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Attention Quotes

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Pay attention only to the form; emotion will come spontaneously to inhabit it. A perfect dwelling place always finds an inhabitant  (Attention Quotes) As a child, I was taught that it was bad manners to bring attention to yourself, and to never, ever make a spectacle of yourself... all of which I’ve earned a living doing  (Attention Quotes) I believe in a real, physical world. I figure if the world existed only in my mind, it would pay more attention to me  (Attention Quotes) All noise is waste. So cultivate quietness in your speech, in your thoughts, in your emotions. Speak habitually low. Wait for attention and then you low words will be charged with dynamite  (Attention Quotes) In democracies, nothing is more great or more brilliant than commerce: it attracts the attention of the public, and fills the imagination of the multitude; all energetic passions are directed towards it  (Attention Quotes) Luck or tragedy, some people get runs. Then of course there are those who divide it even, good and bad, but we never hear of them. Such a life doesn’t demand attention. Only the people who get the good or bad runs  (Attention Quotes) An opera may be allowed to be extravagantly lavish in its decorations, as its only design is to gratify the senses and keep up an indolent attention in the audience  (Attention Quotes) I do not find illness an eminence, and I do not understand how people can use it to draw attention to themselves since the attention they draw is nearly always reluctantly given and unpleasantly carried out  (Attention Quotes) The right way to begin is to pay attention to the young, and make them just as good as possible  (Attention Quotes) For this reason poetry is something more philosophical and more worthy of serious attention than history  (Attention Quotes) It is the sign of a dull mind to dwell upon the cares of the body, to prolong exercise, eating and drinking and other bodily functions. These things are best done by the way; all your attention must be given to the mind  (Attention Quotes) Composition is for the most part an effort of slow diligence and steady perseverance, to which the mind is dragged by necessity or resolution, and from which the attention is every moment starting to more delightful amusements  (Attention Quotes) Attention and respect give pleasure, however late, or however useless. But they are not useless, when they are late, it is reasonable to rejoice, as the day declines, to find that it has been spent with the approbation of mankind  (Attention Quotes) Silence is the great teacher and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it. There is no substitute for the creative inspiration, knowledge, and stability that come from knowing how to contact your core of inner silence  (Attention Quotes) In all evils which admits a remedy, impatience should be avoided, because it wastes the time and attention in complaints which, if properly applied, might remove the cause  (Attention Quotes) The secret of popular writing is never to put more on a given page than the common reader can lap off it with no strain whatsoever on his habitually slack attention  (Attention Quotes) The sensitiveness claimed by neurotic is matched by their egotism: they cannot abide the flaunting by others of the sufferings to which they pay an even increasing amount of attention in themselves  (Attention Quotes) If you do not know how to lie, cheat, and steal, turn your attention to politics and learn  (Attention Quotes) Fame is an undertaker that pays but little attention to the living, but bedizens the dead, furnishes out their funerals, and follows them to the grave  (Attention Quotes) To paint things as they are requires a minute attention, and employs the memory rather than the fancy  (Attention Quotes) After a while, you just want transportation, and things like cool cars or motorcycles are all about getting attention. I get all the attention I could ever need, so I kind of like being in a minivan and people not paying so much attention to me  (Attention Quotes) Out of all artists, authors are the least trained for the spotlight. Wanting attention isn’t a requisite part of the package  (Attention Quotes) I get embarrassed a lot of times getting attention, but I like being onstage. Do you know what I mean? If I’m in a crowd of people and they’re all looking at me, I will feel embarrassed. It’s a strange dichotomy  (Attention Quotes) The point about melody and beat and lyric is that they exist to engage you in a very particular way. They want to occupy your attention  (Attention Quotes) Brain studies of mental workouts in which you sustain a single, chosen focus show that the more you detach from what’s distracting you and refocus on what you should be paying attention to, the stronger this brain circuitry becomes  (Attention Quotes) My attention span is all over the place, and I overthink things. I’m an insomniac  (Attention Quotes) The truth is that everyone pays attention to who’s number one at the box office. And none of it matters, because the only thing that really exists is the connection the audience has with a movie  (Attention Quotes) The ambition, the drive, the wanting to be the center of attention, the wanting to succeed... They’re all inside me somewhere  (Attention Quotes) So your emotional state really has a lot to do with what you’re thinking about and what you’re paying attention to  (Attention Quotes) I am going to try to pay attention to the spring. I am going to look around at all the flowers, and look up at the hectic trees. I am going to close my eyes and listen  (Attention Quotes)
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