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Attention Quotes

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Human attention tends to be focused on the satisfactions relationships are hoped to bring, precisely because somehow they have not been truly satisfactory. And if they do satisfy, the price of this satisfaction has often been found to be unacceptable  (Attention Quotes) People need to pay attention to their bodies and go get a checkup. If you do that, you have a chance to help illnesses from getting even worse  (Attention Quotes) I believe that there are certain attributes in a woman that give her some advantages over a man. Women are usually more honest, more sensitive to issues and bring a stronger sense of commitment and dedication to what they do. Maybe because they were mothers, and being a mother you have that special attention for the family, for the young, for children  (Attention Quotes) I have never wanted special attention. I was only willing to do what was asked of me and what seemed necessary at the time  (Attention Quotes) Painting is a kind of call and response. During the act of painting one is listening, paying attention to a self, a voice simultaneously recognizable and foreign  (Attention Quotes) Well you know when people around you treat you like a child and pay no attention to the things you say you have to do something  (Attention Quotes) There is nothing like a concrete life plan to weigh you down. Because if you always have one eye on some future goal, you stop paying attention the the job at hand, miss opportunities that might arise, and stay fixedly on one path, even when a better, newer course might have opened up  (Attention Quotes) Tea is quiet and it takes a quiet palate to appreciate something that calls so little attention to itself  (Attention Quotes) To a mind like mine, restless, inquisitive, and observant of everything that was passing, it is easy to suppose that religion was the subject to which it would be directed; and, although this subject principally occupied my thoughts, there was nothing that I saw or heard of to which my attention was not directed  (Attention Quotes) In our own time we have seen domination spread over the social landscape to a point where it is beyond all human control. Compared to this stupendous mobilization of materials, of wealth, of human intellect, of human labor for the single goal of domination, all other recent human achievements pale to almost trivial significance. Our art, science, medicine, literature, music and charitable acts seem like mere droppings from a table on which gory feasts on the spoils of conquest have engaged the attention of a system whose appetite for rule is utterly unrestrained  (Attention Quotes) I don’t really deal with the attention I receive to be honest. I build up a fantasy world around me that I inhabit. I cherry pick elements of literature, music, film, history and art, then weave them together to construct a fantasy reality to live in. It doesn’t always work out though, I got evicted from my own fantasy once, which was quite embarrassing  (Attention Quotes) We all need support and friendship, regardless of circumstances. But where do people turn when friends and family are simply no longer there, or can’t help us through a difficult time, or need all our care and attention and can’t give us any in return? Thank goodness for befriending projects, who help fill the empty spaces where care, support and a listening ear need to be  (Attention Quotes) I haven’t been paying attention to politics long enough to have really smart opinions  (Attention Quotes) If you think the ‘80s were dumber than the ‘70s, either you weren’t there or you weren’t paying attention  (Attention Quotes) I pay such close attention of the record making process that most people would assume are very little and wouldn’t be that big of a deal; the packaging, the title, and the harmonies, I think, are arguably as important as the lead vocals  (Attention Quotes) You want success, and then when you do get it, you don’t want it because of the attention  (Attention Quotes) My existence shrank from an arrow of light pointing into the future forever to a speck of light that was the present moment. I got better at living in that point of light, making the world into that point. I paid close attention to it. I loved it very much  (Attention Quotes) This is suffering’s lesson: pay attention. The important part might come in a form you do not recognize  (Attention Quotes) I don’t get afraid in talking about subject matter that may spark controversy, and I’m not afraid to not be liked. I think that sometimes people pay too much attention to being liked, and it’s paralyzing  (Attention Quotes) Becoming an artist is about sitting and paying attention to the world that is passing everyone else by  (Attention Quotes) If you want more money, don’t pay attention to the money. Pay attention to the thing that makes the money  (Attention Quotes) The important thing to remember is it’s not about balance; it’s about integration... to really focus on making sure you’re integrating all four aspects of your work, your family, your community and yourself. And it’s not about trying to spend equal amounts of time on everything you do each day on each of these things, but making sure you’re paying attention to all the things that make it up as a whole human being  (Attention Quotes) My only reason why I am not doing films is my children. My children need my attention, and it’s my duty to give them my time. I have not given birth to them to just dump them and go off to work. I am not that kind of a person  (Attention Quotes) Most people who seek attention and regard by announcing that they’re writing a novel are actually so devoid of narrative talent that they can’t hold the attention of a dinner table for thirty seconds, even with a dirty joke  (Attention Quotes) When we enter the landscape to learn something, we are obligated, I think, to pay attention rather than constantly to pose questions. To approach the land as we would a person, by opening an intelligent conversation. And to stay in one place, to make of that one, long observation a fully dilated experience. We will always be rewarded if we give the land credit for more than we imagine, and if we imagine it as being more complex even than language. In these ways we begin, I think, to find a home, to sense how to fit a place  (Attention Quotes) Unexplained pain may sometimes direct our attention to something unacknowledged, something we are afraid to know or feel. Then it holds us to our integrity, claiming the attention we withhold. The thing which calls our attention may be a repressed experience or some unexpressed and important part of who we are. Whatever we have denied may stop us and dam the creative flow of our lives. Avoiding pain, we may linger in the vicinity of our wounds, sometime for many years, gathering the courage to experience them  (Attention Quotes) Suppose that a person writes what she must. That is only the first step of becoming a writer. The work must survive the moment of creation. It must get out to an audience. She or he must dare to show the work. She must risk ridicule, misunderstanding, scandal, condemnation, and what’s often worse, none of the above: silence. No attention at all  (Attention Quotes) I never really like to skate in an empty ice rink; I always need the attention of an audience  (Attention Quotes) It took a lot to get attention in my family. No wonder I’m an actress  (Attention Quotes) If my boyfriend finds me sexy, then I don’t need that kind of male attention from anyone else  (Attention Quotes)
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