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Attention Quotes

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There wasn’t a woman alive who could resist a man who paid attention to her, who made her feel like she was the only other person in his world  (Attention Quotes) Intelligence is not only the ability to reason; it is also the ability to find relevant material in memory and to deploy attention when needed  (Attention Quotes) The only trap I must beware not to fall into, is to think that each day is the same as the next. In fact, each morning brings with it a hidden miracle, and we must pay attention to this miracle  (Attention Quotes) Do the things that interest you and do them with all your heart. Don’t be concerned about whether people are watching you or criticizing you. The chances are that they aren’t paying attention to you  (Attention Quotes) Now, for my younger viewers out there, a book is something we used to have before the internet. It’s sort of a blog for people with attention spans  (Attention Quotes) Technically, if a girl wants to sparkle she can put on glitter but I think the correct answer would be a smile because no one pays attention to your short when you have a nice smile on your face  (Attention Quotes) People can become addicted to fame, money, and attention as deeply as they become addicted to drugs  (Attention Quotes) The most desired gift of love is not diamonds or roses or chocolate. It’s focused attention  (Attention Quotes) You just have to pay attention to what people need and what has not been done  (Attention Quotes) War will stop when we no longer praise it, or give it any attention at all. Peace will come wherever it is sincerely invited  (Attention Quotes) I give money for church organs in the hope the organ music will distract the congregation’s attention from the rest of the service  (Attention Quotes) Romantic love reaches out in little ways, showing attention and admiration. Romantic love remembers what pleases a woman, what excites her, and what surprises her. Its actions whisper; you are the most special person in my life  (Attention Quotes) Attention is psychic energy, and like physical energy, unless we allocate some part of it to the task at hand, no work gets done  (Attention Quotes) For those whose heart and whose attention is immersed in the truth, they don’t need to have to worry  (Attention Quotes) If you want to be positive, it is very easy and for that you should see where is your attention. Are you only seeing problems or are you seeing some fun in it?  (Attention Quotes) Now the best thing is to put attention to your spirit. If you start putting your attention to spirit, the sweetness of the spirit itself will make the whole thing very sweet and beautiful  (Attention Quotes) One has to understand that we have to become a higher personality which is the spirit, which is the truth, which is the enlightened attention, and which is the joy  (Attention Quotes) Whatever adventure you are into, whatever you are doing, your attention should be on your spirit  (Attention Quotes) When you let go of your attention for a little while, do not think you may recover it whenever you please  (Attention Quotes) There’s a wealth that has nothing to do with dollars, that comes from the perspective and wisdom of paying attention to your life  (Attention Quotes) The muscles of writing are not so visible, but they are just as powerful: determination, attention, curiosity, a passionate heart  (Attention Quotes) Please open your eyes now, but keep attention in the inner energy field of the body as you look around the room. The inner body lies at the threshold between your form identity and your essence identity, your true nature. Never lose touch with it  (Attention Quotes) Solitude is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it  (Attention Quotes) I endeavor to keep their attention fixed on the main objects of all science, the freedom and happiness of man  (Attention Quotes) From all these facts there emerges a very simple abstract program for the teacher to follow in keeping the attention of the child: Begin with the line of his native interests, and offer him objects that have some immediate connection with these  (Attention Quotes) One of the amusements of idleness is reading without fatigue of close attention; and the world, therefore, swarms with writers whose wish is not to be studied, but to be read  (Attention Quotes) The efficiency of a truly national leader consists primarily in preventing the division of the attention of a people, and always in concentrating it on a single enemy  (Attention Quotes) Heaven: A place where the wicked cease from troubling you with talk of their personal affairs, and the good listen with attention while you expound on yours  (Attention Quotes) Why don’t we pay more attention to who our farmers are? We would never be as careless choosing an auto mechanic or babysitter as we are about who grows our food  (Attention Quotes) I don’t create controversies. They’re there long before I open my mouth. I just bring them to your attention  (Attention Quotes)
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