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Audience Quotes

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Pretty much every time I try something different or do something in front of a live audience, I truly think they might throw peanuts at me  (Audience Quotes) I think ultimately if you have a very high expectation of your audience and you know exactly what it is you’re trying to express through the medium of film, there will always be an audience for you  (Audience Quotes) I love performing on stage the most. It’s getting that instant reaction from a live audience. There are no boundaries, you can take your character as far as you want to, you can be the craziest person ever  (Audience Quotes) The modern horror audience is wise to our tricks this lets it in on the gag  (Audience Quotes) When you’re standing in front of an audience like this that is so enthusiastic and so much behind you, it is very hard to give a bad speech. Even a bad speech sounds good in a convention hall like this  (Audience Quotes) The lecturer should give the audience full reason to believe that all his powers have been exerted for their pleasure and instruction  (Audience Quotes) In comedy, though, it’s good to get feedback from the audience about what they find funny  (Audience Quotes) As an audience member, those studio films are fun. I like an adventure tale, and I also like to go see something that has more of a social pulse. I like to keep learning and trying new things. And if the scripts are good, it doesn’t really matter  (Audience Quotes) A song must move the story ahead. A song must take the place of dialogue. If a song halts the show, pushes it back, stalls it, the audience won’t buy it; they’ll be unhappy  (Audience Quotes) I don’t care how good a song is. If it holds back the storyline, stalls the plot, your audience will reject it  (Audience Quotes) If you don’t have a story that will hold the audience, you won’t have a successful show  (Audience Quotes) The power of sound to put an audience in a certain psychological state is vastly undervalued. And the more you know about music and harmony, the more you can do with that  (Audience Quotes) If something is successful with the audience, it’s automatically suspect; the reverse is to say that not to reach audiences is the greatest compliment an artist can receive!  (Audience Quotes) It’s amazing how fast generations lose sight of other generations. One of the first things the young composers who come to work with me say is that they want to write music people will like, instead of gaining their credentials by being rejected by the audience  (Audience Quotes) As I told you, from the time I was fifteen, I thought the theater was too much involved with actors trying to make the audience love them, being over emotional  (Audience Quotes) Now, when I started my theater, the modus operandi was having the actors stare right into the audience  (Audience Quotes) Which implies that the real issue in art is the audience’s response. Now I claim that when I make things, I don’t care about the audience’s response, I’m making them for myself. But I’m making them for myself as audience, because I want to wake myself up  (Audience Quotes) All you have to do is just believe in what’s there; then, the audience will, too  (Audience Quotes) When I play live, I feel how the audience is going and follow and lead at the same time  (Audience Quotes) A bad guy always assumes he’s going to win, whereas the good guy has to struggle with, what if I lose?, and the audience wants to struggle with him  (Audience Quotes) I do not want my new works to be generated in a market or audience of any kind  (Audience Quotes) I think if the movie has resonance and stimulates the viewer to talk about it, you can have as large an audience as you want. The most important thing for me is that the movie exists. And that’s success enough already  (Audience Quotes) I like working solo and it was a lot of fun joking around with the audience, saying things. I’m only just learning how to do certain things  (Audience Quotes) I’m very pro presenting the best music I can to the widest audience possible  (Audience Quotes) Today’s audience knows more about what’s on television than what’s in life  (Audience Quotes) Id just love to have an audience and its the most fun in the world to get a new script every week and have the audience come in, and work with those actors  (Audience Quotes) I’ve grown up with my audience; they’re my age or older. Not a lot of kids are coming to see me  (Audience Quotes) Putting out the things that I like best hasn’t been the easiest way to run a label, and it still isn’t because it requires finding an audience for each record  (Audience Quotes) I don’t think a movie today that captured all the things that we did in the seventies could come close, because it’s like asking to recreate the seventies and the audience sensibilities and that’s impossible  (Audience Quotes) The difference between a theatre with and without an audience is enormous. There is a palpable, critical energy created by the presence of the audience  (Audience Quotes)
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