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Attention Quotes

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Nowadays it seems that moral education is no longer considered necessary. Attention is wholly centered on intelligence, while the heart life is ignored  (Attention Quotes) As long as I have people’s attention, I can’t stop. You can’t put the public on hold, because they might not be there when you get back. I have a pathological fear of stopping  (Attention Quotes) Pay attention to the things that agitate you. It will tell you a lot about yourself  (Attention Quotes) You have to pay attention to details to have success in the playoffs. You can’t take anyone lightly  (Attention Quotes) I was the youngest of three kids, and from the age of four, singing was my way of getting attention  (Attention Quotes) Guys make me feel secure and comfortable when I’m scared or need attention. They bring stability. And affection. And fun. And drama. You learn so much from a boyfriend. It’s hard to put into words, I guess  (Attention Quotes) As we gradually open that bubble and allow the luminous being inside to come out, your second attention will develop and you’ll begin to see, deal with, and become the totality of yourself  (Attention Quotes) Most of you are predominantly nagual. You have trouble with the physical life because you have devoted more of your attention to the mysterious side of your being  (Attention Quotes) As long as you fight the system, all of the things that are part of the tonal of the times, then you will be imbalanced and will not do well in the other levels of attention  (Attention Quotes) A person who doesn’t dress well, who doesn’t spend time and attention with their physical being, has a very loose being  (Attention Quotes) Nirvana is the center of things; then there are the outer bandings of attention. The universe is a mind. At the center of its mind is nirvana  (Attention Quotes) All of the technology is a means to an end. We are the end. And we just have to pay attention  (Attention Quotes) People tend to box little girls in. They teach them to sit properly and stand quietly and not attract attention. Sports is one place where girls can be free and enjoy the exhilaration of movement  (Attention Quotes) Every experience, however bitter, has its lesson, and to focus one’s attention on the lesson helps one overcome the bitterness  (Attention Quotes) We are simply committing ourselves to paying attention to our life. We use meditation to help us in that attention process. We are not trying to become good meditators. We are trying to wake up  (Attention Quotes) I want to be a witness to my own time because I’ve had a sneaking suspicion lately that I’m gonna live a lot longer than most of the people I meet. If I’m gonna be the only one still around to say what happened, I’d better pay close attention now  (Attention Quotes) Misreading is a big part of reading, the way in which the level of attention you’re paying can lead to some interesting residue  (Attention Quotes) I have a job to do, I have a wife and child to take care of. So I don’t pay attention to things that I don’t know anything about. I’ve got my own situation to deal with  (Attention Quotes) It’s been a mystery to me and a disappointment why conversation about health care reform hasn’t turned more attention to the subject of food  (Attention Quotes) What matters is a good person, a good soul, someone who genuinely gives good attention to the relationships in their lives  (Attention Quotes) My sister is a public school teacher. She makes far far less money than I do, and gets almost no public attention for her work. Yet I believe what she does is infinitely more important and more difficult than what I do  (Attention Quotes) In the opening stage of most careers any attention is what you want, any attention is good attention, even if it’s bad attention  (Attention Quotes) I don’t look at polls, I pay no attention to them. I pay attention to the public, and the sense of where the public is on certain things, but you have to lead  (Attention Quotes) I think actually the marketing community is approaching a crisis: There are just too many messages competing for too little attention. That is the fundamental problem  (Attention Quotes) Where do you put your attention? On fear or love? I wish the choice were made just once and not repeated every moment of the day  (Attention Quotes) Meditation... must be power of will and strength of attention, being like a flight to great heights wherein wings must be plied hard though joyfully  (Attention Quotes) Just as a seed grows with the warmth of the sun, so our positive qualities grow when we put our attention on them  (Attention Quotes) What you focus on, you create. So focus your attention consciously, and do not allow your attention to stray to results that you aren’t interested in manifesting. Because you can, and will, create more of what you are focusing on  (Attention Quotes) Any given moment contains unlimited futures that can become real. The reality that occurs is the one you pay attention to  (Attention Quotes) I think most models, when they start out, are insecure. And you become the focus of a lot of people’s attention, so outside validation becomes too important  (Attention Quotes)
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