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Audience Quotes

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I think one of the big things about comedy is the ability for the audience to identify  (Audience Quotes) The reason that you dance and sing is to make the audience feel like they’re dancing and singing. As long as you’re having fun with it and giving it 100 percent, they’re gonna feel that  (Audience Quotes) I never tell an audience what they can expect. I never have and I never will. I’m an entertainer for 75 years  (Audience Quotes) I started out as a dancer as a kid; I’ve been dancing since I was 4. So, performing was always part of what I was. I don’t know if it I enjoyed the response I got from people or if I liked having an audience, but there’s something in me that wanted to perform  (Audience Quotes) As I get older, I want to do more films for kids because they’re the best audience around. Just putting a smile on a kid’s face is the best thing  (Audience Quotes) I don’t mind playing somebody who’s not likable, or makes the audience feel slightly conflicted  (Audience Quotes) I have the audience I deserve. Or at least I have the audience that represents the kind of people that I like  (Audience Quotes) I pretty much believe that a film is a film and when an audience watches a film, they finish it  (Audience Quotes) In drama, I think, the audience is a willing participant. It’s suspending a certain kind of disbelief to try to get something out of a story  (Audience Quotes) When I was younger, I would go to auditions to have the opportunity to audition, which would mean another chance to get up there and try out my stuff, or try out what I learned and see how it worked with an audience, because where are you gonna get an audience?  (Audience Quotes) You’re always having to live more to fuel something new. It’s an obligation to yourself and to the audience. The personal baggage that comes with being a known actor just adds to that struggle  (Audience Quotes) I love talking to the audience, and I must be the luckiest performer in the world. I always land something or somebody that just takes off  (Audience Quotes) Most of the big money people don’t know what would interest an audience if you did it. They only know what interested the audience last time  (Audience Quotes) The larger the audience the better. The more pockets in the world, the more interesting and exciting because it just makes it that much more liberating. This makes it that much more liberating for the various facets of creativity to be explored  (Audience Quotes) No matter how dark things may get in a story, I feel it’s the responsibility of the storyteller to leave the audience with at least a shred of hope  (Audience Quotes) Comedy and horror are cousins; they’re related. They both come from storytellers who want to specifically affect the audience and elicit specific reactions during the movie  (Audience Quotes) And over the course of the last six years, as I’ve directed more features and commercials, I’ve become better at articulating exactly how I want the audience to feel  (Audience Quotes) Humanizing good people is kind of boring and I don’t really see the value in it... humanizing tricky characters is exhilarating, and making audience films out of indie subjects excites me  (Audience Quotes) It’s tough. It’s very tricky to throw a morally flexible character onto the screen and have an audience empathize. It’s always an exercise in restraint  (Audience Quotes) The only thing I miss from the sitcom format is that immediate gratification of when you’re, if we’re talking about comedy, of the live audience  (Audience Quotes) In general, questions are fine; you can always seize upon the parts of them that interest you and concentrate on answering those. And one has to remember when answering questions that asking questions isn’t easy either, and for someone who’s quite shy to stand up in an audience to speak takes some courage  (Audience Quotes) I did theatre when I was nine, I think. Nine and ten, and that was just the beginning of my whole involvement in acting, my whole interest. I don’t really remember it that well. But it was really fun. I mean, it was exciting just to be on stage in front of an audience. It gives you a different kind of rush  (Audience Quotes) Write for yourself, not for a perceived audience. If you do, you’ll mostly fall flat on your face, because it’s impossible to judge what people want. And you have to read. That’s how you learn what is good writing and what is bad. Then the main thing is application. It’s hard work  (Audience Quotes) You cannot tell an audience a lie. They know it before you do; before it’s out of your mouth, they know it’s a lie  (Audience Quotes) I’ve learned over the years that you’re going to be most successful at the things you’re most excited to do. Every artist has a special set of tools. When you really use those tools, and you make yourself feel really good about the product you create, I think you’ll find an audience for it. I’ve been very fortunate in that respect  (Audience Quotes) It was step by step that I earned my way into the lives and hearts of people by giving them recordings that I grew to love and as I found my listening audience also grew to love  (Audience Quotes) I like to do projects that challenge me, and hopefully in turn challenge the audience, or open your eyes to something you’re not aware of  (Audience Quotes) Figure skating is theatrical. It’s artistic. It’s elegant. It’s extremely athletic. And there’s a very specific audience for that  (Audience Quotes) When you have an audience standing and screaming the entire way through the short program and cheering every element you do, whether it’s footwork, or spin, or a jump, to have that kind of emotion coming at you from every direction in the building, it’s the most amazing sensation you can get as a sportsman  (Audience Quotes) I’m definitely guilty of thinking something is funny but thinking the audience won’t. Then three years later I will finally try it and it’ll kill them. I got to give them more credit  (Audience Quotes)
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