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Cookery is a wholly unselfish art: All good cooks, like all great artists, must have an audience worth cooking for  (Audience Quotes) Thank your readers and the critics who praise you, and then ignore them. Write for the most intelligent, wittiest, wisest audience in the universe: Write to please yourself  (Audience Quotes) In the big picture I write for an audience of people I’ve never met. By the final draft I’m looking for anything in the prose that’s prospectively boring to strangers  (Audience Quotes) And young people who are learning digital skills discover that the real challenge is coming up with an image that resonates, first of all, with your self and hopefully, with an audience. They can learn all these new techniques and think that they’re easier to use, but creating great images isn’t about the tools  (Audience Quotes) Not content to have the audience in the palm of his hand, he goes one further and clenches his fist  (Audience Quotes) The audience is like my instrument. It’s not just me up there, it’s collaborative  (Audience Quotes) To me, getting up every single night and trying to reach out to an audience, and trying to dig deeper and further in the play to serve the writer and to understand yourself in that context is how you continue to grow and learn  (Audience Quotes) Writing a song isn’t that hard. Writing a good song is difficult. Let’s face it, we’re faced with taking a complex feeling or event, making words rhyme and saying exactly what we want them to say in a short amount of time... the primary reason for keeping it short and to the point is to be certain that you’re not boring your audience  (Audience Quotes) I do not choose my listeners. What I mean is, I never write for my listeners. I think about my audience, but I am not writing for them. I have something to tell them, but the audience must also put a certain effort into it. But I never wrote for an audience and never will write for one, because you have to give the listener something and he has to make an effort in order to understand certain things  (Audience Quotes) Too often we tell kids pleasant stories devoid of truth, and stories without truth are not good stories. Our audience deserves more from us  (Audience Quotes) Once you stay true to just having a good time and being honest to your fans and your audience, you can’t go wrong  (Audience Quotes) No matter what, I will always prefer a live performance. Whether it be a play or a musical, or playing music live. As long as it’s live, it’s the best because there’s sort of an immediacy to connection between an audience and a performer, whereas where you do film or television, you’re at the whim of so many different forces  (Audience Quotes) I love making movies, but there’s nothing like being in front of an audience  (Audience Quotes) I enjoy thelove I receive from my fans and my audience. But I think I know what is realfor me and what is not  (Audience Quotes) I never think about the audience. If someone gives me a marketing report, I throw it away  (Audience Quotes) You want to try and bring a character to life in an honest a way as you possibly can. It doesn’t matter whether he’s a doctor, an actor, a car salesman or a captain of a starship. If you can bring truth and honesty to that character, then your audience will believe you  (Audience Quotes) Gentlemen, welcome to the world of reality – there is no audience. No one to applaud, to admire. No one to see you. Do you understand? Here is the truth – actual heroism receives no ovation, entertains no one. No one queues up to see it. No one is interested  (Audience Quotes) The audience and I are friends. They allowed me to grow up with them. I’ve let them down several times. They’ve let me down several times. But we’re all family  (Audience Quotes) There’s not much to say about acting but this. Never settle back on your heels. Never relax. If you relax, the audience relaxes. And always mean everything you say  (Audience Quotes) Country seems to be finding a bigger audience. Certainly an audience out of the general country scene is finding me  (Audience Quotes) When you sell a product or service, you’re making a promise to your audience. If you don’t understand your audience, you’ll never be able to keep that promise and you’ll ultimately let them down  (Audience Quotes) Which one of us, anywhere in the world, doesn’t yearn to be believed when the audience is watching?  (Audience Quotes) The feeling you get from playing to a good audience is hard to describe without sounding as though you are talking silly. But reaction is important. You might feel in yourself that you’re doing it ok but it’s when you get the live reaction that you know you’re doing it right  (Audience Quotes) I’m really not that funny in real life. But I am the best audience one could find. I love to laugh  (Audience Quotes) As a film actor, you don’t often get that opportunity to meet with your audience and take your applause on stage  (Audience Quotes) I don’t know about making a passionate love story, even if it’s appealing for an audience to see a husband and wife make love on the screen  (Audience Quotes) There was so much to learn and it was all fun. But the best part was getting a laugh from an audience. That was like drowning in candy  (Audience Quotes) I always work on the theory that the audience will believe you best if you believe yourself  (Audience Quotes) I don’t want the national award... I seriously do not need any such thing. I would only want the audience to go and watch the film once and that will be more than enough for me. Once everybody should see the movie and say it is a good watch  (Audience Quotes) If your sleight of hand causes you to break eye contact with your audience, it is too advanced for your skill level  (Audience Quotes)
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