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Attention Quotes

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We don’t really even know how the Internet and technology are changing us, or our brains and our attention span  (Attention Quotes) I wouldn’t mind going somewhere and taking a president position and signing acts and taking the attention off of me and taking what I’ve learned in my career and applying that to another person’s  (Attention Quotes) I do feel very honored to get all this attention. Basically, what I need to do is to go out there and perform. That’s what I’m intending to do  (Attention Quotes) In high school, I threw a party to get a guy’s attention. I wanted him to think I was cool, so I let him and his friends DJ and basically take over the house  (Attention Quotes) People generally pay attention to what they already know about and what they care about  (Attention Quotes) But when I went on the stage to do a show, I would put on makeup because I felt that it enhanced my act; it drew attention to what I was doing  (Attention Quotes) But since we’ve been fighting for first or second place, it’s grabbed the media’s attention. I enjoy racing them. They are a good team and when you beat them it’s something to be proud of  (Attention Quotes) We’re one of the most highly regulated industries, and we have to pay attention to what government is doing  (Attention Quotes) But above that, most mature adults can hold their attention on something for 45 minutes, whether they like it or not. But above that requires training  (Attention Quotes) I like conventions. I like meeting and greeting. I’m perched on that edge where I’m getting more attention than I quite know what to do with, though  (Attention Quotes) So it’s not so much that I set out to do something different, it’s just that the songs themselves require their own individual voice and attention  (Attention Quotes) We have to pay close attention to what we see, and be ready to work with the unexpected according to the basic principles of systems biology and medicine  (Attention Quotes) When things haven’t gone well for you, call in a secretary or a staff man and chew him out. You will sleep better and they will appreciate the attention  (Attention Quotes) But perhaps that’s always the way with math problems, and we just have to find new ones to capture our attention  (Attention Quotes) There is a sort of man who pays no attention to his good actions, but is tormented by his bad ones. This is the type that most often writes about himself  (Attention Quotes) One principle reason why men are so often useless is that they divide and shift their attention among a multiplicity of objects and pursuits  (Attention Quotes) That is your trick, your bit of filthy magic: invisibility, and the anaesthetic power to deaden my attention in your direction  (Attention Quotes) It’s the little things that make the big things possible. Only close attention to the fine details of any operation makes the operation first class  (Attention Quotes) I think that the days when newspaper barons could basically click their fingers and governments would snap to attention have gone  (Attention Quotes) Now that I’ve established myself in a drama, I’m plugging away, trying to get the attention of people who do the independent movies and the features  (Attention Quotes) I think it is important to begin with a statement in your speech that grabs the attention of the audience. I try to make my opening line 15 words or less  (Attention Quotes) I think I’d probably tell you that it’s easier to desire and pursue the attention of tens of millions of total strangers than it is to accept the love and loyalty of the people closest to us  (Attention Quotes) Noise and crowds have a way of siphoning our energy and distracting our attention, making prayer an added chore rather than a comforting relief  (Attention Quotes) Your patient has become humble; have you drawn his attention to the fact? All virtues are less formidable to us once the man is aware that he has them, but this is specially true of humility  (Attention Quotes) For the first time, I was the center of attention. Everyone watched me as if I were a bomb. Would I explode and cause a disaster or would I pop and cause a miracle?  (Attention Quotes) I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever; I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart  (Attention Quotes) ... relationships required such vigilance, such attention. You had to hold them together by force of will, and other people took up so much space, demanded so much time. It was exhausting  (Attention Quotes) It is quite possible that an animal has spoken to me and that I didn’t catch the remark because I wasn’t paying attention  (Attention Quotes) It was ironic how love could awaken them to the wonders of the universe, while at the same time confine their attention to one another  (Attention Quotes) If I have done anything in life worth attention, I feel sure that I inherited the disposition from my mother  (Attention Quotes)
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