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The philosophy has always been pretty clean and straightforward which is if I see something that I like and I can see its value to the audience, its value to me, then I’m going to take my shot at it, regardless of the genre  (Audience Quotes) I really enjoy the direct dialogue with the fans. I’m very cognizant of my audience. I’m a trained storyteller and entertainer, and I know I wouldn’t be able to work at the level I work at if people didn’t enjoy what I did  (Audience Quotes) I didn’t get joy from acting, I wouldn’t do it. My passion for acting is growing and I love telling good stories and inspiring stories and helping to give a little happiness to the world and perhaps get the audience to think about different issues  (Audience Quotes) Does having a wife and kids change your act? Yes, but only in the best way. It gives you weight and authority. It also makes you closer to the audience because the audience is married and has kids  (Audience Quotes) If you’re an artist like a really, really long time, it stops being a performance. I’m not performing anymore. I reveal myself to the audience. I show you some of me. It’s not a show no more  (Audience Quotes) Onstage, I don’t feel any glory from people clapping in the audience, but when they’re pushing me to do something new that feels good  (Audience Quotes) The audience, the place you’re in, has everything to do with how your performance goes  (Audience Quotes) While data can only tell you what has happened in the past, it can in some ways give you a sense of what might be of interest to an audience in the future  (Audience Quotes) Acting on stage is a living organism you can never pin down, and I believe the audience feeds off that, too  (Audience Quotes) Im ridiculously fortunate to get a chance to experience the sitcom world. The schedule is extremely easy, and you get fed as an artist because you’re not only working on a project, but you get to work with cameras, and you get the audience there  (Audience Quotes) Creating a character is about what they look like. The look speaks volume to the audience  (Audience Quotes) Id love to go back and do theater. Theres nothing like that instant response and the connection to a live audience  (Audience Quotes) If an actor is bored, then they are boring to an audience. I definitely don’t want to ever be that  (Audience Quotes) Because when an artist has to assert that her intended audience is all humans rather than those who happen to be of her particular gender or race, what she’s actually having to assert is the breadth and depth of her own humanity  (Audience Quotes) There are two ways of speaking an audience will always like: one is, to tell them what they don’t understand; and the other is, to tell them what they’re used to  (Audience Quotes) Fiction keeps its audience by retaining the world as its subject matter. People like the world. Many people actually prefer it to art and spend their days by choice in the thick of it  (Audience Quotes) Show business can be an addiction.... An audience would laugh at me one night, and I would chase that high for another three months  (Audience Quotes) Too many comics today ramble. By the time they get to the punch line, the audience has either gone to sleep, gone to the bathroom or gone to bed  (Audience Quotes) I truly have a great love for an audience, and I used to want to prove it to them by giving them blood  (Audience Quotes) It is not unusual to hate great writers before we learn to love them. Because they have created something that did not yet exist, they must also create their audience. Sometimes the audience is not yet ready. Sometimes it has yet to be born  (Audience Quotes) An audience is pleasant if you have it, it is flattering and flattering is agreeable always, but if you have an audience the being an audience is their business, they are the audience you are the writer, let each attend to their own business  (Audience Quotes) The audience is the controlling factor in the actor’s life. It is practically infallible, since there is no appeal from its verdict. It is a little like a supreme court composed of irresponsible minors  (Audience Quotes) I’d rather an audience like me than dislike me, but I’d rather they disliked me than be apathetic, because that is the kiss of death  (Audience Quotes) Do you know what makes a movie work? Moments. Give the audience half a dozen moments they can remember, and they’ll leave the theatre happy  (Audience Quotes) Sometimes in comedy you can make the audience feel poignancy stronger than you can with tears or anguish  (Audience Quotes) A personality is our way of being for others. We hope that others will meet us half way or more, gratify our needs, be our audience, soothe our fears  (Audience Quotes) Try to find the right balance of keeping things exciting and treating your audience with respect, and also treating yourself as an artist with respect  (Audience Quotes) I like to make sure that I’m believable. If I don’t believe me, then there’s a lot of people that don’t believe me, but if I can believe that I’m doing it, then I know the audience will, too  (Audience Quotes) The people that keep coming back every year are diehards. I’ll go out there to host a panel and I know half of the audience. I see them, every year, and they come back for more because they believe in us. That’s one of the coolest things  (Audience Quotes) There is a culture among academics to be obscure. If you’re too clear, you can’t be saying anything interesting. The issue isn’t word length. The issue is a commitment to speaking in a way an audience can understand  (Audience Quotes)
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