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I was in relationship with a guy who was much older than me - either he was past his prime and I was coming into mine. There was nothing I could do to keep his attention  (Attention Quotes) I’m glad you asked that question, because of any musical situation I’ve been in, the communication feels great here with Russell. He really pays close attention to what I’m doing because he cares  (Attention Quotes) I’m on so late I’m definitely the last seconds of anyone’s attention. So I just want to give them something dumb to laugh at, so they go, ‘That’s funny,’ then fall asleep  (Attention Quotes) If God wants us to do a thing, he should make his wishes sufficiently clear. Sensible people will wait till he has done this before paying much attention to him  (Attention Quotes) In the best of all possible worlds, February 14 is a pleasant and sentimental opportunity to lavish your partner with attention or move your relationship to the next level  (Attention Quotes) It is by such means as the prize offered by your Committee that the attention of the world will be focused and that men and women will be inspired to greater efforts in the interest of peace  (Attention Quotes) It’s a funny thing: You want so badly for people to see what you do - you’re proud of it - and I like the effect that movies have on people. But the attention can also make me uncomfortable  (Attention Quotes) Next time I tell you someone from Texas should not be president of the United States, please pay attention  (Attention Quotes) One of the more noble things the Oscars can do is pay attention to movies no one knows about. Blockbusters don’t need much help  (Attention Quotes) The average housewife goes to the restaurant to relax and enjoy the food. But when Eva walks in, she becomes the center of attention  (Attention Quotes) Throughout my career, if I have done anything, I have paid attention to every note and every word I sing - if I respect the song. If I cannot project this to a listener, I fail  (Attention Quotes) Unfortunately, little attention was paid to how Arafat ruled. In fact, some saw the harsh and repressive nature of Arafat’s regime as actually bolstering the prospects for peace  (Attention Quotes) When I was in the country and I was trying to play, nobody seemed to pay too much attention to me. People used to say, ‘That’s just that ole blues singer. “  (Attention Quotes) The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better.” - The Alchemist  (Attention Quotes) I’m glad I don’t live in Primrose Hill any more. I couldn’t even walk through the park. You never invite that kind of attention  (Attention Quotes) The stopping of the Judicial courts, had been blended, in the minds of some people, with the redress of grievances considered only as a mode of awakening the attention of the legislature  (Attention Quotes) We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won’t need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine  (Attention Quotes) I loved getting tutored and having that one-on-one attention that you sometimes do not get in regular school  (Attention Quotes) What I would pay much more attention to are the few points where the player can inadvertently make a career decision. Most players end up back - tracking, though some actually enjoy this  (Attention Quotes) The writer should never be ashamed of staring. There is nothing that does not require his attention  (Attention Quotes) Things with my dad were pretty good until I won an Academy Award. He was really loving to me until I got more attention than he did. Then he hated me  (Attention Quotes) I don’t think Michael had to retire for us to get the spotlight, because when you win, it commands attention  (Attention Quotes) No naturalist has devoted more painstaking attention to the structure of the barnacles than Mr. Darwin  (Attention Quotes) We do all the appropriating. They do not do any of it down at the White House. They send a budget up here, and we don’t have to pay any attention it to at all. We do what we want to do  (Attention Quotes) Of course the barbarians’ aim of world domination has not escaped the attention of the Europeans, perhaps because unlike us they are closer to the walls  (Attention Quotes) The interparliamentary conference should, in my opinion, direct its particular attention to the preparation of the next Hague Conference, the diplomatic conference, the conference of governments  (Attention Quotes) It was my study of the two Corinthian letters that first caused me to concentrate my attention more directly on the relation of the apostle Paul to the older apostles  (Attention Quotes) Being a husband is a whole - time job. That is why so many husbands fail. They cannot give their entire attention to it  (Attention Quotes) But the exposure we got by doing the stint with Nine Inch Nails brought us a lot of attention  (Attention Quotes) I knew Secrets and Lies was a great film, but I didn’t expect it to get the attention it did because none of his other films had and I thought they were just as good  (Attention Quotes)
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