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Audience Quotes

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I try not to think too much about what the audience is thinking and what they think I should do  (Audience Quotes) Given that there was that era of girl group music and it’s still very popular, but I think if you looked at the chart from that time you would see many more men on it. Because the industry, they were catering to young girls. I mean, that’s what they thought their audience was  (Audience Quotes) I can tell jokes. I can talk to the audience. I can relax. I can change my songs whenever I want. I can change the tempos. I can change the mood, because I’m in charge  (Audience Quotes) It’s just a fact of life. Everybody grows up and goes through changes, and our audience has seen it all  (Audience Quotes) When the theater gates open, a mob pours inside, and it is the poet’s task to turn it into an audience  (Audience Quotes) I don’t know what an audience wants to see but I know what I like to see  (Audience Quotes) Gaming in general is a male thing. It isn’t that gaming is designed to exclude women. Everybody who’s tried to design a game to interest a large female audience has failed. And I think that has to do with the different thinking processes of men and women  (Audience Quotes) Listen to advice. You don’t know how many writer’s conferences I’ve taught at where at least half the audience fights all the conventions of the field  (Audience Quotes) Every once in a while, when the audience is expecting to see one thing, you have to show them something else  (Audience Quotes) The audience has to understand that if the film is going to have any meaning for them. If they are going to empathize with the characters, they have to visualize the process of concentration involved in making every move  (Audience Quotes) We wanted to offer something new to our audience. I hate it when bands stop taking chances  (Audience Quotes) The thing with playing live is, most of the audience is in their 20s and 30s. If you’re older than that, you don’t tend to go out to shows anymore. So it’s good if you can attract a younger audience because they’ve got the energy to get up off the sofa and go out  (Audience Quotes) You’re assisting the audience to understand; you’re giving them a bridge or an access. And if you don’t give them that, if you keep it more abstract, it’s almost more pure. It’s a cooler thing  (Audience Quotes) I’m trying to bring a new generation into the musical theater and to create a new audience  (Audience Quotes) I look at is as one single entity. I dehumanize the audience. This way, I don’t get nervous, you know?  (Audience Quotes) You as an audience can look at these things as films, but I remember them as social experiences  (Audience Quotes) You write for two people, yourself and your audience, who are usually better educated and at least as smart  (Audience Quotes) In all my years of performing, no audience member has ever actually assaulted me. I consider this to be the singular triumph of my performing career  (Audience Quotes) The only thing that really matters in the initial part of my career, the worst mistake I’ve ever made was try to do things to please the audience thinking how the audience is going to respond if I do this  (Audience Quotes) When I sing, I pick out people in the audience and pinpoint on them. So if you feel that I am singing just for you, you may be right!  (Audience Quotes) That’s the thing that we said about the horn before: it’s a focus issue. It’s like a singer versus a drummer. If a drummer’s playing a drum beat, and a singer starts singing, what do you think the audience is going to do?  (Audience Quotes) I like it when you read a script and there’s the part that you show to the other characters and then there’s the part that only the audience knows  (Audience Quotes) It is conceivable that what is unified form to the author or composer may of necessity be formless to his audience  (Audience Quotes) I look at myself as an audience member. I still love movies, and I still go and sit in the back of the big dark room with everybody else, and I want the same thrill  (Audience Quotes) One of the speakers asked how many women had been harassed or abused sexually in their life? There were thousands of women in the audience, and almost every one of them raised her hand  (Audience Quotes) There were times in my career I went a little further than I wanted because of expectations. Doing certain things onstage when children were in the audience, wearing certain clothes, singing certain lyrics  (Audience Quotes) Applause that comes thundering with such force you might think the audience merely suffers the music as an excuse for its ovations  (Audience Quotes) Tom is the most eccentric person I have ever worked with. We get on very well and I am most impressed with how he can hold an audience in the palm of his hand  (Audience Quotes) To me, it’s the kiss of death when you start winking at the audience as an actor. I just never liked it. I don’t like it when we do monologues, looking into the character  (Audience Quotes) The audience likes their emotions to be touched. They want to laugh and cry and feel good  (Audience Quotes)
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