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Audience Quotes

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I reserve the right to tell shaggy dog stories or even common jokes as part of what I’m doing. I don’t give a damn if half the audience walks out  (Audience Quotes) I’m aware of my audience in a way, and I do try to engage with them while I’m trying to go about my business of thinking. I believe they help me by providing a focus  (Audience Quotes) My rejection of the idea of entertainment in its current form is based on the audience that comes with it  (Audience Quotes) You pay your money, you take your choice. I get the audience my language attracts and I lose the ones it repels  (Audience Quotes) For me, until I know that the audience really gets what I’m trying to communicate I’m not done  (Audience Quotes) A single prop that does not look real to an audience can louse you up. The same is true of the smallest flaw in setting up the motivation in a story line  (Audience Quotes) An audience is so important. I would never have had the guts to dub in that big a laugh  (Audience Quotes) If there were no rules about when to applaud, we in the audience would have the right response almost always  (Audience Quotes) A musician cannot move others unless he too is moved. He must of necessity feel all of the affects that he hopes to arouse in his audience, for the revealing of his own humour will stimulate a like humour in the listener  (Audience Quotes) We film in front of a live audience, and I was a theater actor before I got into television, so I like that  (Audience Quotes) I am a real ham. I love an audience. I work better with an audience. I am dead, in fact, without one  (Audience Quotes) When I’m talking to a large audience, I imagine that I’m talking to a single person  (Audience Quotes) I’ve always been the breadwinner and men don’t like that. They turn on you. They bite the hand that feeds them. Eventually, too, they become very jealous of the love one has with an audience  (Audience Quotes) For me, the great joy is to watch an audience watching what I’ve made. To hear not a peep from the audience at the right moment, and then to hear the laughs and the cheers  (Audience Quotes) We don’t make movies for critics. I’ve done four movies; there’s millions upon millions upon millions of people who’ve paid to see them. Somebody likes them. My greatest joy is to sit anonymously in a dark theater and watch it with an audience, a paying audience  (Audience Quotes) The young people look great on television. They’re youthful and have a lot of zip and energy, but when you see them live, they can only do about 20 minutes because they haven’t got the training to hold an audience for an hour and a half or so  (Audience Quotes) When I’m writing, I’m constantly thinking about myself, because it’s the only experience I have to draw on. And I don’t see an exact reflection of myself in every face in the audience, but I know that my songs have validity to them, and that’s why the fans are there  (Audience Quotes) It is not whether you really cry. It’s whether the audience thinks you are crying  (Audience Quotes) As you follow the escapades or the journey of the hero through a story, it evokes some kind of emotion in the viewers. The director’s job is to make sure that the audience goes through the journey and has an emotional reaction  (Audience Quotes) I’ve always wanted to stay involved with young people. I never bought into the idea that entertainers owe nothing to their audience except a good performance  (Audience Quotes) It’s so easy to manipulate an audience, but it’s nearly always clear that you are being manipulated. I think even people that are not critically attuned are aware of cynical manipulation in film  (Audience Quotes) There is an audience for every play; it’s just that sometimes it can’t wait long enough to find it  (Audience Quotes) A show needs time to find an audience, and they’re very quick to pull them off the air now  (Audience Quotes) I’ve never done a film before where every single person in the audience knows the ending. I mean suspense, twists are almost impossible these days. People are blogging your endings from their cinema seats  (Audience Quotes) Sometimes there’s one person in the audience laughing hysterically, and it’s so much fun. You end up playing the entire play to them  (Audience Quotes) The long version of the play is actually an easier version to follow. In all of the cut versions the intense speeches are cut too close together for the audience and the actors  (Audience Quotes) Your audience gives you everything you need. They tell you. There is no director who can direct you like an audience  (Audience Quotes) Dark comedy is very difficult. You have to bring the audience in and push them away at the same time  (Audience Quotes) The role of a comedian is to make the audience laugh, at a minimum of once every fifteen seconds  (Audience Quotes) It’s rather like attending a university seminar where you are talking to a few gifted specialists who deliver a paper to an audience of their peers. That’s one way of making music  (Audience Quotes)
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