Attitude Quotes

Text Quotes
You cannot change reality, but you can control the manner in which you look at things. Your attitude is under your own control. Weed out the negative and focus on the positive! (Attitude Quotes)
Happiness can only be found within, by breaking attachments to external things and cultivating an attitude of acceptance (Attitude Quotes)
The land retains an identity of its own, still deeper and more subtle than we can know. Our obligation toward it then becomes simple: to approach with an uncalculating mind, with an attitude of regard... be alert for its openings, for that moment when something sacred reveals itself within the mundane, and you know the land knows you are there (Attitude Quotes)
If ever we needed in this country to adopt a new attitude towards homosexuality, this is the time. Instead of treating it as a crime, and driving it underground, we ought to recognize it for what it is: it’s a mental illness, it’s a psychiatric condition which ought to be treated sympathetically by psychiatrists and social workers (Attitude Quotes)
People are the quintessential element in all technology... Once we recognize the inescapable human nexus of all technology our attitude toward the reliability problem is fundamentally changed (Attitude Quotes)
We can change our whole life and attitude of the people around us simply by changing ourselves (Attitude Quotes)
There is the guilt all soldiers feel for having broken the taboo against killing, a guilt as old as war itself. Add to this the soldier’s sense of shame for having fought in actions that resulted, indirectly or directly, in the deaths of civilians. Then pile on top of that an attitude of social opprobrium, an attitude that made the fighting man feel personally morally responsible for the war, and you get your proverbial walking time bomb (Attitude Quotes)
I’m a firm believer in quiet confidence. By that I mean knowing inwardly that you are good, and not exhibiting a boastful attitude outwardly. If an athlete doesn’t believe in himself, no one else will (Attitude Quotes)
When I stood up there as a pinch hitter, I honestly believed I was the best hitter in the game. That’s the only attitude to have (Attitude Quotes)
A macho attitude is totally to my advantage. Guys try to hit it 400 feet out of the park, but in softball you have to use a short, quick swing. Big, huge swings equal big, huge strikeouts (Attitude Quotes)
If we greet situations with a positive attitude, we will eventually create positive returns. If we respond with a negative attitude, negative things will eventually come our way (Attitude Quotes)
The happiness you are seeking is not to be found in the flow of life, but in your attitude toward whatever life brings (Attitude Quotes)
It’s one thing to have the attitude of enlightenment and another thing to act in an enlightened way, which is conduct or activity (Attitude Quotes)
When you get discouraged or depressed, try changing your attitude from negative to positive and see how life can change for you (Attitude Quotes)
Only dead mathematics can be taught where the attitude of competition prevails: living mathematics must always be a communal possession (Attitude Quotes)
The important thing is the attitude of the athlete, the desire to get to the top (Attitude Quotes)
... the ecological problem of our times demands a radical reevaluation of how we see the entire world; it demands a different interpretation of matter and the world, a new attitude of humankind toward nature, and a new understanding of how we acquire and make use of our material goods (Attitude Quotes)
Happiness is a question of attitude, not a question of what’s happening out there (Attitude Quotes)
Don’t confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality is who I am, and my attitude depends on who you are (Attitude Quotes)
The strongest and most dangerous enemy you will ever face is a negative attitude. Learn to recognize when it is trying to invade your body and mind, then simply refuse it entry (Attitude Quotes)
I think when you have a disability people are always putting limitations on you, telling you, even in a nice way, what you can’t do. My attitude to that has always been: You can’t tell me that. I’ll show you (Attitude Quotes)
Nobody... likes talking about enforceable international protocols and yet unless there is a real change in attitude, we have to contemplate those very unwelcome possibilities if we want the global economy not to collapse and millions, billions, of people to die (Attitude Quotes)
Professional traders have always had some system or other based upon their experience and governed either by their attitude towards speculation or by their desires (Attitude Quotes)
The secret to success is action, not attitude.Your attitude doesn’t matter. It is what you do with your time (Attitude Quotes)
Most players... do not like losing, and consider defeat as something shameful. This is a wrong attitude. Those who wish to perfect themselves must regard their losses as lessons and learn from them what sorts of things to avoid in the future (Attitude Quotes)
I had this attitude that it was going to take time for my work to grow. I had to develop skills to do what I wanted and I didn’t really expect it was going to happen rapidly (Attitude Quotes)
The value of a canvas depends almost entirely on your mental attitude, not on your moral attitude; depends on what kind of a man you are, the way you observe (Attitude Quotes)
The outflow that comes from giving of oneself opens the door to spiritual unfoldment while the attitude of taking locks it (Attitude Quotes)
It’s not your circumstances that make or break your day. It’s your attitude! (Attitude Quotes)
I have never gone into a picture without first studying my characterization from all angles. I make a study of the fellow’s life and try to learn everything about him, including the conditions under which he came into this world, his parentage, his environment, his social status, and the things in which he is interested. Then I attempt to get his mental attitude as much as possible (Attitude Quotes)