succeeded in finding in two of them certain remarkable and suspicious cells containing pigment identical in appearance to that of the parasite of malaria. As these cells appear to me to be very worthy of attention... I think it would be advisable to place on record a brief description both of the cells and of the mosquitos  (Attention Quotes) I’m not for pretending that bad stuff doesn’t exist, and a passion for justice and truth is a libertarian trait. But the idea of liberty should also reveal new forms of beauty in the world, astonishing evidence of order without dictate, lovely examples of innovation without planning, and other magical things. Surely these deserve some attention too  (Attention Quotes) To take full advantage of computer animation, you have to pay as much attention to the believable as you do the unbelievable  (Attention Quotes) It’s hard to break through the clutter of fighters out there trying to get attention  (Attention Quotes) As you get older you feel you need to pay more attention to what is around you and relish it. I’m greedy for beauty  (Attention Quotes) Most songs come from being attentive. Attentive to life, attentive to scripture, attentive to your heart. Pay attention!  (Attention Quotes)
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