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Attention Quotes

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Attention spans are shrinking on a daily basis, and it’s getting harder to make an impression that lasts. So the fact that we were able to make a mark in a way that led to the continued relevance of the record is kind of crazy. I’m in awe of that  (Attention Quotes) I try to keep my life as private as I can, but I definitely don’t do what I do for the attention because if I knew coming into that I would have all those people outside my house, I might have given myself a second thought  (Attention Quotes) It’s really hard to get a book published, even a good book, but the better the book is the better chance it has of eventually catching someone’s attention  (Attention Quotes) I believe in living in the present and making each day count. I don’t pay much attention to the past or the future  (Attention Quotes) I think there absolutely are so many lessons that can be learned from sports and so many different positive things that don’t necessarily get the spotlight and the attention  (Attention Quotes) Not everybody has time to pay attention fully, or not everybody has the time to read a book. Some people refuse to read books, and I’m just an unread book. Open me!  (Attention Quotes) I’m telling you, if you want to have good advice, never pay any attention to the camera guys because they will tell you over and over something is wrong and let’s reshoot it, let’s do this and let’s do that. Hey, just do it  (Attention Quotes) I have known writers who paid no damned attention whatever to the rules of grammar and rhetoric and somehow made the language behave for them  (Attention Quotes) The capacity to give one’s attention to a sufferer is a very rare and difficult thing; it is almost a miracle; it is a miracle. Nearly all those who think they have the capacity do not possess it  (Attention Quotes) Our bodies demand our attention; our bodies demand that we actually pay attention to what is going on with our lives  (Attention Quotes) At times, the biggest challenge in embracing simplicity will be the vague feeling of isolation that comes with it, since private sacrifice doesn’t garner much attention in the frenetic world of mass culture  (Attention Quotes) Life is not inherently meaningful. We make meaning happen through the attention and care we express through our actions  (Attention Quotes) What I teach the people many times is that attitude and attention will determine the whole course of our lives. Get rid of fear and that is all you ever have to get rid of. Fear of anything at all  (Attention Quotes) Most crime fiction plots are not ambitious enough for me. I want something really labyrinthine with clues and puzzles that will reward careful attention  (Attention Quotes) Here’s a summary for the time or attention challenged: Never surrender freedom for laws that can’t affect criminals; they disobey laws for a living  (Attention Quotes) There is nothing funny about aging: It is rotten and depressing. Anyone who tells you otherwise just hasn’t been paying attention  (Attention Quotes) If you don’t think that all life is improvisation, then you haven’t been paying attention. Life is what happens to you while you’re making other plans  (Attention Quotes) The nicest gifts are those left, nameless and quiet, unburdened with love, or vanity, or the desire for attention  (Attention Quotes) Most people don’t know how to listen because the major part of their attention is taken up by thinking  (Attention Quotes) There is no greater joy for me than looking at the sky on a clear night with an attention so concentrated that all my other thoughts disappear; then one can think that the stars enter into one’s soul  (Attention Quotes) The moon, by her comparative proximity, and the constantly varying appearances produced by her several phases, has always occupied a considerable share of the attention of the inhabitants of the earth  (Attention Quotes) I believe that one of the most sound ideas in dramatic writing is that in order to create the universal, you must pay very great attention to the specific. Universality, I think, emerges from truthful identity of what is  (Attention Quotes) I don’t have to have a single point of emphasis in the picture. It can be complex, because it’s so detailed that the viewer can take time and read it, and look at something here, and look at something there, and they can pay attention to a lot more  (Attention Quotes) The stuff that I write doesn’t work very well as background music. You have to watch it from beginning to end and pay attention as if you were watching a play  (Attention Quotes) I think pro wrestling doesn’t seem to get a lot of mainstream attention until somebody dies  (Attention Quotes) If you pay attention to good critics, you have to listen to the bad. So you have to ignore them all really. You can’t just cherry pick the glowing ones  (Attention Quotes) One thing that I believe is that every time I write something, I am taking the time to celebrate. Even if I am writing a sad story or an angry poem, I am still giving those stories my time and attention  (Attention Quotes) Thinking about writing as an act of celebration is sometimes a helpful framework for me. It allows me to prioritize what I want to call attention to and what I want others to know about me. It makes me ask: What is worth celebrating?  (Attention Quotes) It’s always the negative things that seep through into your consciousness. Most of the positive things just roll off real fast. I just try not to pay attention to it, because I’ve never read anything about my band that’s accurate  (Attention Quotes) I realize that I can be with someone, but on a deeper level I’m not available to them at all. I have attention deficit disorder of the soul  (Attention Quotes)
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