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Audience Quotes

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When you work so hard on making a film, it’s all worthwhile when you get to experience seeing that film with an audience who thoroughly enjoy it and react to the movie  (Audience Quotes) It’s cool that people like what I do, but I don’t work for the audience  (Audience Quotes) We can’t tell particularly smart stories if we want to keep our audience big enough to pay for these big spectacle films that we want to do  (Audience Quotes) I really prefer the actual experience of being onstage and living the character from beginning to end with the energy of the audience. There’s nothing that beats that feeling, and yet I really have trouble with the eight shows a week  (Audience Quotes) I don’t ever write with a particular audience in mind. I just write books that please me  (Audience Quotes) A whole film is just about arriving at a moment where you hopefully transfer some feeling to the audience  (Audience Quotes) On stage you look much larger than you are. You can have subtle changes of timing; how you place a punch line in a joke or movement or emotion according to an audience  (Audience Quotes) I love theater work because of the immediate effect your performance has on the audience. And I love the repetition; I love getting on the same stage for more than a month and reciting the same lines, trying to make a small or large step towards an improvement in my acting  (Audience Quotes) That’s the thing about great artists: They find the thing that’s most obvious to themselves, what’s most conscious and natural, and they put it out there and the audience comes  (Audience Quotes) I could keep trying to do the same kind of comedies. You know how it’s going to go, and you can get an audience with it, but then I feel like a hamster on a wheel  (Audience Quotes) I never wanted to do something grotesque. I never wanted to shock. I wanted my audience to be happy, to be kind  (Audience Quotes) I will not do festivals. The thought of an audience that big frightens the life out of me  (Audience Quotes) I’ve always believed that the way you affect your audience is more important than how many of them are there  (Audience Quotes) What I’m hoping is that every album I’m going to do will give my audience something different, and that they’ll grow as I do  (Audience Quotes) Not working is bad for you. It is my drug, it gives me a high; most performers will tell you that. And there is nothing like the high that an audience gives you  (Audience Quotes) Once you’ve experienced the warmth of an audience, the achievement of getting your first laugh, and entertaining them, singing or playing piano, it just keeps it all going  (Audience Quotes) What I love most about playing in front of people has something to do with a certain kind of energy exchange. The attention and appreciation of my audience feeds back into my playing. It really seems as if there is a true and equal give and take between performer and listener, making me aware of how much I depend on my audience. And since the audience is different every night, the music being played will differ too. Every space I performed in has its own magic and spirit  (Audience Quotes) Emotion is always multiplied in the art of a person who doesn’t really show much emotion. It once expanded deep within his hidden soul, and following the downplay his audience is blown away  (Audience Quotes) The man who tries to be funny is lost. To lose one’s naturalness is always to lose the sympathy of your audience  (Audience Quotes) I want films to haunt an audience, to give them something to remember and be able to talk about  (Audience Quotes) My material is as new as anything on the dinner table. What difference does it make if I’m 70 or if I’m 20? The audience knows they aren’t getting any old stories from me  (Audience Quotes) If I don’t practise for one day, I know it; if I don’t practise for two days, the critics knows it; if I don’t practise for three days, the audience knows it  (Audience Quotes) I love theatre. It’s far more satisfying than film. Sometimes there’s a collective sigh from the audience, or it’s so quiet you can hear a pin drop. I couldn’t believe how easy acting was when there’s an audience; after a few previews I almost couldn’t do it without one  (Audience Quotes) Every time I sit in the audience and watch a show that I have been involved with, it is such an amazing feeling to see all those people around me, knowing they are actually watching and enjoying something I have written  (Audience Quotes) I’ve got a small, loyal audience, which is great. And I appreciate that. They’re there for me every time  (Audience Quotes) I love test screenings. Some directors don’t, I know. But I love it. I think it’s because I come from the theatre and in the theatre, previews are where you really have to listen to the audience and really feel how they’re responding. I found our test screenings incredibly useful  (Audience Quotes) If you don’t know what you want to achieve in your presentation your audience never will  (Audience Quotes) Going on stage and transcending the audience and becoming this otherworldly thing makes you a dancer. It’s not so black and white  (Audience Quotes) There are things which need to be shown in the trailer in order to let the audience know what kind of film it is that they’re going to be expecting to see  (Audience Quotes) We’re paid to care. That’s what actors get their money for. But the main goal is not for the actors to be frustrated at the end of the show, but for the audience to be throwing their shoes at the television set. That’s what we’re trying for  (Audience Quotes)
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