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Audience Quotes

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The truly educated man will always speak to the understanding of the most unlearned of his audience  (Audience Quotes) When you go to commercial, you want something to call the viewers back, and if you don’t have a decent act out, the audience probably won’t be there in the numbers you want when the show returns  (Audience Quotes) Now, practically all reviewers have academic aspirations. The people from the universities are used to a captive audience, but the literary journalist has to please his audience  (Audience Quotes) We are not the playwright, we are not the producer, we are not even the audience. We are on the stage  (Audience Quotes) A poem can have an impact, but you can’t expect an audience to understand all the nuances  (Audience Quotes) No, it’s interesting to remake a film for the contemporary audience today. I think it’s a good idea; it needs to respect the original idea. Don’t just take the title and change everything else  (Audience Quotes) We had a huge audience, we sold truckloads of albums. If we do something that’s cool, people will listen to it. If we don’t, we would be selling people short  (Audience Quotes) I also think the relationship I have with my audience is a lot more complex than what Hitchcock seemed to want his to be - although I think he had more going on under the surface as well  (Audience Quotes) I have sung for Americans of every political persuasion, and I am proud that I never refuse to sing to an audience, no matter what religion or color of their skin, or situation in life  (Audience Quotes) I love the theater as much as music, and the whole idea of getting across to an audience and making them laugh, making them cry - just making them feel - is paramount to me  (Audience Quotes) I now have two different audiences. There’s the one that has been watching my action films for 20 years, and the American family audience. American jokes, less fighting  (Audience Quotes) I think a lot comes from having the experience of doing stand-up comedy. It allows you to figure out the psychology of an audience; what things are funny and not  (Audience Quotes) I’ve never really had a problem with the imagination level of an audience. They’re always smarter and savvier than any studio exec will give them credit for  (Audience Quotes) In fact, it is amazing how much European films - Italian, French, German and English - have recovered a certain territory of the audience in their countries over the last few years  (Audience Quotes) Johnny Rotten. He’s a big fan of mine. I used to see him out in the audience in England and he’d stand up and holler. He’s funny. Smart too, and a nice guy. Don’t think he’s a jerk because he isn’t  (Audience Quotes) My American gay audience have continued to dance and sing to the music I make in a way that straight Americans haven’t. I am grateful to them for that  (Audience Quotes) My favorite thing is when cartoon fans show up to my live gigs! They are always the most kick - butt audience members ‘cause they’re not trying to act all cool like a lot of the music fans do!  (Audience Quotes) My public image is so low-key, but I get to travel the world and still have an audience and it’s really amazing. I don’t take that for granted  (Audience Quotes) Politics is pop. Our job as comedians - especially me, as a late-night talk show, which is a broader audience - is to amplify what we think America is thinking  (Audience Quotes) That’s what acting is - it’s about having the courage to allow your audience into the private moments of your characters’ lives  (Audience Quotes) The audience that I try to reach are members of what I call the church alumni association. Now they are people who have not found in institutional religion a God big enough to be God for their world  (Audience Quotes) The wonderful thing about Food for Thought is that it lets you keep your hand in theater and be in front of a live audience without a commitment of six months, or even three months  (Audience Quotes) Wanting to be understood by an audience that didn’t know Russian, I tried to paint musical pictures by emphasizing the phrasing, using voice color more boldly, and varying the shade and nuance  (Audience Quotes) We love the Stooges, and young kids today don’t watch them. They think it’s their dad’s comedy. So we thought we could reintroduce them to a new audience  (Audience Quotes) With stand - up, it doesn’t matter who you are. If the audience claps because they love your movies, that clapping stops after five seconds, and then it’s your job to make them laugh  (Audience Quotes) You know those movies where the people in the audience are screaming, ‘Don’t go in that door!’ because you know the killer is there? Well, it is the same thing with this debt. We know how this ends  (Audience Quotes) Miles Davis turned his back to the audience when he came out on stage, and he offended people. But, he wasn’t there to entertain; he was all about the music. I kind of do that  (Audience Quotes) I miss performing before a live audience - the energy and excitement - there’s nothing to compare with it  (Audience Quotes) I love performing in front of an audience and seeing smiles on the kids’ faces  (Audience Quotes) Our shows are packed with laughter and light-hearted songs to lift the listener from their everyday life. We encourage the audience to participate in any way  (Audience Quotes)
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