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Attention Quotes

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It’s easy to get lost in the baby. You have to make sure you give your husband attention  (Attention Quotes) A long time ago when I was very little, I dreamed about being on stage. Some people told me I would never be able to do it, so I only paid attention to those who told me that I could  (Attention Quotes) Preschoolers have a way of grabbing your attention. Mine help me not to be a baseball player at home  (Attention Quotes) While it is possible to create all your own energy, most people feed off the energy of others. If you could see on multiple planes of attention you would be astonished!  (Attention Quotes) There are primarily two ways people can drain your energy. They can get you to want them or what they have or they can get you to fear them. In order to drain you they must get into your attention field  (Attention Quotes) If one party is trusting, it is very easy during sex for the other party to format someone, to put thoughts in their mind, to jam their consciousness or attention, to lower their energy or just take power from them  (Attention Quotes) Fear can be used to get into your attention. Any way a person can get you to think of them, allows them to drain you  (Attention Quotes) If are in a situation with too many people in your life and you want to go into higher attention, look in the mirror. You are being blocked. Do something about it. It might be hard  (Attention Quotes) Keep some of your attention on your navel center when you are in a situation in which you feel your power is being drained. You will find that you will keep your power tighter, you won’t lose as much  (Attention Quotes) It appeared that after first contemplating a book on some subject, and after giving serious preliminary attention to it, I needed a period of subconscious incubation which could not be hurried and was if anything impeded by deliberate thinking... Having, by a time of very intense concentration, planted the problem in my subconsciousness, it would germinate underground until, suddenly, the solution emerged with a blinding clarity, so that it only remained to write down what happened as if in a revelation  (Attention Quotes) In order to effectively interlock with higher spheres of mind and attention, you must have tremendous balance and control. You learn that it is more fun to have control than not to  (Attention Quotes) Meditate. Inspire others. Spend time by yourself. Manage your career properly. Work at something constructive, that doesn’t injure others, and put your full attention into it  (Attention Quotes) Power plants break up the way you see the world; they can push you into the second attention; yet to continuously take them, weakens the subtle psychical body  (Attention Quotes) You can detach your attention from yourself and go anywhere. You can wander the universe. Big deal!  (Attention Quotes) There are endless planes of attention, endless realities and endless mind states. They’re like collections of atoms and protons and neutrons, nuclei. They just go on forever. They’re plasma, they’re fluid... they’re alive  (Attention Quotes) All the universes are bound together by a web, a matrix, which is our perception. And our perception actually has colors; it has bands. We call them bands of attention  (Attention Quotes) If you stay in the attention you are in, then you can predict everything that will happen to you for the rest of your life  (Attention Quotes) The universe is made up of vibrating, pulsing light. When our attention level drops, we don’t see that. Instead we see what appears to be a solid material world  (Attention Quotes) The world has an ending and a beginning. It begins with you and it ends with you. The end of the world occurs when you make a major transition in attention  (Attention Quotes) Life is invisible. The illusion is that what we perceive is in some way not a reflection of self. Life reflects the field of attention that we’re in  (Attention Quotes) It’s like looking at the sun, that’s how infinity is. You can’t look at it for too long or you dissolve. The bands of your attention break. But if you look at it in specific ways, you can become something or someone much more conscious  (Attention Quotes) W are all carrying the imprints of our most ancient ancestors. Not simply in the genetic code, but in the imprints of attention that are passed on  (Attention Quotes) One, who studies the ways of power, seeks to end the imprinting process because in imprinting we loser power, we lose attention; we are formatted to do certain things  (Attention Quotes) A child is imprinted not by simply teaching. But their attention is like soft clay. The attention field of adults is stratified. They are like hard clay and we push them on each side of the child’s attention field  (Attention Quotes) We live inside too much. We live inside and we have square thoughts and square ideas because we live in square houses. Our lives are colored by our environments. Our attention fields are colored by it  (Attention Quotes) Human beings are not so in harmony with the dharma. That is why they suffer so much. But you as an individual can reach a plane of attention and can become attention itself  (Attention Quotes) Happiness is only gained when your mind is in extended states of attention, when your mind is merging with the infinite  (Attention Quotes) If all the members of a team have synchronized their energy and they have all subordinated their egos to success of the team, then we have a functioning unit. If we have a lot of hotshots who want attention, you won’t really play that well  (Attention Quotes) Thought control is the ability to direct mind and attention anywhere. Your ability to win is dependent upon the power of your concentration. Winning is a state of mind  (Attention Quotes) Diet is a matter of personal preference, but if you’re interested in the advanced states of meditation, eating mammals should be avoided. They have a more evolved consciousness and can affect your attention field greatly  (Attention Quotes)
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