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Audience Quotes

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You don’t psych yourself up for these things, you do them... I’m acting for the audience, not for myself, and I do it as directly as I can  (Audience Quotes) You have a responsibility for the way you make the audience feel, and I want them to feel uncomfortable  (Audience Quotes) The children should never be excluded from what I am doing and should never have the feeling of being part of an audience  (Audience Quotes) A sitcom is the closest thing for me to doing stage because you work in front of an audience, and if it’s well written it can be very satisfying  (Audience Quotes) The more skillful the performance of false cheer, the more pleasing the effect is upon one’s public and on that private audience to whom one owes even more  (Audience Quotes) Writing humor in my column isn’t as dangerous as performing it. If I fail in front of a live audience, the humiliation is as great as anything a human being can suffer  (Audience Quotes) The response of teenagers to their idols is relevant. As an audience, they enjoy themselves, not by screaming with laughter, but screaming with screams  (Audience Quotes) Imagination helps me to become part of that journey that I’m going through in font of the camera, or in front of an audience. I used to think you had to disappear within a character, but I find that puts a mask on what I do  (Audience Quotes) Onstage, you just have to tell the absolute truth about the character you are playing. You hope you communicate it, and you hope it comes back like a tennis ball. If you’re listening to the sound of your own voice, nobody else is. The audience knows, and they freeze on you  (Audience Quotes) Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves. Whistle and dance the shimmy, and you’ve got an audience  (Audience Quotes) The virtue of dress rehearsals is that they are a free show for a select group of artists and friends of the author, and where for one unique evening the audience is almost expurgated of idiots  (Audience Quotes) There’s more bad music in jazz than any other form. Maybe that’s because the audience doesn’t really know what’s happening  (Audience Quotes) If I miss one day of practice, I notice it. If I miss two days, the critics notice it. If I miss three days, the audience notices it  (Audience Quotes) The simplest way to customize is to phone members of the audience in advance and ask them what they expect from your session and why they expect it. Then use their quotes throughout your presentation  (Audience Quotes) The audience is the most revered member of the theater. Without an audience, there is no theater. Everything done is ultimately for the enjoyment of the audience. They are our guests, fellow players, and the last spoke in the wheel which can then begin to roll. They make the performance meaningful  (Audience Quotes) Stage charm guarantees in advance an actor’s hold on the audience, it helps him to carry over to large numbers of people his creative purposes. It enhances his roles and his art. Yet it is of utmost importance that he use this precious gift with prudence, wisdom, and modesty. It is a great shame when he does not realize this and goes on to exploit, to play on his ability to charm  (Audience Quotes) Nobody seriously questions the principle that it is the function of mass culture to maintain public morale, and certainly nobody in the mass audience objects to having his morale maintained  (Audience Quotes) In an audience of rough people a generous sentiment always brings down the house. In the tumult of war both sides applaud a heroic deed  (Audience Quotes) I do miss the rhythms of comedy. And I’ve never been able to perform very well without an audience. The sitcoms I’ve done had them. It was like doing a little play  (Audience Quotes) For me, being a woman suits what I want to talk about and what my audience wants to hear. Maybe I’m a dying breed  (Audience Quotes) The common misconception is that as an actress you have to learn what you’re doing. No, you just have to make the audience think you’ve learned it  (Audience Quotes) The game is if the orchestra can hear each other, they play better. If they play better and there’s a tangible feeling between the orchestra and the audience, if they feel each other, the audience responds and the orchestra feels it  (Audience Quotes) Movie acting is primarily listening. If you’re really engaged, that’s all a movie audience wants to see is you processing what’s happening in your world  (Audience Quotes) I don’t think the audience always listens to the critics. That’s been proven time and time again  (Audience Quotes) If you repeat yourself, then I think you’re in danger of losing that fan base, because if you’re not interesting yourselves, you’re not interesting your audience  (Audience Quotes) To me, the real thrill is in making the music, and then I just trust it to find its own audience, and at times it’s big and at times it’s small, but that’s beyond my control  (Audience Quotes) The way that you present yourself visually totally dictates your audience and everything that anyone thinks about you  (Audience Quotes) Language is a more recent technology. Your body language, your eyes, your energy will come through to your audience before you even start speaking  (Audience Quotes) I don’t know, on a sitcom, and in theatre especially, you have to really be listening to an audience. And if you’re losing them, you can hear the sniffs, and the playbills shuffling and whatnot  (Audience Quotes) As an actor to watch an audience of people howl together in a single mind as a result of work you’ve done together with friends is a privilege  (Audience Quotes)
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