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The art of any propagandist and agitator consists in his ability to find the best means of influencing any given audience, by presenting a definite truth, in such a way as to make it most convincing, most easy to digest, most graphic, and most strongly impressive  (Audience Quotes) Contrary to the royal and uptight image of polo, I want to bring it to a younger generation. This is a great sport that can have a larger audience and appeal to more people. Sportsmanship is lacking in many other sports that I don’t want to name  (Audience Quotes) I feel that music on the screen can seek out and intensify the inner thoughts of the characters. It can invest a scene with terror, grandeur, gaiety, or misery. It can propel narrative switftly forward, or slow it down. It often lifts mere dialogue into the realm of poetry. Finally, it is the communicating link between the screen and the audience, reaching out and enveloping all into one single experience  (Audience Quotes) I stumbled on a joke idea and style that worked, the audience went with it and, from that moment on, I was hooked. It’s an amazing feeling  (Audience Quotes) I usually go with roles that I find entertaining. But every once in a while, there comes along a film that has an important social message. As actors, we have a certain responsibility toward our audience  (Audience Quotes) For me, a director is a director immaterial of the gender. At the end of the day, the audience is only interested in watching a good film  (Audience Quotes) That theatrical kind of virtue, which requires publicity for its stage, and an applauding world for its audience, could not be depended on, in the secrecy of solitude, or the retirement of a desert  (Audience Quotes) As a hero, you have to play it straight. The audience is going to live through you, so you have to be more neutral. They will be projecting their thoughts and their actions onto the main character  (Audience Quotes) You can’t tell an audience to like a character. And I think the best way to get the audience on someone’s side is to embarrass them  (Audience Quotes) It was important that I learn that what I wanted was no different from what other artists wanted: confidence that I could be my own censor, audience, and competition  (Audience Quotes) My films have a bold interpretation. They are unapologetic about showing intimacy. Going by the number of people who come to watch my films, this is what our target audience yearns for  (Audience Quotes) As an actor, I was not accepted for the longest time. But it did not deter me, as the audience had accepted me. I never compared myself with any other actors. I never had any game plan and took whatever came my way  (Audience Quotes) After I tasted success with erotic thrillers, a time came when I was being offered only films belonging to that genre. The industry loves repeating a success formula, and the audience had formed a certain image of mine in their minds  (Audience Quotes) I’m just a singer/songwriter and entertainer and I miss people and the energy of the crowd. When I play live it’s a lovefest with me and my audience. It’s how I get my rocks off  (Audience Quotes) My father, good or bad, mistakes or no, had a direct line from his heart to the music to the people, to the audience. He played with logic and his own inner truth  (Audience Quotes) Like an audience entertained by a magician, we allow ourselves to be deceived by those with a stake in persuading us to ignore reality  (Audience Quotes) Most writers who are beginners, if they are honest with themselves, will admit that they are praying for a readership as they begin to write. But it should be the quality of the craft, not the audience, that should be the greatest motivating factor  (Audience Quotes) I have a great amount of respect for the audience. They know narrative construct. They know all the tropes  (Audience Quotes) You can’t have a laugh track that sort of tells the audience when to laugh and, you know, it’s difficult to find those moments  (Audience Quotes) I’ve always been more interested in the audience than I have in the plays. I like that idea of all those people sitting in the dark together. It’s kind of fun  (Audience Quotes) If I have a huge audience, I’d like a bigger audience; maybe slightly a slightly more illustrious audience  (Audience Quotes) I’m grateful to my audience, that there are people who will buy a ticket and come and see us play and who essentially support me and this life of music  (Audience Quotes) Standup is more me talking the entire time. There’s definitely an exchange of energy because that room, that audience, is giving back  (Audience Quotes) It’s certainly difficult to balance marketing a film and putting it out there to everybody with wanting to keep it fresh for the audience  (Audience Quotes) I want to be surprised and entertained by a movie, so that’s what we’re trying to do for the audience. Obviously, we also have to sell the film  (Audience Quotes) I realized that if you’re trying to reach an audience, being as subjective as possible and really trying to write from something genuine is the way to go. Really it’s mostly from my own process, my own experience  (Audience Quotes) I think for me, what I’m doing on set is I’m watching things happen as an audience member and trying to just look at, what’s the image we’re photographing, how will that advance the story and what will the next image be  (Audience Quotes) Going before an audience of people who expect you to be funny is tough. Going before an audience that expect you to be boring, and then being a little funny, is much easier. I prefer easier  (Audience Quotes) I don’t think I ever worry too much about what our target audience is, what we should be releasing. I just write naturally and organically and try to write from the heart  (Audience Quotes) If you are halfway smart, and you could really listen to the audience, you could really learn a lot  (Audience Quotes)
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