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Audience Quotes

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My mind’s a machine gun, my body’s the bullets and the audience is the target  (Audience Quotes) I feel like what I owe my audience is what I’m most passionate about  (Audience Quotes) I think a mistake a lot of people make is to identify a target audience and then work backwards into creating a product for them  (Audience Quotes) My initial thoughts about what a title can do was to set mood and the prime underlying core of the film’s story, to express the story in some metaphorical way. I saw the title as a way of conditioning the audience, so that when the film actually began, viewers would already have an emotional resonance with it  (Audience Quotes) When talented people write badly, it’s generally for one of two reasons: Either they’re blinded by an idea they feel compelled to prove of they’re driven by an emotion they must express. When talented people write well, it is generally for this reason: They’re moved by a desire to touch the audience  (Audience Quotes) Given the choice between trivial material brilliantly told versus profound material badly told, an audience will always choose the trivial told brilliantly  (Audience Quotes) I don’t play for the guitarists in the audience. I play for the musicians  (Audience Quotes) If you address yourself to an audience, you accept at the outset the basic premises that unite the audience. You put on the audience, repeating cliches familiar to it. But artists don’t address themselves to audiences; they create audiences. The artist talks to himself out loud. If what he has to say is significant, others hear and are affected  (Audience Quotes) L.A. is not a town that supports a lot of theater. Most of the shows don’t get through a week or two and then, the audience kind of disappears  (Audience Quotes) Usage is like oxygen for ideas. You can never fully anticipate how an audience is going to react to something you’ve created until it’s out there  (Audience Quotes) Violent resistance and nonviolent resistance share one very important thing in common: They are both a form of theater seeking an audience to their cause  (Audience Quotes) When I smile at the audience, I’m not smiling because I was told that you’re supposed to smile to the audience. I smile because they’re all smiling at me, and it’s a great feeling to see all these happy people out there, and it makes me happy to see them happy  (Audience Quotes) Good information architecture enables people to find and do what they came for. Great information architecture takes find out of the equation: the site behaves as the visitor expects. Poor or missing information architecture neuters content, design, and programming and devalues the site for its owners as well as the audience it was created to serve. It’s like a film with no director. The actors may be good, the sets may be lovely, but audiences will leave soon after the opening credits  (Audience Quotes) Advertising must respect the intelligence of its audience and if it does not prompt them to think, it will be instantly dismissed  (Audience Quotes) Nobody has a magic lamp which can tell you in advance whether what you say will be effective in persuading an audience  (Audience Quotes) True citizens are not the audience of their government, nor its consumers; they are its makers  (Audience Quotes) It’s the adrenaline rush you only get from being in front of an audience. It’s addictive  (Audience Quotes) I preferred rock when it was in the dark, when it was a secret between me and the audience, when it wasn’t mainstream  (Audience Quotes) At every concert I leave a lot to the moment. I must have the unexpected, the unforeseen. I want to risk, to dare. I want to be surprised by what comes out. I want to enjoy it more than the audience. That way the music can bloom anew. It’s like making love. The act is always the same, but each time it’s different  (Audience Quotes) And I think that’s a lot of the reason why when you start to fragment your audience, you start to think about what you’re looking for, you’ll go to different spaces, and it parallels what we do as adults. You go to different bars when you’re in the mood for different things. You see different people when you want to go listen to music or when you just want to have a quiet drink with a couple of friends  (Audience Quotes) Spending energy to understand the audience and carefully crafting a message that resonates with them means making a commitment of time and discipline to the process  (Audience Quotes) The primary function of a theatre is not to please itself, or even to please its audience. It is to serve talent  (Audience Quotes) If you miss one class, you know it; if you miss two classes, your teacher knows it, and if you miss three classes, the audience knows it  (Audience Quotes) I think we’re just a garage band that got lucky. It’s the enthusiasm from the audience that keeps it going  (Audience Quotes) Everybody has his own theater, in which he is manager, actor, prompter, playwrite, sceneshifter, boxkeeper, doorkeeper, all in one, and audience into the bargain  (Audience Quotes) Ultimately, theatre takes place in the minds of the audience: they all imagine the same thing at the same time  (Audience Quotes) The only reality of the theater exists in the mind of the audience. That audience looks collectively at what is going on on the stage and collectively imagines that this is real  (Audience Quotes) Theatre is very much concerned with the society, with the social situation... A theatre piece of itself, demands a confrontation with the audience. It demands that you connect with people; it demands a collective and social effort with the company and later with the audience  (Audience Quotes) You can throw away the privilege of acting, but that would be such a shame. The tribe has elected you to tell its story. You are the shaman/healer, that’s what the storyteller is, and I think it’s important for actors to appreciate that. Too often actors think it’s all about them, when in reality it’s all about the audience being able to recognize themselves in you. The more you pull away from the public, the less power you have on screen  (Audience Quotes) The secret of staying fresh in a show is to remember that the audience you’re playing for that night has never seen it before  (Audience Quotes)
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