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Audience Quotes

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When you’re standing in front of an audience like this that is so enthusiastic and so much behind you, it is very hard to give a bad speech. Even a bad speech sounds good in a convention hall like this.  (Audience Quotes) The line between humor and bad taste is your audience, in which some people will find everything offensive, and some people will find nothing offensive, but the truth is that most humor originates in what would be called bad taste.  (Audience Quotes) I hate superficial violence. It’s shallow and stupid, and the impact on the audience is really bad.  (Audience Quotes) There’s more bad music in jazz than any other form. Maybe that’s because the audience doesn’t really know what’s happening.  (Audience Quotes) There is a danger, if you cast someone who is 18, 19 or 20 to play 14 or 15, that very subtly, almost unconsciously, the audience is, Oh, this isn’t so bad.  (Audience Quotes) It’s much more fun to share and laugh at the bad times and the frustrations. I find you get a much deeper connection with the audience that way.  (Audience Quotes) A bad guy always assumes he’s going to win, whereas the good guy has to struggle with, what if I lose?, and the audience wants to struggle with him.  (Audience Quotes) In a play, you can adjust your performance to audience reaction, but in a film it’s like you’re trapped in a bad dream watching yourself act and you’re in the audience  (Audience Quotes) Sometimes an actor will stumble on the joke, and I’m right on them. Back it up before the audience hears the bad version of the joke, because humor is 90% surprise. If they know what’s coming, they won’t laugh as hard.  (Audience Quotes) Write for yourself, not for a perceived audience. If you do, you’ll mostly fall flat on your face, because it’s impossible to judge what people want. And you have to read. That’s how you learn what is good writing and what is bad. Then the main thing is application. It’s hard work.  (Audience Quotes) Bad reviews I’ve gotten never diminished the number of people in my audience; good reviews have never added to the number of people in my audience; be your own critic.  (Audience Quotes) When I was playing piano, it was like, ‘I’m going to write a song using all the white keys.’ My music director, who knew my jazz background, suggested I try big-band music, so we spent a year experimenting with it in concert, and the audience reaction was really good.  (Audience Quotes) Family Ties’ was a very successful situation comedy. And, in almost every respect, it functioned on a day to day basis like a well-run, well conditioned basketball team. The show was performed live each week in front of a studio audience on Friday night.  (Audience Quotes) If there is honesty in your face, the battle is won. It doesn’t have to be the most beautiful face in the world. The audience can relate to you then. They feel love, not lust, for you.  (Audience Quotes) I’m bored by repeating myself, and I would imagine that an audience would be bored by me repeating myself.  (Audience Quotes) If an actor is bored, then they are boring to an audience. I definitely don’t want to ever be that.  (Audience Quotes) We’ve reached a point where we are not a very empathetic people, and art without empathy is art without an audience. My basic viewpoint is that without art we’re alone.  (Audience Quotes) People come to the theatre to be excited and uplifted - I want to inspire my audience  (Audience Quotes) The main thing is to be satisfied with your work yourself. It’s useless to have an audience happy if you are not happy.  (Audience Quotes) Empire’ deals with the black experience, the human experience, sibling rivalry, what it feels like to be ignored or doted upon by a parent, illness, death. There are so many things that I think the audience can identify with.  (Audience Quotes) It’s my insecurity that makes me want to be a comic, that makes me need the audience  (Audience Quotes) I have the show because I’m insecure. It’s my insecurity that makes me want to be a comic, that makes me need the audience.  (Audience Quotes) I often put any project I write in a different decade just to roll the thought around in my head. There’s a thriller I’ve written that I think would be nice to set in the 70s or 80s, just to take cell phones away from the movie. There’s nothing like the piercing ring of an old-school telephone to really scare an audience.  (Audience Quotes) Well, in our industry it’s that the movies cost so much money to make they have to appeal to a broad audience. And I think that’s part of what will loosen up in the future, as technology makes it cheaper, you’ll be able to make films for a more selective audience. I think people will be able to make more personal movies.  (Audience Quotes) The bottom line of comedy is to be funny, and the bottom line of drama is to be truthful. You can be truthful and funny, but if you’re not truthful in a drama than the audience leaves you.  (Audience Quotes) You want to do something that shows some type individuality and talent and imagination - at the same time, you want to be truthful to the predecessors, because obviously the audience liked something about them and you have to replicate that experience to a certain extent.  (Audience Quotes) Movies are pieces of film stuck together in a certain rhythm, an absolute beat, like a musical composition. The rhythm you create affects the audience.  (Audience Quotes) Here’s a tip for all you aspiring young comics: Don’t beat up the customers. It is very difficult to get laughs from an audience when you’ve actually drawn blood from one of their number. It kills the mood.  (Audience Quotes) I like wearing beautiful clothes, but that does not translate into my work. People don’t like to see me as a glam doll in my movies. My audience and the media love me with two different perceptions. It’s a strange, crazy situation.  (Audience Quotes) I created this picture of this character who would play the guitar effortlessly, who had no limitations, performing beautiful music, and he moved around with great acrobatic skills, just capturing the audience and being a great entertainer.  (Audience Quotes)
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