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Audience Quotes

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As long as I can do something that I am passionate about and that I can really enjoy and the audience can enjoy. That is where my enthusiasm comes from  (Audience Quotes) Neuroscientists are finding that what passes as a typical presentation is usually the worst way to engage your audience  (Audience Quotes) As an actor you become that lighting rod between the person who made the play and the audience  (Audience Quotes) An actor really is a kind of intermediary between an audience and the piece, whether it’s a play or movie  (Audience Quotes) The demarcation between an art house film and an entertainer has blurred, only because a larger section of the audience has accepted such realistic films  (Audience Quotes) If the audience knows you can be funny when you want to be, they will be willing to wait for that payoff  (Audience Quotes) As a writer I want everybody to get a chance to voice their opinions. If each character thinks that they’re telling the truth, then it’s valid. Then at the end of the film, I leave it up to the audience to decide who did the right thing  (Audience Quotes) There are definitely some tricks and techniques to a good reading. Rewarding the audience that shows up to your reading is very important and you can’t be boring or ungrateful  (Audience Quotes) Then to deliver the message to the audience is our mission. I tried to imagine, if they killed my family, daughters, I would do anything to protect my family. It’s insane but that’s the situation everybody was in  (Audience Quotes) I was never trying to be the voice for anybody else. I was just trying to sing about what I was going through, and was singing about those things specifically because I knew there was an audience not being served  (Audience Quotes) My brain has always been wired in such a way that I’d rather communicate to a smaller audience who really get turned on by what I do than meet a wider audience and give them milk  (Audience Quotes) The audience will only truly respect you when they have no idea what is going on  (Audience Quotes) The art business is a rarified business and appeals to an audience capable of spending money on a luxury. Too often the atmosphere in a gallery borders on snobbishness  (Audience Quotes) I believe stories are very important to all performances. The life story of the performer shapes their work, and the life stories of the audience alter how they receive the work, what they read into the performer  (Audience Quotes) I don’t think it does the audience any good to know what I do to prepare. It keeps it more of a surprise. I don’t feel like it has to be a mystery  (Audience Quotes) I like my audience. I always feel when up on stage performing that I could enjoy having a cup of coffee with any one of them  (Audience Quotes) I am not quite comfortable with people identifying themselves as my fans. You know nothing about me. You have just seen me perform in a film. How can you be my fan? If I have to tell you honestly, I want an audience and not fans  (Audience Quotes) Violence and nonviolence are, after all, two different forms of theater. They both depend and thrive on the response of an audience  (Audience Quotes) When I play for the people, every time I play for my audience they are hypnotized, seen. These guys know the potential of the music  (Audience Quotes) Today is tax day. A lot of people are hoping they get refunds. And that’s just the folks here in the audience  (Audience Quotes) I am not fitted to give concerts. The audience intimidates me, I feel choked by its breath, paralyzed by its curious glances, struck dumb by all those strange faces  (Audience Quotes) Games are advancing in terms of storytelling and trying to create a character, and its a brand new audience for me  (Audience Quotes) When I do something good, the audience lets me know immediately. They laugh. That’s it  (Audience Quotes) When a musical act performs, the black audience goes crazy for all the stuff, the album cuts, everything. White audiences, they’re nice and all, but they’re not going to lose it until they get the hits. Comedy is the same thing  (Audience Quotes) There’s no better way to learn something than to learn it in front of an audience. Your terror drives you  (Audience Quotes) It’s just an impulse, in some actors. You want to make the audience like you. That’s the aim of the exercise  (Audience Quotes) I love supporting emerging voices, and new writers and directors. I love engaging an audience in a way that doesn’t have to involve me, personally, and yet still generates an experience for groups of people  (Audience Quotes) People are too worried a lot of times what other people in the audience are going to think about them, so they like to feign offense so other people don’t think that they’re inappropriate for laughing at something  (Audience Quotes) When it comes to acting, people talk about the suspension of disbelief that you ask of the audience. Before that starts, you have to, as an actor, suspend your own disbelief  (Audience Quotes) I’m quite certain that the audience that I’ve got for my stuff don’t listen to the lyrics  (Audience Quotes)
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