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Attention Quotes

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Go within. Use the inner body as a starting point for going deeper and taking your attention away from where it’s usually lodged, in the thinking mind  (Attention Quotes) Pay no attention to the criticism of men who have never themselves written a notable work  (Attention Quotes) You become what you give your attention to... If you yourself don’t choose what thoughts and images you expose yourself to, someone else will, and their motives may not be the highest  (Attention Quotes) Life is a never ending miracle unfolding in every moment, and if we turn our attention to that silent presence in our heart, we can participate in that miracle  (Attention Quotes) What does your attitude proclaim to the world about you today? It is never to late to change your story, start by changing your thoughts and pay attention to your attitude  (Attention Quotes) There’s just something about women and shoes, it’s the luxury, it’s the femininity and it’s the attention to detail. You can put a lot of work into your dress but if you have the right shoe and bag then you feel good  (Attention Quotes) Creativity is a scavenger hunt. It’s your obligation to pay attention to clues, to the thing that gives you that little tweak  (Attention Quotes) There is no such thing as an attention span. There is only the quality of what you are viewing. This whole idea of an attention span is, I think, a misnomer. People have an infinite attention span if you are entertaining them  (Attention Quotes) I was going to have an opening statement, but I decided that what I was going to say I wanted to get a lot of attention, so I’m going to wait and leak it  (Attention Quotes) Conscious attention is a designed function of the brain which scans the environment for any trouble making changes. If you identify yourself with your trouble shooter, then naturally you define yourself as being in a perpetual state of anxiety  (Attention Quotes) I have always paid attention to the merits of my enemies, and found it an advantage  (Attention Quotes) Every moment is utterly unique and will not be continued in eternity. This fact gives life its poignancy and should concentrate your attention on what you are experiencing now... that source of eternal energy is here, in you, now  (Attention Quotes) Without health there is no happiness. An attention to health, then, should take the place of every other object  (Attention Quotes) If you pay too much attention to hate, they win... they bring you down. Too much love in the world to deal with that nonsense. Be positive  (Attention Quotes) Before you can teach children, you must get the silver key of kindness to unlock their hearts, and so secure their attention  (Attention Quotes) Meditation teaches us to focus and to pay clear attention to our experiences and responses as they arise, and to observe them without judging them  (Attention Quotes) But, by just being myself, I end up touching a lot more people who might never have paid much attention to a female rapper  (Attention Quotes) The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation, and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they don’t cost you anything  (Attention Quotes) There is nothing else for you to do but to truly love and nourish the emotionally and spiritually starved parts of you that are crying out for your attention. Are you loving all of yourself?  (Attention Quotes) If you pay attention, everyone is a novel. The most boring person, if you sit down and really listen, is someone interesting  (Attention Quotes) If you disagree with them you may be tempted to interrupt. But don’t. It is dangerous. They won’t pay attention to you while they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying for expression. So listen patiently and with an open mind  (Attention Quotes) Normally, I try not to pay attention to my haters, but this time I’d like to talk about it, because my haters are my motivators  (Attention Quotes) By obliging men to turn their attention to other affairs than their own, it rubs off that private selfishness which is the rust of society  (Attention Quotes) Whatever you are giving your attention to, already has a vibration of its own, and as you give your attention to it, you include its vibration in your vibration... and then your point of attraction is affected  (Attention Quotes) To become mindful … present … is really the invitation to work with the joys and the sorrows of the world, and to do so with this gift, this capacity of loving awareness, of attention that actually can be present for the whole dance  (Attention Quotes) I did not succeed in life by intelligence. I succeeded because I have a long attention span  (Attention Quotes) Having realized that you cannot influence the results, pay no attention to your desires and fears. Let them come and go. Don’t give them the nourishment of interest and attention  (Attention Quotes) He never pays attention, he always knows the answer, and he can never tell you how he knows. We can’t keep thrashing him. He is a bad example to the other pupils. There’s no educating a smart boy  (Attention Quotes) At a given moment a child becomes interested in a piece of work, showing it by the expression of his face, by his intense attention, by his perseverance in the same exercise. That child has set foot upon the road leading to discipline  (Attention Quotes) I’ve always known and been interested in people who are a little bit off the norm. I like to call attention to the idea that they are there, that they are real people, not invisible  (Attention Quotes)
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