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Audience Quotes

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When I’m on camera, I have to do things pretty much the way I do things in everyday life. It gives the audience someone real to identify with  (Audience Quotes) I’m conflicted with theater in the city because you want to reach a diverse audience, and that audience doesn’t typically go to the theater  (Audience Quotes) As an actor, you hope to find roles that are challenging to you as an artist. Then if you are truly blessed, you will find that it also carries a message that you can impart to your audience  (Audience Quotes) I think that if an audience is truly appreciative of a performance, they will show it. Sometimes though, there are little differences, and there are audiences that are very reserved even though they are enjoying the show  (Audience Quotes) I want to be respected as an actor. There’s my ego. But I don’t have a great need to be liked by an audience  (Audience Quotes) As far as how much you listen to the audience, you listen to them when they really hate something  (Audience Quotes) I’d like to drill in a little more detail into one aspect of cutting which is particularly close to me and that’s dialogue editing. It is a vital part of editing especially in animated film, but in the end it is usually completely transparent to the audience. The vocal performances are reported for over several years and the actors are very rarely in recording studios together. That’s why the editor has got to all these different performances and edit them together to create the illusion of spontaneity and real action  (Audience Quotes) I think writing is really a process of communication... It’s the sense of being in contact with people who are part of a particular audience that really makes a difference to me in writing  (Audience Quotes) I am here for 5 days to enjoy myself and rest. Israel is a beautiful country and the audience is full of passion and I enjoy everything there is here  (Audience Quotes) It’s one that still happens, actually... forgetting a part of a difficult piece. Usually, the chances of it happening are directly proportional to how quiet and attentive the audience is  (Audience Quotes) My chance, when it came, was due, literally, to the fact that I was slender... You cannot make an opera audience believe that a man will endanger his soul, and commit robbery and murder for a very stout lady’s sake  (Audience Quotes) I’m still learning about music. The best way to learn is to listen to the audience. When you listen to the audience, they will tell you what they like. I wish these big corporations, instead of telling the audience what they should have, would listen  (Audience Quotes) I was talking to one of the writers about our target audience, and he was insulted that I used that term. But if you’re given $60 million to make a film, you’d better know who your target audience is. That’s who’s going to pay back the bills you run up  (Audience Quotes) I think about the audience in the sense that I serve as my own audience. I have to please myself the way, if I saw the movie in a theater, I would be pleased. Do I think about catering to an audience? No  (Audience Quotes) When I teach writing, I always tell my students you should assume that the audience you’re writing for is smarter than you. You can’t write if you don’t think they’re on your side, because then you start to yell at them or preach down to them  (Audience Quotes) I love music and love a good audience and still have to make a living. Why would I quit?  (Audience Quotes) A patriotic song is an emotion and you must not embarrass an audience with it, or they will hate your guts  (Audience Quotes) I don’t want to go too far away from what I’m doing now because that would alienate my audience  (Audience Quotes) Offering multiple games to reach such a broad audience is a great way to create awareness about horse racing. Obviously, my favorite is the jockey game. It’s very realistic  (Audience Quotes) I have always thought it was important to maintain some connection for myself to what it takes to make a song work by myself, to put a song across to an audience by myself  (Audience Quotes) The audience is astonishingly friendly and tolerant of even the slightest dab, but is limited in its willingness to look either deeply or at length  (Audience Quotes) If we’re going to reach a broader audience, we have to stop thinking about that audience strictly in terms of teenage boys or even teenage girls. We need to think about things that are relevant to normal humans and not just the geeks we used to be  (Audience Quotes) For me and my films, I want my audience to experience cinema in its full glory. It’s not just visual, it’s audio as well. It’s emotional, and I want you to be engaged with not just the scene but with the characters  (Audience Quotes) I can’t imagine playing a boring gig. Like, a boring audience without reaction, I will play against them  (Audience Quotes) To be in front of an audience and pretending, and to lie, this is the principle of acting  (Audience Quotes) There is always a mix of apprehension and excitement before you try songs out on a new audience  (Audience Quotes) When the audience isn’t laughing, that doesn’t mean that they’re not fascinated  (Audience Quotes) Honestly, the essence of publishing hasn’t changed. Since the days of the cave man carving stuff on the cave walls, people have wanted stories, and storytellers have wanted an audience. That is still the case. The changes are really a matter of format  (Audience Quotes) I feel it’s important to talk about the complex issues affecting us. And these are complex issues. I think it’s insulting to an audience to make them sit and watch a film and then give them a message in one sentence  (Audience Quotes) I misdirect the audience, so they have no idea where they are or who they’re listening to  (Audience Quotes)
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