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Audience Quotes

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When I experience something or feel something, that’s kind of transferred to the audience. There’s a lot of great breakthrough moments that come out of that  (Audience Quotes) I like doing movies with kids in them, and you’re explaining things. They’re teaching you and you’re teaching them, and the audience can loop through that  (Audience Quotes) My favorite job is being a father. I have four girls now. They’re a captive audience  (Audience Quotes) If I tell the audience what they should think, then I am robbing them of their own imagination and their own capacity of deciding what’s important to them  (Audience Quotes) In every waking hour a sacred theater is in session, played out before an audience that is largely blind  (Audience Quotes) Politicians study hard and work diligently their entire lives to be able to stand in front of a national audience and lie through their teeth  (Audience Quotes) If I had never won a single medal, I’d still be skating in a rink somewhere. There wouldn’t be an audience or camera flashes or autograph seekers, but I’d still be skating  (Audience Quotes) The copywriter uses words as tools to persuade and motivate an audience. You persuade your readers that you have something valuable to offer; you motivate them to acquire it for themselves. This is the essence of effective copywriting  (Audience Quotes) Up on that stage, my personality changes. I put everything behind me when I perform. My problems don’t belong to my fans. I don’t put a burden on my audience. I give them 100 percent of my energy  (Audience Quotes) You can’t fool an audience with lots of bits and pieces. You have to lead them somewhere  (Audience Quotes) I like test screenings. I like to see a movie with an audience of strangers. I think it tells you a lot  (Audience Quotes) In the attention economy, anyone trying to connect with an audience must treat the user’s time as the ultimate resource  (Audience Quotes) I wiggle my shoulders, I shake my legs, I walk up and down the stage, I hop around on one foot. But I never bump and grind. Why, that’s vulgar. I’d never do anything vulgar before an audience. My mother would never allow it  (Audience Quotes) The mere fact of knowing that a great audience waits on your labor is enough to shake all your nerves to pieces  (Audience Quotes) As actors, we do our best to keep things light and to encourage in the audience an openness to the changing atoms in the room  (Audience Quotes) ... in the happy laughter of a theatre audience one can get the most immediate and numerically impressive guarantee that there is nothing in one’s mind which is not familiar to the mass of persons living at the time  (Audience Quotes) In storytelling, the audience actually wants to work for their meal, they just don’t want to know that they’re doing it  (Audience Quotes) I can sustain the impetus over the long tours we do is by feeding off the energy that we get back from an audience. That’s my fuel. All I’ve got is this burning energy, especially when I’ve got a guitar in my hands  (Audience Quotes) I think as a standup performer you have to feel the audience. So the audience kind of dictates what they get, you know?  (Audience Quotes) I’m making music for music’s sake, and I have an audience I’m proud of  (Audience Quotes) Every night when I go out on stage, there’s always one nagging fear in the back of my mind. I’m always afraid that somewhere out there, there is one person in the audience that I’m not going to offend!  (Audience Quotes) In theatre, you’ve got to make the connect with your audience in the first three minutes. If you haven’t, you know you’ve almost lost them  (Audience Quotes) I am quite short, but that never comes across when I’m onstage in front of people. When I get offstage and greet an audience afterwards, their first reaction is to comment on my height because it seems like a very drastic difference  (Audience Quotes) I try not to punish the audience by making them listen to too much acoustic guitar  (Audience Quotes) A live audience with live reactions feeds a different sort of acting that will then inform your film work, and vice versa  (Audience Quotes) Technology isn’t a villain. Technology should help, but if you just use the technology for the sake of technology, then you’re cheating your audience. You’re not giving them the best story and the best direction and so forth  (Audience Quotes) You always have to be very aware that the audience is extremely ruthless in its demand for newness, novelty and freshness  (Audience Quotes) I usually read a script from an audience perspective first, and then look more closely at the character only  (Audience Quotes) I loved the idea of doing a love story with people over the age of 60 and a film that will hopefully give so many of the audience a chance to see themselves on the screen  (Audience Quotes) I can’t imagine writing if I didn’t have a reader. Any more than an actor can imagine acting without an audience  (Audience Quotes)
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