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Audience Quotes

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I think people get too comfortable, in just doing what they do every week. And I’m all about challenge and change, and I like to read the audience  (Audience Quotes) I’m definitely attracted to the idea of people that have these big aspirations that the audience know might never happen, but they’re lost in them  (Audience Quotes) Sometimes, the most daunting thing about performing is making eye contact with your audience, so just look above them and at the corners of the room. Soon, you’ll totally forget they’re there  (Audience Quotes) No one who has experienced facing a screaming, boiling, hysterical audience can avoid feeling shivers in the spine. It’s a thin line between celebration and menace  (Audience Quotes) The audience goes to sleep really quickly! If you have a slight pause at the wrong time, that’s it!  (Audience Quotes) As an actor, the only thing we can do is play the truth at that moment. Because at any point in time if you play the future, or you play that you know something that the audience does not know, it kills the illusion of reality  (Audience Quotes) In order to inhabit a villain, you mustn’t care what the audience think of you. That’s not why you are there. You mustn’t care for a second whether the audience likes you or dislikes you. Your villain has to be way beyond that  (Audience Quotes) I’m not precious about anything. The effort it took to get something means nothing to me in post. It means nothing to the audience. I’ll chop limbs off. I’ll put an arm where a leg should be. I’ll do anything  (Audience Quotes) My hope has always been that each record could have its own audience. Of course, it’s awesome to have a cumulative audience for more than one record, but I like the idea that there could be a record that an individual might like  (Audience Quotes) Once I’m performing the show, I think that hour show has a certain intimacy with our audience. And that intimacy is through the lens and the live audience is a witness to that, whereas the audience at home is actually the object of my efforts  (Audience Quotes) I think the hard thing for young comedians is that the majority of the young people in the audience out there don’t have the wide range of references  (Audience Quotes) The bottom line of comedy is to be funny, and the bottom line of drama is to be truthful. You can be truthful and funny, but if you’re not truthful in a drama than the audience leaves you  (Audience Quotes) I think films are about having a good time, so I don’t know that there’s a message. The message of a film is always what a critic writes, and the fun of a film or the emotion of a film is what the audience feels  (Audience Quotes) Horror films are art, it’s all make believe. It’s great if a filmmaker can try to push boundaries and see how much an audience can take and see what happens. It’s fun to be able to do that  (Audience Quotes) Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big black space where the audience is  (Audience Quotes) The great dramatist has something better to do than to amuse either himself or his audience. He has to interpret life  (Audience Quotes) The function of the actor is to make the audience imagine for the moment that real things are happening to real people  (Audience Quotes) One half of the pleasure experienced at a theatre arises from the spectator’s sympathy with the rest of the audience, and, especially from his belief in their sympathy with him  (Audience Quotes) A politician’s words reveal less about what he thinks about his subject than what he thinks about his audience  (Audience Quotes) In the theater one must sit in such a way that one sees the audience as a dark mass. Then it cannot bother one more than it does an actor. Nothing is more disturbing than being able to distinguish individuals in the crowd  (Audience Quotes) You’ve got to capture an audience. You don’t go out there and just sing, or just play. If you can’t capture an audience, you might as well not be out there  (Audience Quotes) Practice, practice, practice in speaking before an audience will tend to remove all fear of audiences, just as practice in swimming will lead to confidence and facility in the water. You must learn to speak by speaking  (Audience Quotes) Emotionally involving the audience is easy. Anybody can do it blindfolded: get a little kitten and have some guy wring its neck  (Audience Quotes) And if you can channel the truth of your own experience onto the stage, that’s what the audience wants to see  (Audience Quotes) There’s always been a lot of negative stuff written about me. That’s why I don’t pay any attention to the critics. They’ve never liked anything I’ve done. What do critics know? It’s the way the audience reacts that matters  (Audience Quotes) I was touring a lot... I loved the touring because you could really feel the audience. You were much closer to everything  (Audience Quotes) I love the idea of changing my look. I think one owes it to the audience, to go out there and give them something different each time, so as not to bore them to death  (Audience Quotes) I always like to be a step ahead of the audience by surprising them and the best way to do that is to not hold back  (Audience Quotes) The more you think about something, the more important it becomes, the more important it is to you, and the more important it will become to the audience  (Audience Quotes) For the really scary stuff to work at the end you have to fall in love a little bit with the family and want then to be ok. And once you get the audience to buy in on that then they care. They want them to be okay  (Audience Quotes)
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