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Audience Quotes

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The audience will make you feel like a demigod. But when you leave the stage, get back to being human  (Audience Quotes) What you never want to do is have a story that doesn’t track emotionally, because then you’re going joke to joke and you’re going to fatigue the audience. The only thing that’s going to string them to the next joke is how successful the previous joke is  (Audience Quotes) Often I used my gut instinct to ask the questions and get the answers I thought the audience wanted to hear. Sometimes the interviewees said things that surprised even them  (Audience Quotes) As much as I love period movies and especially more swashbuckling movies, I think that sometimes they tend to be, umm... it’s hard for the audience to relate to them  (Audience Quotes) I loved working with kids, and kids are the most incredibly discerning audience. And if they don’t believe you, they will tell you and let you know. I mean, kids is where it’s at, really  (Audience Quotes) The greatest benefit of being a solo performer is that it is seriously frightening, but at the same time very empowering. It’s just you and the audience. All the weight is on you to deliver the songs  (Audience Quotes) I like the opportunity to play characters who have these dark sides but make the audience empathize with them. You want them to think there is some kind of sweeter, softer side to it  (Audience Quotes) If you change a character too much, the audience falls out of love with the character, but characters need to evolve and grow over the years  (Audience Quotes) I never see things I make in the same way that the audience does. You can never do that  (Audience Quotes) In real life, you just work for the ordinary self, but in the front of audience you become the superself. That’s a completely different thing  (Audience Quotes) I feel the audience has a right to know if some of the money they’re spending is going to a certain cause, and reassuring them the money is going to where it’s supposed to be going  (Audience Quotes) Eventually you just have to realize that you’re living for an audience of one. I’m not here for anyone else’s approval  (Audience Quotes) I put my life in danger every time I do some of these demonstrations, whether it’s in the audience hanging upside down or on the stage. We now have a lot of dangerous stunts where anything can go wrong. In fact, I have fallen two stories and landed on the stage, so I am well aware of the dangers  (Audience Quotes) I don’t categorize myself. I don’t think I’m perceived as a female act by my audience. My fans include just as many men as women  (Audience Quotes) If you’re going to act and do this for a living, you want to play something that the audience didn’t expect  (Audience Quotes) I think if you create something and you get an audience for it, then the monetization part is really secondary  (Audience Quotes) In theater, you are there, you have a character, you have a play, you have a light, you have a set, you have an audience, and you’re in control, and every night is different depending on you and the relationship with the other actors. It’s as simple as that  (Audience Quotes) What’s exciting is there’s a curtain that divides the audience from this other world. You want to see behind  (Audience Quotes) It’s interesting to watch myself with an audience; I’m trying hard to learn from it  (Audience Quotes) As rewarding as a good film role can be, there is just nothing like getting up on a stage and taking an audience for a ride  (Audience Quotes) Traditional horizontal search engines cannot always identify the target audience, niche or vertical industry of a page or site. Vertical search engines address this issue by the nature of their design. They identify sites according to more specific criteria and sometimes even by human input  (Audience Quotes) I’m always trying to get those interviews that are impossible to get, because they are the ones that are most interesting to the audience  (Audience Quotes) You have an audience that is fairly well grounded in the real world. You serve them and yourself best by making everything as real as possible  (Audience Quotes) I hardly ever think about audience. I just try to tell a story for me. I write the kind of story I would like to read  (Audience Quotes) As an author, you need to keep talking to your audience to remind yourself what they like and what they don’t like. You spend most of your life locked in a room, and you need to be social occasionally  (Audience Quotes) I think if you’re good and you can persuade people you’re going to be able to do that role and ultimately the audience buys it, then it doesn’t matter whether you were really a chimpanzee in disguise! You’ve done it  (Audience Quotes) I spent so many years of my life as a stage actor and when you do all these plays, a lot of really great plays are very politically driven. They deal with deep social issues, and that’s the kind of stuff that I love, as an audience member  (Audience Quotes) I love theater. I love sitting in an audience and having the actors right there, playing out what it means to be a human being  (Audience Quotes) You have to keep your audience in your mind; if you’re writing stuff that you know nobody’s going to care about then you should rethink what you’re doing!  (Audience Quotes) Being onstage is just a feeling that you cannot duplicate anywhere else because the energy that the audience is giving you forces you to give more energy. It’s such an output and exchange of energy. You can’t do that anywhere else  (Audience Quotes)
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