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I always tell younger filmmakers, it’s not just about the acting or the art itself. It’s about how big of an audience watches your film  (Audience Quotes) If you don’t have something that glues the audience to the screen, you’re in trouble  (Audience Quotes) I feel like I share a great relationship with my audience where they trust my judgment and choice of films and sense of comedy  (Audience Quotes) For the vlogging channel, I wanted to build the infrastructure and build up all the personalities in a way that felt like weren’t just forcing the audience to watch everyone we have  (Audience Quotes) That’s the great thing about incubating something on the web: you have the potential to go to other platforms. Every single platform has a different audience that you find  (Audience Quotes) My church is the world! I want to bring the gospel to as broad and as interesting an audience as possible  (Audience Quotes) We can see the film stars of yesterday in yesterday’s films, hear the voices of poest and singers on a record, keep the plays of dead dramatists upon our bookshelves, but the actor who holds his audience captive for one brief moment upon a lighted stage vanishes forever when the curtain falls  (Audience Quotes) Every film should have its own world, a logic and feel to it that expands beyond the exact image that the audience is seeing  (Audience Quotes) Maybe my movie isn’t over, I say, because sometimes moviemakers trick the audience with a false bad ending, and just when you think the movie is going to end badly, something dramatic happens, which leads to the happy ending. This seems like a good spot for something dramatic to happen, especially since it’s my birthday  (Audience Quotes) For all the best teachers pride themselves on having a large number of pupils and think themselves worthy of a bigger audience  (Audience Quotes) Long experience has taught me that the crux of my fortunes is whether I can radiate good will toward my audience. There is only one way to do it and that is to feel it. You can fool the eyes and minds of the audience, but you cannot fool their hearts  (Audience Quotes) The dancer, or dancers, must transform the stage for the audience as well as for themselves into an autonomous, complete, virtual realm, and all motions into a play of visible forces in unbroken, virtual time... Both space and time, as perceptible factors, disappear almost entirely in the dance illusion  (Audience Quotes) The choreographer cannot deliberately make a ballet to appeal to an audience, he has to start from personal inspirations. He has to trust the ballet, to let it stand on its own strengths or fall on its weaknesses. If it reaches the audience, then he is lucky that round!  (Audience Quotes) When I dance I am really meditating rather then performing for an audience. I am completely absorbed by the music and the steps I choose to respond to the music  (Audience Quotes) My wife is my first audience. She’s a tough lady, so I can’t say that I ever scare her. Except, of course, when she sees me the way I look before breakfast  (Audience Quotes) Dancers work and live from the inside. They drive themselves constantly producing a glow that lights not only themselves but audience after audience  (Audience Quotes) It is a temptation to exploit one’s technique because an audience is easily reached this way, but they cannot be moved by technique alone and to move an audience is the role of dance as an art  (Audience Quotes) When I miss class for one day, I know it. When I miss class for two days, my teacher knows it. When I miss class for three days, the audience knows it  (Audience Quotes) If you have the emotion, it infects you and the audience. If you don’t have it don’t bother; just say your lines as truthfully as you are capable of doing. You can’t fake emotion  (Audience Quotes) Some artists see a gig as an audience worshipping them. I think it is about having a great time together. I have a part as the singer. An audience has a part. Playing a gig doesn’t make me high on myself  (Audience Quotes) An artist should write for himself and not for an audience. If the audience likes it, great. If not, they can keep away  (Audience Quotes) Now of the difficulties bound up with the public in which we doctors work, I hesitate to speak in a mixed audience. Common sense in matters medical is rare, and is usually in inverse ratio to the degree of education  (Audience Quotes) When you are in a good theatre show, it is a wonderful and very fulfilling experience, entertaining a large audience and their showing their appreciation for your efforts  (Audience Quotes) The tools of social networking: These are the digital campfires around which the audience gathers to hear our story  (Audience Quotes) If the book is true, it will find an audience that is meant to read it  (Audience Quotes) The conductor is a peculiar person. He turns his back on his friends in the audience, shakes a stick at his players in the orchestra, and then wonders why nobody loves him  (Audience Quotes) Drawing is the most inalienable medium. It is private; it practically doesn’t have an audience in mind, just the artist’s expression  (Audience Quotes) Life beats down and crushes our souls and theatre reminds us that we have one. At least the type of theatre that I’m interested in; that is, theatre that moves an audience. You have the opportunity to literally impact the lives of people if they work on material that has integrity. But today, most actors simply want to be famous. Well, being an actor was never supposed to be about fame and money. Being an actor is a religious calling because you’ve been given the ability, the gift to inspire humanity. Think about that on the way to your soap opera audition  (Audience Quotes) It’s a privilege to play music fora living. Even more, it’s a privilege to have an audience. Respect that  (Audience Quotes) Whenever you write, whatever you write, never make the mistake of assuming the audience is any less intelligent than you are  (Audience Quotes)
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