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Audience Quotes

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When I’m on stage, my interaction with the audience is something that really makes me come alive. It’s a feeling like no other. The energy of the crowd fuels something new inside  (Audience Quotes) I can’t give money away to buy listeners. I can’t pay listeners off with phones or food stamps or anything. I can’t come by my audience by buying it  (Audience Quotes) As any speaker will tell you, when you address a large number of people from a stage, you try to make eye contact with people in the audience to communicate that you’re accessible and interested in them  (Audience Quotes) When you do a really good play, the audience and the performers are looking into the same looking glass, the same microscope. And the specimen they are looking at is human life and that’s why I do it, that’s why I like it  (Audience Quotes) When me and my brother would go to see our daddy playing, there’d be 30 people in the audience. I was only 14 or 15, but I realised something was wrong  (Audience Quotes) The shortest feedback loop I can think of is doing improvisation in front of an audience  (Audience Quotes) If the audience knew what they wanted then they wouldn’t be the audience, they would be the artist  (Audience Quotes) I’ve been lucky to learn by playing all kinds of roles and watching all kinds of really good cinematographers, actors, and directors for many years before people were even aware of me in terms of audience  (Audience Quotes) I have a genuine love affair with my audience. When I’m on stage they’re not privileged to see me. It’s a privilege for me to see them  (Audience Quotes) Sometimes when you take strong stands, if you’re not called to do it, you’re dividing the audience you’re trying to reach  (Audience Quotes) I try to forget about the expectation that’s out there and the audience listening for the next thing so that I’m not trying to please them. I’ve spent a huge amount of time not communicating with those folks and denying that they exist  (Audience Quotes) I have no control over the audience. I have no idea what they think. My heart’s pure. I can’t do anything. I really can’t do anything. I don’t know what goes on in the crowd  (Audience Quotes) When I sing, I have to live in that moment, so my audience can feel that. That is my reason for doing art  (Audience Quotes) Getting that audience approval is always a question mark, and it’s always that flag that flutters in front of you  (Audience Quotes) I’ve never not appeared in front of a live audience for any longer period than a month or two  (Audience Quotes) Well, I’m not one of those people who needs the limelight. If I’m performing, that’s what I’m doing. If I’m not, I don’t long for it. I don’t need the approval of an audience, or applause  (Audience Quotes) I always think if it’s a good story, the audience can’t wait to run out of the theater and go tweet somebody with the gist of a story, in a nutshell, almost, because it was that interesting  (Audience Quotes) Every good writer or filmmaker has something eating at them, right? That they can’t quite get off their back. And so your job is to make your audience care about your obsessions  (Audience Quotes) You make your music, then you try to find whatever audience is out there for it  (Audience Quotes) If the audience is made to do not enough work, they resent it without knowing it. Too much and they get lost. There’s a perfect pace to be found. And a perfect place that is different for every line of the play  (Audience Quotes) It always gave me the creeps when I saw performers who desperately wanted the audience to like them. That’s not what I’m about  (Audience Quotes) Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to have made a lot of difference to my audience that I’m as bald as a billiard ball!  (Audience Quotes) Playing music for as long as I had been playing music and then getting a shot at making a record and at having an audience and stuff, it’s just like an untamed force... a different kind of energy  (Audience Quotes) I can think of nothing that an audience won’t understand. The only problem is to interest them; once they are interested, they understand anything in the world  (Audience Quotes) How can you get bored if the audience is cheering and laughing at something you’re doing?  (Audience Quotes) Hysteria is impossible without an audience. Panicking by yourself is the same as laughing alone in an empty room. You feel really silly  (Audience Quotes) The effective in art is what rapes the emotions of your audience without nourishing its values  (Audience Quotes) Something in me was responding now as the audience responded, not in fear, but in some human way, to the magic of that fragile painted set, the mystery of the lighted world there  (Audience Quotes) Do you take pride in your hurt? Does it make you seem large and tragic?... Well, think about it. Maybe you’re playing a part on a great stage with only yourself as audience  (Audience Quotes) I would like to get rid of the homophobes, sexists, and racists in our audience. I know they’re out there and it really bothers me  (Audience Quotes)
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