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I had seen ‘Pillowman’ in London and loved it. Being part of something that I, as an audience member, would like to be part of was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had.  (Audience Quotes) The way Hollywood portrays mothers - you’re either all good and saint-like, or you’re all bad. And I think the real honesty of motherhood is not given a voice in movies. I miss that as an audience member.  (Audience Quotes) As an audience member, if I go to a film, and I am watching two actors, and they’re kissing, and it looks like they don’t even want to be kissing, it just takes me out of the film.  (Audience Quotes) All I know is that as an audience member, I am less and less inclined to go to the theater. But that has to do with content and also because the venues seem to be actively trying to repel people.  (Audience Quotes) As an audience member, those studio films are fun. I like an adventure tale, and I also like to go see something that has more of a social pulse. I like to keep learning and trying new things. And if the scripts are good, it doesn’t really matter.  (Audience Quotes) Capturing intimacy is pretty much the only thing I’m interested in. That’s what excites me and what I find beautiful in movies personally - that almost obscene sense that we shouldn’t be this close to these people. I find that very inviting and meaningful as an audience member.  (Audience Quotes) Some movies bring out the creativity in you. Every single audience member can become creative in the face of a particular movie. If you happen to like my films, it’s because my films provide a bed for you on which you can find your creativity. The Hollywood movies do not provide that for you.  (Audience Quotes) When I’m an audience member I do not want to go and see something that I already know, I want to see something that I don’t know. I want to be surprised and stimulated to think about something. I want the magic. I want to be in a situation of uncertainty; that’s what excites me.  (Audience Quotes) As an actor and an audience member, it’s important to remember that the future will further define the meaning of the present with a show like ‘Once Upon A Time.’ Sometimes we’re just collecting dots, and other times we’re connecting them, but you know that the dots that are collected will eventually get connected.  (Audience Quotes) I always kind of aim with the action stuff to make it feel like, as an audience member, you’re experiencing what the people are experiencing. As soon as you go into slow-mo or repeated edits, shooting it like it’s a stunt, it takes it out of that reality. The more real you make that stuff, the more tense it will be.  (Audience Quotes) An offended audience member repeating a comedian’s act from memory is worse than, literally, anything.  (Audience Quotes) I try to think about me, as an audience member, and it [inspiration for movies] comes from there  (Audience Quotes) It doesn’t matter if a critic pans or praises my movies, I am only concerned about that one audience member and what their experience is.  (Audience Quotes) High-pitched squeal like a beauty pageant contestant found best in show, Oprah audience member given a new Chevy, rookie actress surprised with an unlikely Oscar.  (Audience Quotes) Your narrative may fail to grip if you haven’t taken any care to find out how well or badly your audience member is faring (or feeling).  (Audience Quotes) Drama began as the act of a whole community. Ideally, there would be no speculators. In practice, every member of the audience should feel like an understudy.  (Audience Quotes) When you go to a film festival as an audience member, it’s so much fun. But when you bring your own film there, you carry so much stress and excitement.  (Audience Quotes) As an audience member, I like watching Rupert as an actor when he’s most playful, ... I think Rupert is really adept at comedy I think that’s where his strength lies.  (Audience Quotes) I’m an audience member first. My inspiration is still based on hunger. Often, when people try to tell me nobody wants that story; I’m like bullshit because I want it.  (Audience Quotes) I’ve been an audience member for friends in plays that I don’t enjoy and I have to lie to their faces. It’s just part of that lifestyle unfortunately, especially in New York.  (Audience Quotes) Part of the discipline of being an editor is that you have to be a good audience member; your work is to be a surrogate audience member on the films you are working on.  (Audience Quotes) As an audience member, I like the sound of something that’s been written - I like it to sound written. And then, of course, you can’t do it without the musicians who can play it.  (Audience Quotes) What I worry about the most is the competition for young eyeballs. We have so many other competing forms of media. I don’t take any audience members for granted.  (Audience Quotes) I think ultimately audience members like to see someone controlling the quality of a film. A lot of films you see are made by committees and studios and producers.  (Audience Quotes) It’s been a continuity right from the beginning - that longing to weave together perceptions, to affirm the richness of us as human beings both as performers and audience members.  (Audience Quotes) Marvel does a fantastic job about bringing human stories - because you’re telling big stories with a heart at the centre of it - and that’s what connects all of the characters to our audience members.  (Audience Quotes) My favorite thing is when cartoon fans show up to my live gigs! They are always the most kick-butt audience members ‘cause they’re not trying to act all cool like a lot of the music fans do!  (Audience Quotes) At readings, audience members sometimes ask if I keep writing past the two hours if I’m on a roll, but I don’t. I figure that if I’m on a roll, it’s partially because I know I’m about to stop.  (Audience Quotes) My dad loves to be talked about, good or bad. He just loves it. He’s not even hearing the content, he’s just hearing him. When I’m onstage, he’s looking at the audience members and can’t believe that there are strangers listening to me, and he’s just delighted by the whole thing.  (Audience Quotes) Audience members are only concerned about the story, the concept, the bells and whistles and the noise that a popular film starts to make even before it’s popular. So audiences will not be drawn to the technology; they’ll be drawn to the story. And I hope it always remains that way.  (Audience Quotes)
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