Attitude Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve always been a guy who’s pretty supportive, its just my nature, so I came in to the situation with the attitude that I wanted to support Johnny and make it work (Attitude Quotes)
I’ve always considered myself to be fiercely patriotic. I love Britain - its history and the down-to-earth attitude people have (Attitude Quotes)
I’ve always had a ‘Work hard, play hard’ attitude to life - I still do - but sometimes you get involved in something that needs a calm, methodical approach (Attitude Quotes)
I’ve never been out with any of the cast of Coronation Street. We’re all very close friends so it’s very much a professional attitude (Attitude Quotes)
If I don’t make the team out of spring training, I’ll keep a good attitude. I’ll just go polish up the parts of my game that made me not stay in the big leagues (Attitude Quotes)
If you eat something and get fat, you should be responsible for it. I think that is the attitude of the great majority of Americans, that you should be responsible for what you eat (Attitude Quotes)
If you’re looking for can-do, earthy-crunchy attitude then you’ve got to go to Wisconsin (Attitude Quotes)
In the late 70s, maybe just before I started, there was still an attitude that if you did film you didn’t do TV and vice versa, but that’s gone now (Attitude Quotes)
It is impossible to exaggerate the wide, and widening, gulf between the American attitude on the Iraq war and the view from our friends across the Atlantic (Attitude Quotes)
It really was hand - to - mouth and you can say, ‘Poor little me, how dreadful, what a deprived childhood’, but I didn’t feel that way at all. It’s all about the attitude at home (Attitude Quotes)
It remains to consider what attitude thoughtful men and Christian believers should take respecting them, and how they stand related to beliefs of another order (Attitude Quotes)
It’s tricky. I’ve never been standing at the top of the tree with tons of money thrown at me. I’ve never really had a profile. So in a way I have this ‘nothing to lose’ attitude (Attitude Quotes)
Mainly what I learned from Buddy... was an attitude. He loved music, and he taught me that it shouldn’t have any barriers to it (Attitude Quotes)
Modern Orthodoxy has a highly positive attitude toward the State of Israel. Our Ultra-Orthodox brethren recognize only the Holy Land, but not the state (Attitude Quotes)
My attitude is, do as much as I can while I’m free. And if I’m arrested I’ll still do as much as I can (Attitude Quotes)
My attitude toward men who mess around is simple: If you find ‘em, kill ‘em (Attitude Quotes)
My general attitude to life is to enjoy every minute of every day. I never do anything with a feeling of, ‘Oh God, I’ve got to do this today.’ (Attitude Quotes)
My grandmother is this amazingly theatrical woman. She acted like a movie star, as far as looks and attitude, kind of like Susan Hayward (Attitude Quotes)
My opponents attitude is, ‘If it moves, tax it, if it keeps moving, regulate it and when it stops, subsidize it (Attitude Quotes)
Nobody minded what you did in bed or what you said about God, a very civilized attitude in 1948 (Attitude Quotes)
People think, ‘She’s a model. She must have such an attitude. She must be so stuck up.’ But I’m normal. I cry. I’m not rich. I drive a 1987 Chevrolet Celebrity (Attitude Quotes)
Right after ‘Raymond’ I had a world-is-my-oyster attitude, but I found out I don’t like oysters. I had this existential emptiness. ‘What is my purpose? Who am I?’ I had a big identity crisis (Attitude Quotes)
Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman - not the attitude of the prospect (Attitude Quotes)
Some people say I have attitude - maybe I do... but I think you have to. You have to believe in yourself when no one else does - that makes you a winner right there (Attitude Quotes)
Stop this attitude that older people ain’t any good anymore! We’re as good as we ever were - if we ever were any good (Attitude Quotes)
That attitude toward women as objects may have worked for the late Sixties, but it doesn’t do so now (Attitude Quotes)
The American attitude is ‘We’re the best’. That’s why the NBA guys who come from other countries, the Europeans, all sort of stick together away from the game (Attitude Quotes)
The American attitude towards efficiency and execution should always underlie architecture (Attitude Quotes)
The last of human freedoms - the ability to chose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances (Attitude Quotes)
The Senator from Massachusetts has given us ample grounds to doubt the judgment and the attitude he brings to bear on vital issues of national security (Attitude Quotes)