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Audience Quotes

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When the audience is awful you can still have a great night and people will walk out thinking they had a great time even though there was loads of loudmouths and the sound was terrible  (Audience Quotes) Animation is the one type of movie that really does play for the entire audience. Our challenge is to make stories that connect for kids and adults  (Audience Quotes) Never in the history of cinema has a medium entertained an audience. It’s what you do with the medium  (Audience Quotes) I’ll eventually go back to theater because the feeling of being on stage where you have the audience right there, you can’t replace that with anything  (Audience Quotes) Supporting characters add depth to a story, and great actors leave their imprint with the audience  (Audience Quotes) When you’re doing a series like this, you’re constantly looking for new ways to excite your audience  (Audience Quotes) Film is a dramatised reality and it is the director’s job to make it appear real... an audience should not be conscious of technique  (Audience Quotes) My movies are, more or less, very short. I’m terrified of boring an audience  (Audience Quotes) Usually with this genre the first thing that happens is a good fight sequence to show that you’re in good hands. So we broke that rule. I think a lot of that comes from the western audience  (Audience Quotes) Every single night I’m nervous. You never know how the audience is going to react  (Audience Quotes) When I come into the theatre I get a sense of security. I love an audience. I love people, and I act because I like trying to give pleasure to people  (Audience Quotes) When I was onstage doing the work, adrenaline killed the pain because I never hurt in front of an audience  (Audience Quotes) When I look out at the audience at some of our shows, I think we are reaching a younger audience... I see lots of people in their 30s and 40s, but I also see a lot of people in their young and middle teens, and thats definitely reassuring  (Audience Quotes) I think television often has dismissed younger people. They figure, well, they’re not really watching news, that’s not our audience  (Audience Quotes) If you ask questions that interest you, you’ll get answers that interest your audience  (Audience Quotes) If your audience is young, it’d be youth culture, if your audience is older, it’d be older people, if it were senior citizens, it’d be senior citizen issues. So you try and hit the target audience  (Audience Quotes) Well, news is anything that’s interesting, that relates to what’s happening in the world, what’s happening in areas of the culture that would be of interest to your audience  (Audience Quotes) I’ve spent days in cinemas answering questions from the audience, in interviews, travelling abroad, and all they do is thank me nicely  (Audience Quotes) You’re in front of an audience, but you’re playing for a camera. There’s this huge adrenaline rush, because you know that besides the audience in the studio, there are millions of people watching at home  (Audience Quotes) I like being a big fish in a small pond. I’m not interested in a huge audience because it brings headaches  (Audience Quotes) Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience  (Audience Quotes) Every time I go to the theater, there’s something about the atmosphere, seeing something unfold live in front of an audience, that you can’t get out of your system  (Audience Quotes) If you’re sitting in the audience, you probably can’t see the preparation and work that goes into creating a great scene or a great part, but I can assure you that a good film depends on lot of different things falling perfectly into place  (Audience Quotes) In its beginnings, music was merely chamber music, meant to be listened to in a small space by a small audience  (Audience Quotes) I fell off stage and bruised some ribs. The worst part was that the audience didn’t realize I was gone  (Audience Quotes) I can go in front of an orchestra. I can go in front of an audience. But if you see me walking through an audience in the reception or through a lot of people, I’m still shy  (Audience Quotes) It doesn’t matter if a critic pans or praises my movies, I am only concerned about that one audience member and what their experience is  (Audience Quotes) And I think that we’re more of an alternative act in that sense, and that flavor comes across to the audience  (Audience Quotes) Rehearsals and screening rooms are often unreliable because they can’t provide the chemistry between an audience and what appears on the stage or screen  (Audience Quotes) I think it’s important that we all try to give something to this medium, instead of just thinking about what is the most efficient way of telling a story or making an audience stay in a cinema  (Audience Quotes)
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