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Audience Quotes

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The form came out of the function because it is for the audience that already knows the show, while hoping to get a new audience, too  (Audience Quotes) For me, the key is always trying to find the connection between the audience and the character I’m playing. That’s important to me, in any work I do  (Audience Quotes) You shouldn’t need 60 full minutes to create a portrait that an audience doesn’t forget. You should be able to make an impression that’s lasting and resonant with one scene  (Audience Quotes) The potential audience seems to be dwindling in the states. I was kind of embarrassed for the band because of the size of the audience  (Audience Quotes) It seems like movies that have heart to them always do well, and they find their audience  (Audience Quotes) People test movies within an inch of their life, so that the entire audience experience is a uniform one  (Audience Quotes) It’s better to play to the host as though in a real conversation and let the audience listen in- which they are  (Audience Quotes) I advise treating the studio audience like a nightclub audience because that’s the reason you’re doing television - to get them to come see you in a nightclub  (Audience Quotes) Obviously the audience has veto power signified by whether they laugh or not, but you-not them-retain the ultimate power to decide what they’re going to get the opportunity to laugh at  (Audience Quotes) You can’t wait forever for an audience to get the joke, but you should give them at least two seconds to join in before you go on to the next one  (Audience Quotes) The audience loves to figure things out. They love it when a performer leaves a trail of bread crumbs for them, and they get to participate in the comedy  (Audience Quotes) That is Obama’s signature move: Invent people who are saying ridiculous things and then encourage the audience to laugh at these made-up buffoons  (Audience Quotes) I am so much of a mind now to be in the audience, to watch and to experience, and to feel, rather than having to get up and perform, I want my life to be less about performing  (Audience Quotes) I’m a believer in that you can’t really choose your audience, your audience chooses you  (Audience Quotes) Punk is the way of those who are unable to express themselves, but they aren’t dangerous; at worst, they may kill their audience  (Audience Quotes) When I performed the songs in front of an audience at the end of each project and I knew the storytellers were in the crowd listening, that was hard  (Audience Quotes) It’s a pain in the ass, show business. And the only time that I really enjoy it is when I’m in front of an audience and they’re reacting to me  (Audience Quotes) I choose to think of tv audience as nameless, formless, faceless people who are all like me. And anything that I write, if I like it, they’ll like it  (Audience Quotes) I think ultimately that’s why the audience will tune in longterm, for the characters and the relationships  (Audience Quotes) Whatever one may say about the perils of workshops, they help writers internalize an awareness of audience  (Audience Quotes) When you’re playing to an audience that isn’t your own, it’s quite scary  (Audience Quotes) I like to think about what the song is saying, the story of it, and conveying the mood of that to the audience. But at the same time, sharing through interacting with them and engaging them  (Audience Quotes) In general, I always make it my mission to focus on the one person in the audience who seems to be absolutely miserable about being there and try to convert them  (Audience Quotes) Immediate gratification of a live audience makes me come alive. I miss performing in theater. I’ll make my return to the stage eventually  (Audience Quotes) I’m in a position I never imagined I’d be in as a musician. Bob Dylan built an audience through recording and live shows. The opportunities for an artist today are totally different  (Audience Quotes) I think when you write an enigmatic character into a film, you have to have real confidence that the audience are going to go with it  (Audience Quotes) If you write a screenplay that gets circulated, you have a bigger readership than any literary novelist. And it’s an educated audience as well  (Audience Quotes) On a superhero show, you have to have people who are really human and who have the experience the audience is having  (Audience Quotes) There is a difference when you work with actors who have worked on the stage. When we’re out there in front of an audience eight times a week, you can’t do it on your own  (Audience Quotes) If you’re doing stand-up, there is no fourth wall; you’re engaging an audience  (Audience Quotes)
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