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Attention Quotes

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Honestly, as hard a profession as acting is, I think music is even harder. Acting, you’re like a leech, because someone else does the hard part for you. They write it for you, then the director tells you what to do. You really just need to know how to pay attention, follow instructions  (Attention Quotes) I haven’t always been the guy that walks into a room and automatically the attention is on me. I’m normally the guy that stands off in the corner  (Attention Quotes) Talent is required, but much of writing is a matter of craft, which develops with time, attention, patience and practice, like playing an instrument or learning to dance  (Attention Quotes) My children, who are almost two: watching them develop has made me pay much closer attention to how we become who we are  (Attention Quotes) The good thing about playing the guitar: You can take on different kinds of music. I’m always doing something different from the last thing I did because I have the shortest attention span on earth  (Attention Quotes) I’m really ambitious about is being a really good comic and doing it for the rest of my life and getting really big. Not really famous because I want fame or attention, just a little freedom. So, that’s where I’m ambitious  (Attention Quotes) Whether there are innately female leadership styles... is not really the right question. It is more important to ask why there has been so little attention paid to women leaders over the years as well as why the styles of leading more often exhibited by women are particularly useful at this critical moment in history  (Attention Quotes) For the most part, of course, the presence of the great spiritual universe surrounding us is no more noticed by us than the pressure of air on our bodies, or the action of light. Our field of attention is not wide enough for that; our spiritual senses are not sufficiently alert. Most people work so hard at developing their correspondence with the visible world, that their power of correspondence with the invisible is left in a rudimentary state  (Attention Quotes) The world won’t necessarily change but your understanding of it will, and therefore the world will change. Your attention will no longer be confined to the physical body and the physical world  (Attention Quotes) When you are in a condition of light everything is ecstatic, everything is joyous, everything is beautiful. Your attention field is subtle. The ego is quiet. The mind is still. Your heart is happy  (Attention Quotes) For years we practice meditation, like any art, and we get better at it each day. In the beginning it’s just enough for us to sit down and focus our attention  (Attention Quotes) Trying to use the power of yoga to improve your life, this is a terrible mistake. Because all you are doing is binding yourself more. You’re putting more of your attention into the transient world  (Attention Quotes) I have attention deficit disorder, so sitting in a classroom is not the best thing for me  (Attention Quotes) Are you trivialising the sisterhood if you dye your hair or have your eyebrows threaded? I’d say the answer to that is no. But equally, it’s a perfectly valid feminist thing to say there is a certain amount of attention on a woman’s appearance, and I don’t wish that to be the focus or a distraction  (Attention Quotes) I get a little cranky with the whole business about kids not having attention spans. This reminds me of the usual business of thinking that the next generation is hopeless. Every generation has said that about every younger generation  (Attention Quotes) I daydream just like everybody else. I just do it with my body facing the field, so everybody thinks I’m paying attention  (Attention Quotes) I have the power of choice in every moment. Where will I place my attention? What do I hold sacred? Whom can I love right now?  (Attention Quotes) I’ve been accused of not really paying attention to a sentence unless my name comes up in it twice  (Attention Quotes) The primary problem is to learn to be your own toughest critic. You have to pay attention to intelligent work, and to work at the same time. You see. I mean, you’ve got to bounce off better work. It’s matter of working  (Attention Quotes) The end of the world was supposed to be gradual. There was supposed to be warning. A long, slow slide. What we got was punctuated equilibrium: a stately wobbling, then a sudden tipping point. There was plenty of warning, I suppose. We just weren’t paying attention  (Attention Quotes) What I love most about playing in front of people has something to do with a certain kind of energy exchange. The attention and appreciation of my audience feeds back into my playing. It really seems as if there is a true and equal give and take between performer and listener, making me aware of how much I depend on my audience. And since the audience is different every night, the music being played will differ too. Every space I performed in has its own magic and spirit  (Attention Quotes) There is no such thing as a boring person: everyone has stories and insights worth sharing. While on the road, we let our phones or laptops take up our attention. By doing that, we might miss out on the chance to learn and absorb ideas and inspiration from an unexpected source: our fellow travelers  (Attention Quotes) When I was young, there was never any space for me to get attention of my own that wasn’t negative. Art, and the practice of making art, was the only space that was mine alone, where I could be anyone and do anything, where just by using my head and my hands I could cry, or laugh, or get pissed off  (Attention Quotes) Precision is, after all, not only a form of responsibility and a kind of pleasure, but an instrument of compassion. To be precise requires care, time, and attention to the person, place, or process being described  (Attention Quotes) I have to phrase this perfectly: I’m just not convinced that the attention we give to creating what we think of as a character isn’t actually quite often the means by which an actor overcomes his own terror of standing there onstage and creating a mask to hide behind  (Attention Quotes) In our land of opportunities and distractions, it’s hard to devote our attention to the quiet pleasures of reading. It’s as if we live our lives in a noisy restaurant and can’t have the intimate conversation we most yearn for  (Attention Quotes) Agential realism is not a manifesto, it does not take for granted that all is or will or can be made manifest. On the contrary, it is a call, a plea, a provocation, a cry, a passionate yearning for an appreciation of, attention to the tissue of ethicality that runs through the world  (Attention Quotes) Tejano music was hard for us because I was a girl. My dad had a lot of problems while trying to set up shows for us or presentations because there are a lot of men who don’t think that women can get the attention of the public. But... wrong!  (Attention Quotes) Still uncertain as to our identity, we think that what matters in the work world is gaining attention and making friends. And these misconceptions and naïveté are brutally exposed in the light of the real world  (Attention Quotes) Respect talent. Get respect where respect is due, but don’t be caught up in yourself where you do things obliviously and not pay attention to what is going on  (Attention Quotes)
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