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Attention Quotes

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When you’re being looked at very hard, it’s very hard to look back. and that made me stop paying attention to the world in a way that allowed me then to write about it  (Attention Quotes) Being the first to do something like this also registers a lot of attention that the line might not have gotten if all four books had just appeared from one company  (Attention Quotes) You’ve had some terrific print information that gets everybody’s attention in this town  (Attention Quotes) Well, with so many space shuttle missions that we’ve done, I think it’s just sort of natural that each one hasn’t necessarily gotten the attention that the early ones did  (Attention Quotes) I don’t want to come off like the jealous brother who wasn’t getting the attention, but it was like no one was really into me anyway. I wasn’t really a priority  (Attention Quotes) I honestly didn’t expect this much attention, but it just keeps happening so I must be doing something right  (Attention Quotes) There were scenes that just for length purposes, and knowing that the attention span of kids is not great, don’t make it much longer than about 90 minutes  (Attention Quotes) The bronze powder business, however, no longer required my personal attention, and was well managed by those I had chosen as the guardians of a secret, which was long and honourably kept  (Attention Quotes) With attention deficit democracy, I am trying to wake up people to how the combination of mass ignorance, fear mongering by the government, and lying politicians is putting our entire system of government to a death spiral  (Attention Quotes) It is true that they paid much more attention to the trade unions because the trade unions were after all speaking for the rights and conditions of working men and women in their employment  (Attention Quotes) Money is the most corrosive aspect of life today because it means that all attention to detail is forgotten  (Attention Quotes) The first thing that happens is that you’re overwhelmed by so much attention. It’s just so unnatural. Only people who’ve been in that position can realize what it’s like. I mean, you have to be there  (Attention Quotes) I appreciated and respected kids who asked questions. They didn’t do it to get attention, but because they were interested. Kids who didn’t want to look dumb seemed like scared little rabbits  (Attention Quotes) I called their attention also to the absence of all means of ventilating the hall, remarking that, as we had already breathed the air which it contained for a full hour, it must have lost much of its vital properties and needed to be renewed  (Attention Quotes) The interval allowed was only five minutes, at the end of which I resumed the lecture; but so refreshing was the effects of the brief rest and, above all, the admission of pure air, that during the second hour the attention was as completely sustained as during the first  (Attention Quotes) Something’s going to happen that’s going to make us all pay attention at the type of sentences some people are serving and the conditions in which they are served  (Attention Quotes) I never set out to write songs about the world around me... It just kind of came about as a result of paying more attention to things  (Attention Quotes) So if people will pay attention to what I say because of our success as a group, I am going to use that  (Attention Quotes) A love of classical music is only partially a natural response to hearing the works performed, it also must come about by a decision to listen carefully, to pay close attention, a decision inevitably motivated by the cultural and social prestige of the art  (Attention Quotes) I never knew any painter worthy of the name who paid the smallest attention to what a critic says, even in conversation  (Attention Quotes) I knew very early on that there would be quite a bit of attention: Superman is known all over the place  (Attention Quotes) We tend to pay attention to that which is the most current on our radar screen  (Attention Quotes) In normal times, investors should pay more attention to the credit markets because it’s the energy by which everything is driven. It’s the oil in the engine  (Attention Quotes) It’s very difficult, I think, for people to be around you when you’re getting lots of attention. It’s very difficult for young people to understand what that’s about when people start treating you differently when you’ve been doing the same thing you were doing the day before  (Attention Quotes) I love getting attention, just like a child loves it, and it’s never worn off. So when people say, oh the book signings go on, why would I shoo away someone who’s giving me attention? What part of standing in line for 10 hours to say how much they love you is bad to you?  (Attention Quotes) It is all about being open and paying attention to the music in your head. I think most people have original music playing in their heads from time to time  (Attention Quotes) Pay no attention to what the critics say; no statue has ever been put up to a critic  (Attention Quotes) The fact is that in this day and age I don’t think any novelist can assume that a book will get attention  (Attention Quotes) That said, we don’t approach these improvements as only a surface aesthetic. The producers and we think that these men are helped with their inner needs when they pay attention to their externals  (Attention Quotes) She claimed she loved the camera, its warmth, its familiarity. She responded to its naked glare, its slavish attention to every expression of her face and body, with the kind of immediacy a trusted lover could expect  (Attention Quotes)
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