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Audience Quotes

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What you must understand is that my voice comes from the energy of the audience. The better they are, the better I get  (Audience Quotes) Understanding the mythology of your partner, your customer and your audience is far more important than watching the instant replay of what actually happened  (Audience Quotes) What is the point of singing wonderful lyrics if the audience can’t understand what is being said or heard?  (Audience Quotes) The secret of the demagogue is to make himself as stupid as his audience so they believe they are clever as he  (Audience Quotes) I would not have had anything to eat if it wasn’t for the stuff the audience threw at me  (Audience Quotes) The one thing about going from the audience to the stage in just three years is that you know how it feels to be down there  (Audience Quotes) The modern film tries too hard to be real. Its techniques of illusion are so perfect that it requires no contribution from the audience but a mouthful of popcorn  (Audience Quotes) What I prefer is an audience who listen. And are intelligent. Which I try and assume every audience is. And that if something goes wrong, it’s generally my fault and not theirs  (Audience Quotes) I’ve never had any idea that what I like would resonate with the audience, and I’m pleasantly surprised when it does  (Audience Quotes) A man really writes for an audience of about ten persons. Of course if others like it, that is clear gain. But if those ten are satisfied, he is content  (Audience Quotes) Actually, I love trying to figure out why certain books become hits while others, which may be just as good, have trouble finding an audience  (Audience Quotes) As a writer, it’s disheartening to write books that you pour your soul into and not have them distributed widely enough to find their audience  (Audience Quotes) The happiest moments for me, creatively, are doing readings of a play around a table where there’s no audience  (Audience Quotes) And I also felt that no one in an audience could abuse me worse than the sort of abuse I had had at work as a psychiatric nurse  (Audience Quotes) As filmmakers, we’re constantly always looking for something to bring the audience deeper into the reality of the story we’re telling  (Audience Quotes) I did not want to be a tree, a flower or a wave. In a dancer’s body, we as audience must see ourselves, not the imitated behavior of everyday actions, not the phenomenon of nature, not exotic creatures from another planet, but something of the miracle that is a human being  (Audience Quotes) We are sick with fascination for the useful tools of names and numbers, of symbols, signs, conceptions and ideas. Meditation is therefore the art of suspending verbal and symbolic thinking for a time, somewhat as a courteous audience will stop talking when a concert is about to begin  (Audience Quotes) I think every professor and writer is in some way an exhibitionist because his or her normal activity is a theatrical one. When you give a lesson the situation is the same as writing a book. You have to capture the attention, the complicity of your audience  (Audience Quotes) I don’t concern myself with thinking ahead to the finished product. I focus more specifically on what the character is experiencing. Once you relieve yourself of the very arbitrary and always punishing pressure of what an audience is expecting you to do, acting becomes a lot more fun and pure  (Audience Quotes) I love readings and my readers, but the din of voices of the audience gives me stage fright, and the din of voices inside whisper that I am a fraud, and that the jig is up. Surely someone will rise up from the audience and say out loud that not only am I not funny and helpful, but I’m annoying, and a phony  (Audience Quotes) I will be the first to admit that getting votes and getting an audience are two different things. For example, a politician really can’t be elected if he’s hated by half the people. A talk show host, however, can be an overwhelming national phenomenon while being hated by half the people  (Audience Quotes) The mainstream media today has the biggest disconnect with its audience that it’s ever, ever had. And as the disconnect grows and as more and more people distrust them, then the media digs in more and more and says you don’t know what you’re talking about, you don’t know how we do our jobs, you don’t know what’s important  (Audience Quotes) In comics the reader is in complete control of the experience. They can read it at their own pace, and if there’s a piece of dialogue that seems to echo something a few pages back, they can flip back and check it out, whereas the audience for a film is being dragged through the experience at the speed of 24 frames per second  (Audience Quotes) I’m not a virtuoso on an instrument. You know, I’m not always singing in pitch. I laugh sometimes my way through the shows, but I’m an honest songwriter who’s always tried to bring the audience with me on my journey in hopes that they see their own lives reflected in the work  (Audience Quotes) Madonna can still produce a catchy pop song, but she hasn’t expanded her artistic vocabulary since the 1990s. Her concerts are glitzy extravaganzas of special effects overkill. She leaves little space in them for emotional depth or unscripted rapport with the audience  (Audience Quotes) Audience members are only concerned about the story, the concept, the bells and whistles and the noise that a popular film starts to make even before it’s popular. So audiences will not be drawn to the technology; they’ll be drawn to the story. And I hope it always remains that way  (Audience Quotes) I’ve always had to conquer fear when I’m on stage. Basically, I was and still am a very shy person. It’s absolutely in conflict with what I do. But once I deliver the first joke I’m okay. It’s like I’m out there all by myself just delivering my lines to nobody in particular without ever trying to notice the audience in front of me  (Audience Quotes) And he absolutely had to find her at once to tell her that he adored her, but the large audience before him separated him from the door, and the notes reaching him through a succession of hands said that she was not available; that she was inaugurating a fire; that she had married an american businessman; that she had become a character in a novel; that she was dead  (Audience Quotes) He is the intermediary between us, his audience, the living, and they, the dolls, the undead, who cannot live at all and yet who mimic the living in every detail since, though they cannot speak or weep, still they project those signals of signification we instantly recognize as language  (Audience Quotes) You may be sure that if you succeed in bringing your audience into the presence of something that affects them, they will not care by what road you brought them there; and they will never reproach you for having excited their emotions in spite of dramatic rules  (Audience Quotes)
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