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Audience Quotes

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What I try to get beyond is playing music at people and, instead, to play music with people because audience members are constantly part of the experience. What they say in their body language, what they say in their eyes, what they sing with me... it’s an ‘us,’ and there’s a communication that’s like... it’s like church, man.  (Audience Quotes) I feel like my music is just an extension of my acting. I treat the songs like scenes that tell a story... it’s very similar. My favorite thing is when cartoon fans show up to my live gigs! They are always the most kick-butt audience members ‘cause they’re not trying to act all cool like a lot of the music fans do! It’s refreshing!!  (Audience Quotes) [To audience members who were arriving late] You haven’t missed a thing, I was just killing time ‘til you got here  (Audience Quotes) It might be fun to have audience members wander up the ramps as well, so they can listen from different vantage points.  (Audience Quotes) Typically, among the audience members joining the actors, the director, Ann Ciccolella and myself, about half of these theater goers have read the novel [Anthem], and half have not read it. That is interesting.  (Audience Quotes) Eventually you just have to realize that you’re living for an audience of one. I’m not here for anyone else’s approval.  (Audience Quotes) The whole duty of a writer is to please and satisfy himself, and the true writer always plays to an audience of one.  (Audience Quotes) The Mesh is about creating and managing what’s perishable. It provides businesses with the ability to reach an audience of one, at a precise time.  (Audience Quotes) Any film that exists that is thorough, you can’t give it to an audience of one and have that be effective communication. Communication involves an audience of many that have a conversation, put it through the ringer, filter it and then a sense of it coalesces.  (Audience Quotes) I’ve always wanted to be a real universal artist, one that every type of audience could relate to.  (Audience Quotes) One of the main reasons for wanting to perform live again was to have contact with that audience  (Audience Quotes) I’ve been lucky. I’ve had this history of having an appeal to more than one type of audience.  (Audience Quotes) One of the fun things about playing live is watching the audience sing the songs back to us  (Audience Quotes) People test movies within an inch of their life so that the entire audience experience is a uniform one.  (Audience Quotes) There’s still a 1950s view of cinema, that there’s one audience and they all want to see the same thing.  (Audience Quotes) When an audience comes to one of my concerts, I hope they’ll see themselves, somewhere, in one of the songs.  (Audience Quotes) At one point, people thought that Eddie Murphy would only reach one sector of the audience, but now everyone sees everything Eddie Murphy does.  (Audience Quotes) One day you look out and the audience consists of 65,000 people. It’s like looking in the mirror and one day you realise you’ve gone grey.  (Audience Quotes) The repentance we are called to is about choosing one audience over another  (Audience Quotes) In working out our callings, we are to perform for one audience, the audience of One  (Audience Quotes) I’m inventing new principles. The audience has a point of view that no one can predict.  (Audience Quotes) Whatever one may say about the perils of workshops, they help writers internalize an awareness of audience.  (Audience Quotes) I really think one of the greatest allies you can have is the imagination of your audience  (Audience Quotes) No one can blather on like a holy man with a trapped audience. Well, maybe a politician.  (Audience Quotes) One of the things that I love about painting is that I never consider myself to have an audience  (Audience Quotes) Look your audience straight in the eyes, and begin to talk as if every one of them owed you money  (Audience Quotes) Sometimes one is without the pleasure of playing. But when the silence of the audience is perfect, we recover that.  (Audience Quotes) I don’t really think about the audience much. I think of myself. Let me dig myself out of that one.  (Audience Quotes) I’m really not that funny in real life! But I am the best audience one could find. I love to laugh.  (Audience Quotes) You would never do stand-up without an audience. I mean, no one would even consider it. It’s like they’re the instrument you’re playing.  (Audience Quotes)
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