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Audience Quotes

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The audience is the camera. I don’t want the audience to sit and watch, I want it to move  (Audience Quotes) We constantly run lines together before every show too, and then there’s a long, traditionally long, story to tell the audience every show. Today, we’re doing it twice  (Audience Quotes) The great times are when you put a game on location and see others play it for the first time. After all, we are really kind of an entertainer. You perform for the joy of the audience  (Audience Quotes) All I mean is, I’m not the kind of audience comedy directors want at a test screening because I seldom laugh, and if I do, it’s not very loud. That doesn’t mean I don’t like the movie  (Audience Quotes) Usually the audience has no idea that the censored version of whatever movie they’re watching isn’t the original  (Audience Quotes) When I’m asked who my audience is, I say someone with an open mind, which is not a vacant one and sometimes a liberal mind is not the same thing as an open one  (Audience Quotes) We reinvent ourselves to solve a client’s problem. It’s more than just tweaking. It’s rethinking what your audience wants and needs. Isn’t that what great actors constantly do?  (Audience Quotes) Being a songwriter does not rely on an audience or other band members or a camera. I can just sit in a room and write songs  (Audience Quotes) Also the pictures themselves give a visual to the audience tuning in, that makes them a very important part of law enforcement, or pulling families together  (Audience Quotes) I want to lift the audience to the miraculous in human nature. After all, we shouldn’t be here, with all the odds against us in nature. It’s kind of unusual and wonderful!  (Audience Quotes) At some of the venues, the audience was so loud we could hardly hear what was happening on stage, which kind of threw us back to 1983, when we had very similar reactions on a much bigger scale  (Audience Quotes) There’s probably a way to use that great content and to live under the radar now and then in order to reach a new audience. That’s the thinking I’m talking about  (Audience Quotes) There are many other ways in which language can be used to manipulate an audience. One obvious way is to simply lie  (Audience Quotes) An artist needs not so much an audience, as to feel a need to answer, a promise to respond... A good feeling about his art  (Audience Quotes) If I’ve got a talent, it’s for picking the right song at the right time for the right audience. and I can always seem to get people to sing with me  (Audience Quotes) Growing has no connection with audience. Audience has no connection with identity. Identity has no connection with a universe. A universe has no connection with human nature  (Audience Quotes) In the world’s audience hall, the simple blade of grass sits on the same carpet with the sunbeams, and the stars of midnight  (Audience Quotes) Jumps and turns aren’t hard; artistry is. To create a whole new world for the audience, that’s the fantasy of ballet  (Audience Quotes) I often sneak into the cinema and watch how the audience are reacting to my movie. It teaches me so much  (Audience Quotes) The audience is requested not to refrain from talking during the overture. Otherwise they will know all the tunes before the opera begins  (Audience Quotes) By laughing at me, the audience really laughs at themselves, and realizing they have done this gives them sort of a spiritual second wind for going back into the battles of life  (Audience Quotes) You start as an audience member and create a world you’re interested in, and then you move into the telling of those stories, bringing what has interested you as an audience member  (Audience Quotes) Theatre is more exciting in the sense that you can actually see the audience in the eye. You know there are no takes and retakes. You have one chance to do your job... And you better do it well!  (Audience Quotes) When the band would leave the stage, and then the audience would just take over, and keep the groove goin’  (Audience Quotes) I’m so critical of my own work that it’s difficult for me to disassociate myself and watch it as an audience  (Audience Quotes) I’ve never seen a schedule where you just go in two hours almost every day of the week and then all day on one day. Then you shoot it at night with an audience and you’re out of there  (Audience Quotes) If the audience never understands the plot, it can be counted on to be attentive to the very end  (Audience Quotes) I’ve worked with leading men so worried about losing their charm that they were always winking to the audience  (Audience Quotes) Treating your audience like thieves is absurd. Anyone who chooses to listen to our music becomes a collaborator  (Audience Quotes) Not content to have the audience in the palm of his hand, he goes one further and clinches his fist  (Audience Quotes)
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