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Audience Quotes

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With the theatre, for God’s sake, everything makes sense. You create a clear sequential reality for a specific audience at one particular time.  (Audience Quotes) The danger of censorship in cultural media increases in proportion to the degree to which one approaches the winning of a mass audience.  (Audience Quotes) In features, one of the goals is to have the audience walk out, fully satisfied. In today’s world, it’s maybe wanting a sequel.  (Audience Quotes) Show business can be an addiction. ... An audience would laugh at me one night, and I would chase that high for another three months.  (Audience Quotes) Playing a character in a video game is different to other performances because your character can’t lead the audience of players in one direction.  (Audience Quotes) Anyone can perform good deeds for an audience; the best among us do their greatest work when no one is present to bear witness.  (Audience Quotes) I’ve always traveled with the films because I want the audience to be my teacher so that I can learn for the next one.  (Audience Quotes) I think it’s insulting to an audience to make them sit and watch a film and then give them a message in one sentence.  (Audience Quotes) I’m not too embarrassed to say I’m the definition of the target audience. This is my generation, the one of exalting music in album form.  (Audience Quotes) No one who has experienced facing a screaming, boiling, hysterical audience can avoid feeling shivers in the spine. It’s a thin line between celebration and menace.  (Audience Quotes) Look for the contradictions in every character, especially in your heroes and villains. No one should be what they first seem to be. Surprise the audience.  (Audience Quotes) Persuasive communication involves enthusiasm, animation, audience participation, authenticity and spontaneity.  (Audience Quotes) I’m a singer and performer in a hybrid show that’s standup, music and audience participation.  (Audience Quotes) Of course, from one point of view the unhappy events of our own century might be regarded as, say, demonstration ballets on the theme ‘Hydrocarbon Synthesis’ with strong audience participation.  (Audience Quotes) YouTube has become more mature, both as a platform and as a community. So much content has been added in almost every conceivable category that there are no more free passes on just getting there first. I think there are greater expectations for audience participation, the kind of participation that makes a real impact in a show’s community.  (Audience Quotes) These things I sample, or clip, are things that we share - music, films, sounds. It triggers a layer of participation from the audience as they recognize the material and remember it.  (Audience Quotes) Movies alone have the hideous capacity to do everything for you. So in directing movies, you have to figure how to leave things out - because when you leave things out, you evoke the imaginative participation of the audience.  (Audience Quotes) Hip-hop is when you have crowd participation; when you chant at the audience and they chant back at you; when you wave your hands in the air like you just don’t care; or some breakdancing. Everything today is just low-beat, real bass-y, bass-y, good rap records.  (Audience Quotes) Thanks to social media like Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads, I can easily reach out to so many people. Being a writer gives me the added bonus of a targeted audience: readers, who enjoy targeted ‘prizes’ for participation in fundraisers - books and other neat promo items.  (Audience Quotes) I credit Podiobooks and the free audio podcasts for helping me develop the audience I needed when I started selling my books in text forms.  (Audience Quotes) I think, often with Australian films, if an Australian film has been given the seal of approval by an offshore festival or an offshore release, then it does mean a lot to a local audience.  (Audience Quotes) I see myself as life-sized, certainly not a supersized personality, and apparently after 30 years of television, that’s what the audience thinks of me as well. I know this because for the first time in my career, I’ve just seen market research, and the thing I am known for is being authentic.  (Audience Quotes) On ‘CSI: NY,’ the audience knew I was a really good guy, and I caught the bad guy  (Audience Quotes) Trying to guess what the (mass) audience wants and then trying to satisfy that is usually a bad recipe for getting something good.  (Audience Quotes) As long as I can make an audience feel something, I don’t care whether it’s a good thing or bad thing, just to feel something is important to me.  (Audience Quotes) I think any time anybody sees the bad guy show emotion and you’re not hitting the audience over the head, there’s always a tinge of empathy for that individual.  (Audience Quotes) You can only be as good as your audience. Sometimes you can be as bad as your audience, but you have to remember you can never be better than them.  (Audience Quotes) Virtue is not photogenic, so I liked playing bad guys. But, whenever I played a bad guy, I tried to find something good in him, and that kept my contact with the audience.  (Audience Quotes) The good and wonderful thing about my whole career is that I’ve always felt that the audience, if I do it well, will track wherever I go, whether it’s President or a lawyer or bad guy or good.  (Audience Quotes) My label is to play bad guys of Latin origin in American movies. I’m happy with that label. I prefer to play that than to play a city boy. The bad guy is always something very tempting for the audience.  (Audience Quotes)
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