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Audience Quotes

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There is nothing more joyful to me than hearing a live audience laugh. Especially when I planned it that way!  (Audience Quotes) It’s new and different every night. The charge you get from a good audience is like nothing else  (Audience Quotes) When playing any song in front of an audience, you’re watching them experience it, and it changes. In a lot of ways, it’s almost like the music is just the background buzz to what’s happening between you and the audience in the room  (Audience Quotes) If actors could actually make a living doing theater, that would be my first choice. Sitcoms are the closest thing to being onstage in front of an audience  (Audience Quotes) All I know is that as an audience member, I am less and less inclined to go to the theater  (Audience Quotes) I think in the old days, films really went for the shock, with the blood and guts, but movies are getting better. The writing and directing have improved a lot, because the audience demands it  (Audience Quotes) The hope in radio is to build an audience over a number of years, a slow build to see if something works  (Audience Quotes) One day you look out and the audience consists of 65,000 people. It’s like looking in the mirror and one day you realise you’ve gone grey  (Audience Quotes) Theater is an engagement between the actor and the audience. Film is a different sort of medium. It’s not immediate, but in some ways it’s more involving  (Audience Quotes) For me, the most exciting thing is to create good magic that’s entertaining for an audience, and it would be lovely if a magician was fooled as well  (Audience Quotes) I love storytelling and I love just relating directly to an audience. That’s why we do theatre, it’s because we love contact with the audience. We love the fact that the audience will change us. The way the audience responds makes us change our performance  (Audience Quotes) Sometimes earning awards doesn’t matter as much as earning revenue or profit, or having a good response from the audience. No matter how many awards you win, if you can’t earn any profit from your movie, if the audience doesn’t like it, then it doesn’t matter how many awards you get  (Audience Quotes) There are so many people in film and television that get between a performer and the audience, and that’s frustrating  (Audience Quotes) I like making stories and characters that people can relate to. I also like giving the audience a departure from whatever they’re thinking about in their life and enjoying a show or a movie  (Audience Quotes) I try to make the majority of my audience laugh. That’s my audience. They’ll laugh at the dead terrorist  (Audience Quotes) I think I can connect with an audience because I know what it’s like to be on the other side of it and I really remember all of that  (Audience Quotes) You’re out there on a high wire without a net, and that’s the way actors operate. They have to be fearless about how they work and they have to create a life for the audience in 90 minutes and make them believe  (Audience Quotes) What’s the shelf life of a 1931 movie? If it still exists, there will always be film buffs and a niche audience who will want to see it. But in terms of people even understanding in common usage, some of the words we use to describe these movies, I don’t know how long that’s going to last  (Audience Quotes) When you decide you’re going to join a project, it’s all about the gift you’re giving the audience  (Audience Quotes) We as comics do want an immediate response from the audience. It’s really quiet on the set, and there are only the producers, and the director, so a comic is looking for someone to give a reaction, even if it is the camera guy  (Audience Quotes) I’m a good audience in general, but it’s hard to make me laugh  (Audience Quotes) As an actor, I’ve always said, half the audience is going to love you, half is going to hate you so just live with it. It’s easier that way  (Audience Quotes) Whenever I realize I’m being a goofball, I write it down. When I release the joke onstage, I love watching the effect it has on the audience. No one wants to see someone talk who takes themselves too seriously  (Audience Quotes) The better your audience, the more energy you have, and the more energy you have, the better show you do. The better show you do, the more they love it, and the more energy they give back to you  (Audience Quotes) You never want your second act or the whole movie to just be this relentless march towards its goal. You want things to take the audience by surprise  (Audience Quotes) When you play arenas you can create whatever you want. At a theater the height of the stage and the limitations of the theater can make you feel more separate from the audience  (Audience Quotes) A lot of cop shows, because they have the restraints of having a new case every episode, the victims often become these kind of nameless, faceless plot points, and as an audience we don’t feel anything for those people  (Audience Quotes) I try to just make what I want to make or what I would want to see. I try not to think about the audience too much  (Audience Quotes) I intentionally shoot violence to make the audience feel real pain. I have never and I will never shoot violence as if it’s some kind of action video game  (Audience Quotes) My music was never considered cool, but I’ve always felt that connection with the audience  (Audience Quotes)
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