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Attention Quotes

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The person upon whom the schoolboys’ attention centred was, of course, the Headmaster  (Attention Quotes) I’m used to people not paying me a whole lot of attention and underestimating me and, frankly, for me a big challenge is to have people believe that I can be the president of the United States  (Attention Quotes) We have to make some radical move to get the attention of everyone. Cheaters can’t win and steroids has put us in the position that it’s OK to cheat  (Attention Quotes) I think they are paying a lot more attention to news now, by the way, in part because of national-security issues. A lot of young people have friends or family in the military today  (Attention Quotes) Writing novels preserves you in a state of innocence - a lot passes you by - simply because your attention is otherwise diverted  (Attention Quotes) I would never have been a good scientist - my attention span was too short for that  (Attention Quotes) I think that in Hollywood, it’s hard because so many people do turn out crazy. I don’t need to go out every night to get attention. I’m happy with the amount that I have  (Attention Quotes) I am very sure that any man of common understanding may, by culture, care, attention, and labor, make himself what- ever he pleases, except a great poet  (Attention Quotes) It’s quite hard for me being an actress because I actually don’t like attention  (Attention Quotes) For to change the norms, the very foci of attention, of a cultural system is a difficult task - far more complex than that of changing an individual’s attitudes and interests  (Attention Quotes) I was a pretty disruptive student in class in school. I had a hard time paying attention. I had what they call A. D. D. now, back then I was just a hyper kid  (Attention Quotes) A true musician, like Johnny Cash, should be able to walk into a room with nothing but an instrument and capture people’s attention for two hours  (Attention Quotes) I grew up fascinated with comedy and with people who could capture someone’s attention  (Attention Quotes) There is a convergence of crises that makes it challenging to keep the world’s attention  (Attention Quotes) Playing people and position post-flop are definitely my strengths. When I get into a hand, I’m aggressive but I’m also paying attention to my opponent’s betting patterns  (Attention Quotes) If you’re a walking statement in how you speak, dress, and demand attention, the message you’re conveying is that you’re not enough  (Attention Quotes) Writers have to be careful not to confuse personal attention with the attention that’s going towards the book  (Attention Quotes) I think you have to be fair with one another. It’s unfortunate when someone does something that’s not authentic, or not there for any reason other than to draw attention  (Attention Quotes) I just pay attention to what’s in my head. That’s my number-one rule  (Attention Quotes) I don’t really feel like you’re making a record unless you pay attention to it  (Attention Quotes) I think kids who have music in their lives are more focused. They have better attention spans. They excel more in their studies. They have a better sense of self-esteem and self-worth  (Attention Quotes) If you lose yourself, then no one’s going to respect or pay attention to anything you have  (Attention Quotes) In the 60s and 70s, people didn’t pay a lot of attention to gangs. I think gangs still existed, but gangs had fallen out of criminological favor  (Attention Quotes) In moviemaking, you learn to pay attention to detail, because so much is in the detail. And when you’re shooting, you try to be very alert to what’s going on, even if you’re tired  (Attention Quotes) Because of its huge territory, Russia must devote a great deal of attention to security  (Attention Quotes) A short attention span makes all of your perceptions and relationships shallow and unsatisfying  (Attention Quotes) No problem is too small for His attention nor so large that He cannot answer the prayer of faith. Prayer surely is the passport to spiritual power  (Attention Quotes) You cannot give your full attention to something, and at the same time resist it  (Attention Quotes) I had the global outlook that I really wanted to capture the world. I would like the attention of the world at least and I wanted that  (Attention Quotes) Serving the emerging whole means paying attention to what’s right here within my awareness, what’s completely local, and surrendering to what’s being asked of me now  (Attention Quotes)
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