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A comedian needs to have his own filters, needs to know his audience, how far he can push things  (Audience Quotes) Through performance, I found the possibility of establishing a dialogue with the audience through an exchange of energy, which tended to transform the energy itself. I could not produce a single work without the presence of the audience, because the audience gave me the energy to be able, through a specific action, to assimilate it and return it, to create a genuine field of energy  (Audience Quotes) When I write songs I write for myself... I’m writing it as a form of expression, and hoping to find an audience, an audience that responds to music that is honest and lyrical and tells stories  (Audience Quotes) I’ve been so lonely trying to become a photographer. If I’d known that before, I don’t know if I had the courage to do it again. You get to a point where you feel that you have something that is your own. And if you don’t find an audience for it, you are going to burst  (Audience Quotes) In the circle of light on the state in the midst of darkness, you have the sensation of being entirely alone... This is called solitude in public... During a performance, before an audience of thousands, you can always enclose yourself in this circle, like a snail in its shell... You can carry it wherever you go  (Audience Quotes) We must first realize that dancing is an absolutely independent art, not merely a secondary accompanying one. I believe that it is one of the great arts... The important thing in ballet is the movement itself. A ballet may contain a story, but the visual spectacle... is the essential element. The choreographer and the dancer must remember that they reach the audience through the eye. It’s the illusion created which convinces the audience, much as it is with the work of a magician  (Audience Quotes) I believe that if a child has a feel for writing and wants to write, there is an audience. Children should just dive in and go at it. I would encourage children to write about themselves and things that are happening to them. It is a lot easier and they know the subject better if they use something out of their everyday lives as an inspiration. Read stories, listen to stories, to develop an understanding of what stories are all about  (Audience Quotes) An artist is waiting for the audience to understand the work. A craftsman is working to understand the audience  (Audience Quotes) The films an audience really enjoys are the ones that were enjoyable in the making. Yet pleasure in the work can’t be achieved unless you know you have put all of your strength into it and have done your best to make it come alive. A film made in this spirit reveals the hearts of the crew  (Audience Quotes) We’ve drifted into this presentation mode without realizing the cost to the content and the audience in the process  (Audience Quotes) Deus ex machina not only erases all meaning and emotion, it’s an insult to the audience. Each of us knows we must choose and act, for better or worse, to determine the meaning of our lives... Deus ex machina is an insult because it is a lie  (Audience Quotes) No matter how slick the demo is in rehearsal, when you do it in front of a live audience, the probability of a flawless presentation is inversely proportional to the number of people watching, raised to the power of the amount of money involved  (Audience Quotes) It’s relatively easy to create an ambiguous character. Any conglomeration of likable and unlikeable traits, chosen at random, will result in an ambiguous character. Getting an audience to deeply identify with a character, on the other hand, is one of the hardest things in the world to do  (Audience Quotes) It is easy to fail when designing an interactive experience. Designers fail when they do not know the audience, integrate the threads of content and context, welcome the public properly, or make clear what the experience is and what the audience’s role in it will be  (Audience Quotes) Museums have these great collections and the reality is they attract a regional audience not a national audience  (Audience Quotes) What’s required is a kind of social media sherpa, who can find you the audience you seek, who can reach to them on the platforms where they are already congregating, and who can help promote in tasteful ways that fit the sensitivities of the networks where your audiences are found  (Audience Quotes) It always takes two. There’s the speaker and the listener, you and the audience. You’ve worked long hours and it comes down to that moment, that performance. The goal isn’t just to improve yourself, but to transport people  (Audience Quotes) What interests me about genre is that the public connects immediately with it, it has certain rules, certain codes the audience recognizes. I can use that to create something very big  (Audience Quotes) You must feel an affinity for what you are photographing. You must be part of it, and yet remain sufficiently detached to see it objectively. Like watching from the audience a play you already know by heart  (Audience Quotes) Write a book you’d like to read. If you wouldn’t read it, why would anybody else? Don’t write for a perceived audience or market. It may well have vanished by the time your book’s ready  (Audience Quotes) I don’t write for an audience. I write for myself. And if I imagine an audience at all, it’s the characters, but I know that I would keep writing even if no one ever published me again, even if no one ever read me again  (Audience Quotes) We’ve reached a point where we are not a very empathetic people, and art without empathy is art without an audience. My basic viewpoint is that without art we’re alone  (Audience Quotes) Undeniably, the audience for improvisation, good or bad, active or passive, sympathetic or hostile, has a power that no other audience has. It can affect the creation of that which is being witnessed. And perhaps because of that possibility the audience for improvisation has a degree of intimacy with the music that is not achieved in any other situation  (Audience Quotes) ... it took me five years of going right into the mouth of the lion to learn to be at ease onstage... if you deal with an audience as a bunch of people having a great time, you’ll have a much bettrer time as a performer  (Audience Quotes) I used to think that animation was about moving stuff. In order to make it really great, you bounce it, squash it, stretch it, make the eyes go big. But, as time went on, I started loving animating a character who had a kind of burning passion in her heart. Suddenly, animation became for me not so much about moving stuff as it was about moving the audience  (Audience Quotes) If you can truly believe what you are pretending to do is really happening, then your audience will believe it, too  (Audience Quotes) A performer may be taken in by his own act, convinced at the moment that the impression of reality which he fosters is the one and only reality. In such cases we have a sense in which the performer comes to be his own audience; he comes to be performer and observer of the same show. Presumably he introcepts or incorporates the standards he attempts to maintain in the presence of others so that even in their absence his conscience requires him to act in a socially proper way  (Audience Quotes) To me if there’s an achievement to lighting and photography in a film it’s because nothing stands out, it all works as a piece. And you feel that these actors are in this situation and the audience is not thrown by a pretty picture or by bad lighting  (Audience Quotes) Hitherto the nude has always been represented in poses which presuppose an audience. But my women are simple, honest creatures who are concerned with nothing beyond their physical occupations... it is as if you were looking through a keyhole  (Audience Quotes) You must not think of yourself as looking at the stage from the audience. You must think of it as theatre in the round and look at it from all sides  (Audience Quotes)
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