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Murrow covered something because it needed coverage. He wasn’t trying to get an audience just for the sake of it  (Audience Quotes) There’s nothing like a play. It’s so immediate and every performance is different. As an actor, you have the most control over what the audience is seeing  (Audience Quotes) I don’t feel the obligation to have a big explosion in the first 20 seconds so the audience doesn’t turn on another channel. We are trying to make something that looks like a feature film that was bought for television and I think we are succeeding  (Audience Quotes) I did theater when I was nine, I think. Nine and ten, and that was just the beginning of my whole involvement in acting, my whole interest. I don’t really remember it that well. But it was really fun. I mean, it was exciting just to be on stage in front of an audience. It gives you a different kind of rush  (Audience Quotes) The thing I fail to do is fully comprehend what’s given back to me by the audience. You would think you would be a performer partly so you could feel all the appreciation or adulation, but I haven’t quite managed that yet  (Audience Quotes) I like the idea that my audience doesn’t see what I do as controversial  (Audience Quotes) I’m comfortable having a specific audience to write to. I like the idea that my audience doesn’t see what I do as controversial  (Audience Quotes) It’s quite pretentious, really, isn’t it? the notion the audience is going to be interested in you for an hour and a half. Think too much about that and anxiety takes over  (Audience Quotes) I don’t think we’ve got much of a chance to tell you the truth. But our main problem is our audience skews a little older than most shows, and I don’t think our people can stay up that late. I certainly can’t  (Audience Quotes) I think a lot of composers get into trouble just making up a plot and expecting an audience to follow that  (Audience Quotes) In other words, I think that if an audience listens to something as an experience of how in tune it is or something of that kind, that the whole point is somehow being missed, and the music has failed  (Audience Quotes) What’s important for me is to communicate the vision that I have in sound with the audience that’s hearing it  (Audience Quotes) These are very subtle things, of course, and I don’t expect everyone to pick them up consciously, but I think that there is something there that you must be able to feel, there is an energy at work that I must trust my audience will be able to pick up at some level  (Audience Quotes) When you make a film like this, you must have the highest expectations of your audience. Having worked in situations where we have the lowest expectations of our audience  (Audience Quotes) I started in 1946 in radio. I was ten years old. I was discovered singing in a school play. Someone was in the audience and it’s six degrees of separation  (Audience Quotes) The running across the field thing, that was the first scene we shot in the movie. We asked the audience to stay for the scene, and 37,000 people stayed  (Audience Quotes) You can do really slow movements with it, like zooming in for a minute and a half. The audience isn’t aware that the camera has moved, but there’s subconscious tension there  (Audience Quotes) As much as we love playing the small clubs, we’d really like to get ourselves in front of a larger audience. I’m not talking about arenas or anything, but nice theaters and larger clubs  (Audience Quotes) The perception of the audience is the interesting part. If the audience doesn’t hear what is going on, is it going on or not?  (Audience Quotes) It’s a pleasure playing your big hit records and it’s a real joy to see the audience  (Audience Quotes) There’s certainly pressure to find your audience early. You need to paint the picture, but it’s tough trying to find the balance between a show that people can tune in on any given week while still grabbing the people who are there every week  (Audience Quotes) Yes, I did some rewrites of the show as some of the stuff was not very good and I worked my butt off to make it something that the audience liked and that I could be proud of  (Audience Quotes) The audience plays a huge part in how a piece will actually form. They really allow the performers to walk a tightrope in a way that never seems to happen in the privacy of your own four walls. I’m listening to the audience, and they’re listening to me  (Audience Quotes) I’ve been at this for 40 years. and, as an academic, I’ve been content with relatively small audiences, with the thought that the audience I long for will find its way eventually to what I have written, provided that what I have written is good enough  (Audience Quotes) It costs so much to promote something these days that almost always safety is the preferred option, reference back to things which have been successful in the past. Also, people are simply not given the time to develop and find themselves and their audience as we were  (Audience Quotes) That will only happen if I have a bout of amnesia or if I feel like mooning someone in the audience  (Audience Quotes) There’ve been periods where I had to convince the audience or win them over  (Audience Quotes) And that’s another reason to make this movie: We can put plays on film now, at a relatively small cost, and they will reach an audience they would never have reached otherwise  (Audience Quotes) I wanted to make a film that was sophisticated and emotional, but for a wider audience  (Audience Quotes) There’s no attempt to manipulate the audience. We made our choice at the start  (Audience Quotes)
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